35,401 research outputs found

    Ligand Substitution Dynamics

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    Substitution of a ligand in an inner sphere complex by an outside group is the most fundamental reaction in metal ion chemistr

    Ligand Substitution Processes

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    From the preface: The subject of the mechanistic study of ligand substitution reactions is currently undergoing an exciting growth. New fast-reaction techniques have removed the upper limit on rates that can be measured, and extension to less familiar central metal atoms has begun in earnest. This might seem the wrong moment for review of the field. As yet, definitive treatment is possible only for those complexes involving monodentate ligands with cobalt(III) and platinurn(II). But, because information is so extensive for these systems, it is clear that they are functioning as models from which concepts and experiments are generated for application over the fast-growing range of the subject. We believe that this is an important moment to reopen debate on fundamentals so that concepts will be most felicitously formulated to aid growth of understanding. This monograph is centrally concerned with three aspects of those fundamentals. We have attempted to develop an approach to classification of ligand substitution reactions that is adapted to what seem to have emerged as the characteristic features of these reactions and is susceptible to operational tests. (We do recognize that any such scheme of ideas is necessarily obsolescent once it is formulated since new experiments will certainly follow immediately.) We have tried to evaluate the basis for making generalizations about ligand substitution processes and to formulate tests to show whether new reactions fall within familiar patterns. Finally, we have sought to base the models of ligand substitution processes in the language of molecular-orbital theory. We believe that MO theory is most useful, because it may be used to correlate rate data on complexes with the extensive information available from spectral and magnetic studies, yet differs from crystal-field theory in providing a natural place for consideration of the bonding electrons, which must be a principal determinant of reaction processes. To keep this essay within bounds, we assume familiarity with the elements of experimental kinetics, transition-state theory, and the simple molecular-orbital theory of complexes. Introductory physical chemistry, some familiarity with the study of reaction mechanisms, and mastery of one of the qualitative treatments of MO theory as applied to transition-metal complexes should provide sufficient background. Thus, we hope that this book will be useful to students, relatively early in their careers, who wish to explore this field. Our debts to very many workers will be obvious throughout. We want to record here our special personal debt to Professors Ralph G. Pearson and Fred Basolo and to Dr. Martin Tobe. We particularly thank Professor George S. Hammond for his interest and enthusiasm in this project. Professor Hammond carefully read and criticized the entire manuscript in the final drafts. We received many other valuable criticisms at various stages of this project from Professors R. D. Archer, F. Basolo, J. O. Edwards, J. Finholt, P. Haake, J. Halpern, A. Kropf, R. G. Pearson, S. I. Shupack, M. S. Silver, and C. Walling, and Dr. U. Belluco and Dr. L. Cattalini. We very much appreciate their help and probably should have followed their suggestions more closely. We warmly acknowledge expert assistance from Mrs. Madeline deFriesse, Miss Jan Denby, and Mrs. Diane Celeste in preparation of the manuscript. COOPER H. LANGFORD HARRY B. GRAY Amherst, Massachusetts New York, New York October 196

    Distributed microprocessors in a tactical universal modem

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    The distributed microprocessor system associated with a wideband signal conversion unit (WBSCU) is described. Multiple embedded 8086 and 2901 microprocessors, supported by dedicated hardware modules, perform the required real time operations for both transmit and receive functions. Commands from a host computer determine the configuration of the WBSCU via the IEEE 488 bus. Each of the four WBSCU channels is assigned to process a specified IF waveform; each channel configures its own resources and, in some cases, borrows resources from other channels. The processed waveform data is communicated from individual channels to redundant global memories. Data flow between the user community and global memories occurs via redundant 1553 buses through intelligent Bus Interface Units. Each WBSCU channel contains one 2901 bit slice machine and one 8086 microprocessor. The 2901 provides high speed processing capability for the most time critical operations. The 8086 is used for lower speed processing tasks where its high level language capability can be better exploited. Each 8086 has a global bus for wideband interprocessor communication, and a local bus for 8086/2901, master/slave communication. Software architecture consists of a control and communications structure governing mode dependent signal processing tasks

