1,705 research outputs found

    ROSAT monitoring of persistent giant and rapid variability in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809

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    We report evidence for persistent giant and rapid X-ray variability in the radio-quiet, ultrasoft, strong Fe II, narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809. Within a 30 day ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI) monitoring observation at least five giant amplitude count rate variations are visible, with the maximum observed amplitude of variability being about a factor of 60. We detect a rise by a factor of about 57 in just two days. IRAS 13224-3809 appears to be the most X-ray variable Seyfert known, and its variability is probably nonlinear. We carefully check the identification of the highly variable X-ray source with the distant galaxy, and it appears to be secure. We examine possible explanations for the giant variability. Unusually strong relativistic effects and partial covering by occulting structures on an accretion disc can provide plausible explanations of the X-ray data, and we explore these two scenarios. Relativistic boosting effects may be relevant to understanding the strong X-ray variability of some steep spectrum Seyferts more generally.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Predictions of the pseudo-complex theory of Gravity for EHT observations- II. Theory and predictions

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    We present a resum\'e on the modified theory of gravity, called pseudo-complex General Relativity (pc-GR). It is the second in a series of papers, where the first one (Boller et al. 2019, referred to as paper I) discussed the observational consequences of pc-GR. In this paper, we concentrate on the underlying theory. PC-GR involves an algebraic extension of the standard theory of GR and it depends on two phenomenological parameters. An element included in pc-GR that is not present in standard GR is the energy-momentum tensor corresponding to an anisotropic ideal fluid, which we call dark energy. The two parameters are related to the coupling of mass to the dark energy and its fall-off as a function of r. The consequences and predictions of this theory will be discussed in the context of the observational results of the Even Horizon Telescope, expected soon. Our main result is that due to the accumulation of dark energy near a large mass, the modified theory predicts a dark ring followed by a bright ring in the emission profile of the accretion disc. We also discuss the light ring in the equatorial plane.Comment: 2 figure

    Corrosion of copper electrode in sodium sulfide solution

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    AbstractThe electrochemical reactions of a copper electrode in Na2S solutions were studied using cyclic voltammetry, potentiostatic and galvanostatic measurements. In addition surface examination and morphological studies were applied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX). There are three anodic peaks were found in the anodic branch of the voltammogram’s. These peaks may be corresponding successively to the formation of Cu2S, CuS and Cu2O. On the other hand, the cathodic branch contains four peaks. These peaks correspond to the reduction of copper oxide and copper sulfide formed on the anodic branch

    Inclinations and black hole masses of Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    A tight correlation of black hole mass and central velocity dispersion has been found recently for both active and quiescent galaxies. By applying this correlation, we develop a simple method to derive the inclination angles for a sample of 11 Seyfert 1 galaxies that have both measured central velocity dispersions and black hole masses estimated by reverberation mapping. These angles, with a mean value of 36 degree that agrees well with the result obtained by fitting the iron Kα\alpha lines of Seyfert 1s observed with ASCA, provide further support to the orientation-dependent unification scheme of AGN. A positive correlation of the inclinations with observed FWHMs of Hβ\beta line and a possible anti-correlation with the nuclear radio-loudness have been found. We conclude that more accurate knowledge on inclinations and broad line region dynamics is needed to improve the black hole mass determination of AGN with the reverberation mapping technique.Comment: 12 pages including 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Search for X-ray Afterglows from Gamma-Ray Bursts in the RASS

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    We report on a search for X-ray afterglows from gamma-ray bursts using the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS) data. If the emission in the soft X-ray band is significantly less beamed than in the gamma-ray band, we expect to detect many afterglows in the RASS. Our search procedure generated 23 afterglow candidates, where about 4 detections are predicted. Follow-up spectroscopy of several counterpart candidates strongly suggests a flare star origin of the RASS events in many, if not all, cases. Given the small number of events we conclude that the data are consistent with comparable beaming angles in the X-ray and gamma-ray bands. Models predicting a large amount of energy emerging as a nearly isotropic X-ray component, and a so far undetected class of ``dirty fireballs'' and re-bursts are constrained.Comment: 5 pages, LATEX with aipproc.sty, incl. 1 ps-Fig., Proc. of the 5th Huntsville Gamma Ray Burst Symposium, Oct. 1999, ed. R.M. Kippen, AIP; also available at http://www.aip.de/~jcg/publis.htm

    Ponderomotive scattering of an electron-bunch before injection into a laser wakefield

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    For the purpose of laser wakefield acceleration, it turned out that also the injection of electron bunches longer than a plasma wavelength can generate accelerated femtosecond bunches with relatively low energy spread. This is of high interest because such injecting bunches can be provided, e.g., by state-of-the-art photo cathode RF guns. Here we point out that when an e-bunch is injected in the wakefield it is important to take into account the ponderomotive scattering of the injecting bunch by the laser pulse in the vacuum region located in front of the plasma. At low energies of the injected bunch this scattering results in a significant drop of the collection efficiency. Larger collection efficiency can by reached with lower intensity laser pulses and relatively high injection energies. We also estimate the minimum trapping energy for the injected electrons and the length of the trapped bunch.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    ISO observations of four active galaxies

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    We present ISO PHOT-S spectra of four galaxies known or suspected to host a central AGN, selected from the initial Iras/Rosat sample of Boller et al. (1992). Two of them had no obvious Seyfert features in their previous optical spectra: IRAS 14201+2956, and IRAS 21582+1018. The latter was bright enough to also allow SWS observations around selected neon lines, to establish its excitation. While both PHOT-S spectra are characteristic of starburst-dominated galaxies, the neon line ratios in IRAS 21582+1018 indicate the presence of a hard excitation source. New, high-resolution, optical spectra show only a weak, broad component around Halpha, classifying now these two objects as Sey 1.9 galaxies. The two other galaxies observed are the NLS1 galaxies Mrk 359 and Mrk 1388. Their ISO spectra however do not reveal the typical, strong PAH features found in the starburst galaxies and are more like those of standard Seyferts. These results show therefore that, although IR observations were expected to be able to always reveal the presence of an active nucleus by piercing through the central obscuration, the result may be ambiguous: the broad band IR energy distribution can still be dominated by starburts located in a circumnuclear region, and the AGN appear only in specific observations (high-excitation lines in the IR, or optical spectra with better quality than classification spectra). The obscuration needs however to be patchy rather than complete, to explain the detection of the high-excitation lines or broad Balmer wings. Only high-energy observations can then establish the strength of the central AGN and the amount of extinction with certainty.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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