56,559 research outputs found

    Dramatic impact of pumping mechanism on photon entanglement in microcavity

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    A theory of entangled photons emission from quantum dot in microcavity under continuous and pulsed incoherent pumping is presented. It is shown that the time-resolved two-photon correlations drastically depend on the pumping mechanism: the continuous pumping quenches the polarization entanglement and strongly suppresses photon correlation times. Analytical theory of the effect is presented.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is expressed in liver

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    AbstractUsing PCR and Northern blot analysis, an IL-1 receptor antagonist specific transcript was amplified from HepG2- and liver mRNA, cDNA clones coding for IL-1 receptor antagonist were isolated from a liver cDNA library and sequence comparison revealed complete identity with the secreted, monocytic form of IL-1 receptor antagonist

    Bose-Einstein condensate in a rapidly rotating non-symmetric trap

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    A rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensate in a symmetric two-dimensional harmonic trap can be described with the lowest Landau-level set of single-particle states. The condensate wave function psi(x,y) is a Gaussian exp(-r^2/2), multiplied by an analytic function f(z) of the complex variable z= x+ i y. The criterion for a quantum phase transition to a non-superfluid correlated many-body state is usually expressed in terms of the ratio of the number of particles to the number of vortices. Here, a similar description applies to a rapidly rotating non-symmetric two-dimensional trap with arbitrary quadratic anisotropy (omega_x^2 < omega_y^2). The corresponding condensate wave function psi(x,y) is a complex anisotropic Gaussian with a phase proportional to xy, multiplied by an analytic function f(z), where z = x + i \beta_- y is a stretched complex variable and 0< \beta_- <1 is a real parameter that depends on the trap anisotropy and the rotation frequency. Both in the mean-field Thomas-Fermi approximation and in the mean-field lowest Landau level approximation with many visible vortices, an anisotropic parabolic density profile minimizes the energy. An elongated condensate grows along the soft trap direction yet ultimately shrinks along the tight trap direction. The criterion for the quantum phase transition to a correlated state is generalized (1) in terms of N/L_z, which suggests that a non-symmetric trap should make it easier to observe this transition or (2) in terms of a "fragmented" correlated state, which suggests that a non-symmetric trap should make it harder to observe this transition. An alternative scenario involves a crossover to a quasi one-dimensional condensate without visible vortices, as suggested by Aftalion et al., Phys. Rev. A 79, 011603(R) (2009).Comment: 20 page

    The application of remotely sensed data in support of emergency rehabilitation of wildfire-damage areas

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    The depth, texture, and water holding capacity of the soil before the fire in the Bridge Creek area of Deschutes National Forest (1979) were determined from available aerial photography and LANDSAT MSS digital data. Three days after the fire was out, complete coverage of the burned area was acquired on 35 mm color infrared film from a near vertical or low oblique perspective. These photographs were used in assessing the condition of vegetation, and in predicting the likelihood of survival. Negatives from vertical natural photography obtained during the same flight were used to produce 3R prints from which large scale mosaics of the entire burned area were obtained. LANDSAT MSS data obtained on the day the fire was under control were used to evaluate vegetative vigor (by calculating a band 7/band 5 ratio value for each spectral class) and to determine the boundary between altered and unaltered land

    Conceptual design study of a 1985 commercial STOL tilt rotor transport

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    Results of conceptual engineering design studies of a STOL tilt rotor commercial aircraft for the 1985 time frame are presented. The details of aircraft size, performance, flying qualities, noise, and cost are included. The savings in terms of fuel economy resulting from STOL operations compared with VTOL vehicles are determined

    Proper holomorphic mappings between symmetrized ellipsoids

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    We characterize the existence of proper holomorphic mappings in the special class of bounded (1,2,...,n)(1,2,...,n)-balanced domains in Cn\mathbb{C}^n, called the symmetrized ellipsoids. Using this result we conclude that there are no non-trivial proper holomorphic self-mappings in the class of symmetrized ellipsoids. We also describe the automorphism groupof these domains.Comment: 10 pages, some modification

    Phase diffusion and locking in single-qubit lasers

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    Motivated by recent experiments, which demonstrated lasing and cooling of the electromagnetic field in an electrical resonator coupled to a superconducting qubit, we study the phase coherence and diffusion of the system in the lasing state. We also discuss phase locking and synchronization induced by an additional {\sl ac} driving of the resonator. We extend earlier work to account for the strong qubit-resonator coupling and to include the effects of low-frequency qubit's noise. We show that the strong coupling may lead to a double peak structure of the spectrum, while the shape and width are determined to the low-frequency noise.Comment: Revised version with a new section about the validity of the model when applied to describe experiment