    Electron Transfer in Proteins

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    Anisotropic valence-->core x-ray fluorescence from a [Rh(en)3][Mn(N)(CN)5]·H2O single crystal: Experimental results and density functional calculations

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    High resolution x-ray fluorescence spectra have been recorded for emission in different directions from a single crystal of the compound [Rh(en)3][Mn(N)(CN)5]·H2O. The spectra are interpreted by comparison with density functional theory (DFT) electronic structure calculations. The Kbeta[double-prime] line, which is strongly polarized along the Mn–N axis, can be viewed as an N(2s)-->Mn(1s) transition, and the angular dependence is understood within the dipole approximation. The so-called Kbeta2,5 region has numerous contributions but is dominated by Mn(4p) and C(2s)-->Mn(1s) transitions. Transition energy splittings are found in agreement with those of calculated occupied molecular orbitals to within 1 eV. Computed relative transition probabilities reproduce experimentally observed trends

    Kinetics of the reduction of metalloproteins by chromous ion

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    The reduction of Cu(330) in Rhus vernicifera laccase by chromous ion is 30% faster than reduction of Cu(614) at room temperature [pH 4.8, µ = 0.1 (NaCl)], and two parallel first-order paths, attributed to heterogeneity of the protein, are observed at both wavelengths. The reactions of stellacyanin, spinach and French-bean plastocyanins, and cytochrome c with chromous ion under similar conditions are faster than that with laccase by factors of 102 to 104, and are first order in protein concentration. Comparison of rates and activation parameters for the reduction of "blue" copper in laccase, stellacyanin, and the two plastocyanins indicates that reduction of the Cu(614) site in laccase may occur by intramolecular electron transfer from one of the Cu(330) sites. Our value of ΔH (17.4 kcal/mol) for the chromous ion reduction of cytochrome c is consistent with a mechanism in which major conformational changes in the protein must accompany electron transfer

    Structures and Reactivity Patterns of Group 9 Metallocorroles

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    Group 9 metallocorroles 1-M(PPh_3) and 1-M(py)_2 [M = Co(III), Rh(III), Ir(III); 1 denotes the trianion of 5,10,15-tris-pentafluorophenylcorrole] have been fully characterized by structural, spectroscopic, and electrochemical methods. Crystal structure analyses reveal that average metal−N(pyrrole) bond lengths of the bis-pyridine metal(III) complexes increase from Co (1.886 Å) to Rh (1.957 Å)/Ir (1.963 Å); and the average metal−N(pyridine) bond lengths also increase from Co (1.995 Å) to Rh (2.065 Å)/Ir (2.059 Å). Ligand affinities for 1-M(PPh_3) axial coordination sites increase dramatically in the order 1-Co(PPh_3) < 1-Rh(PPh_3) < 1-Ir(PPh_3). There is a surprising invariance in the M(+/0) reduction potentials within the five- and six-coordinate corrole series, and even between them; the average M(+/0) potential of 1-M(PPh_3) is 0.78 V vs Ag/AgCl in CH_2Cl_2 solution, whereas that of 1-M(py)_2 is 0.70 V under the same conditions. Electronic structures of one-electron-oxidized 1-M(py)_2 complexes have been assigned by analysis of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic measurements: oxidation is corrole-centered for 1-Co(py)_2 (g = 2.008) and 1-Rh(py)_2 (g = 2.003), and metal-centered for 1-Ir(tma)_2 (g_(zz) = 2.489, g_(yy) = 2.010, g_(xx) = 1.884, g_(av) = 2.128) and 1-Ir(py)_2 (g_(zz) = 2.401, g_(yy) = 2.000, g_(xx) = 1.937, g_(av) = 2.113)

    High-Potential C112D/M121X (X = M, E, H, L) Pseudomonas aeruginosa Azurins

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    Site-directed mutagenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin C112D at the M121 position has afforded a series of proteins with elevated Cu^(II/I) reduction potentials relative to the CuII aquo ion. The high potential and low axial hyperfine splitting (Cu^(II) electron paramagnetic resonance A|) of the C112D/M121L protein are remarkably similar to features normally associated with type 1 copper centers
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