723 research outputs found

    Moving Detectors in Cavities

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    We consider two-level detectors, coupled to a quantum scalar field, moving inside cavities. We highlight some pathological resonant effects due to abrupt boundaries, and decide to describe the cavity by switching smoothly the interaction by a time-dependent gate-like function. Considering uniformly accelerated trajectories, we show that some specific choices of non-adiabatic switching have led to hazardous interpretations about the enhancement of the Unruh effect in cavities. More specifically, we show that the emission/absorption ratio takes arbitrary high values according to the emitted quanta properties and to the transients undergone at the entrance and the exit of the cavity, {\it independently of the acceleration}. An explicit example is provided where we show that inertial and uniformly accelerated world-lines can even lead to the same ``pseudo-temperature''.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, version accepted in Phys.Rev.

    On the Third Critical Speed for Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We study a two-dimensional rotating Bose-Einstein condensate confined by an anharmonic trap in the framework of the Gross-Pitaevksii theory. We consider a rapid rotation regime close to the transition to a giant vortex state. It was proven in [M. Correggi {\it et al}, {\it J. Math. Phys. \textbf{53}(2012)] that such a transition occurs when the angular velocity is of order ε−4 \varepsilon ^{-4}, with ε−2 \varepsilon ^{-2} denoting the coefficient of the nonlinear term in the Gross-Pitaevskii functional and ε≪1 \varepsilon \ll 1 (Thomas-Fermi regime). In this paper we identify a finite value Ωc \Omega_{\mathrm{c}} such that, if Ω=Ω0/ε4 \Omega = \Omega_0/\varepsilon ^4 with Ω0>Ωc \Omega_0 > \Omega_{\mathrm{c}} , the condensate is in the giant vortex phase. Under the same condition we prove a refined energy asymptotics and an estimate of the winding number of any Gross-Pitaevskii minimizer.Comment: pdfLaTeX, 39 pages, minor changes, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Thermodynamics of Rotating Black Branes in Gauss-Bonnet-Born-Infeld Gravity

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    Considering both the Gauss-Bonnet and the Born-Infeld terms, which are on similar footing with regard to string corrections on the gravity side and electrodynamic side, we present a new class of rotating solutions in Gauss-Bonnet gravity with kk rotation parameters in the presence of a nonlinear electromagnetic field. These solutions, which are asymptotically anti-de Sitter in the presence of cosmological constant, may be interpreted as black brane solutions with inner and outer event horizons, an extreme black brane or naked singularity provided the metric parameters are chosen suitably. We calculate the finite action and conserved quantities of the solutions by using the counterterm method, and find that these quantities do not depend on the Gauss-Bonnet parameter. We also compute the temperature, the angular velocities, the electric charge and the electric potential. Then, we calculate the entropy of the black brane through the use of Gibbs-Duhem relation and show that it obeys the area law of entropy. We obtain a Smarr-type formula for the mass as a function of the entropy, the angular momenta and the charge, and show that the conserved and thermodynamic quantities satisfy the first law of thermodynamics. Finally, we perform a stability analysis in both the canonical and grand-canonical ensemble and show that the presence of a nonlinear electromagnetic field has no effect on the stability of the black branes, and they are stable in the whole phase space.Comment: 17 pages, one figur

    Aging to Equilibrium Dynamics of SiO2

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    Molecular dynamics computer simulations are used to study the aging dynamics of SiO2 (modeled by the BKS model). Starting from fully equilibrated configurations at high temperatures T_i =5000K/3760K the system is quenched to lower temperatures T_f=2500K, 2750K, 3000K, 3250K and observed after a waiting time t_w. Since the simulation runs are long enough to reach equilibrium at T_f, we are able to study the transition from out-of-equilibrium to equilibrium dynamics. We present results for the partial structure factors, for the generalized incoherent intermediate scattering function C_q(t_w, t_w+t), and for the mean square displacement msd(t_w,t_w+t). We conclude that there are three different t_w regions: (I) At very short waiting times, C_q(t_w, t_w+t) decays very fast without forming a plateau. Similarly msd(t_w,t_w+t) increases without forming a plateau. (II) With increasing t_w a plateau develops in C_q(t_w, t_w+t) and msd(t_w,t_w+t). For intermediate waiting times the plateau height is independent of t_w and T_i. Time superposition applies, i.e. C_q=C_q(t/t_r) where t_r=t_r(t_w) is a waiting time dependent decay time. Furthermore C_q=C(q,t_w,t_w+t) scales as C_q=C(q,z(t_w,t) where z is a function of t_w and t only, i.e. independent of q. (III) At large t_w the system reaches equilibrium, i.e. C_q(t_w,t_w+t) and msd(t_w,t_w+t) are independent of t_w and T_i. For C_q(t_w,t_w+t) we find that the time superposition of intermediate waiting times (II) includes the equilibrium curve (III).Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submission to PR

    Self-consistent model of unipolar transport in organic semiconductor diodes: accounting for a realistic density-of-states distribution

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    A self-consistent, mean-field model of charge-carrier injection and unipolar transport in an organic semiconductor diode is developed utilizing the effective transport energy concept and taking into account a realistic density-of-states distribution as well as the presence of trap states in an organic material. The consequences resulting from the model are discussed exemplarily on the basis of an indium tin oxide/organic semiconductor/metallic conductor structure. A comparison of the theory to experimental data of a unipolar indium tin oxide/poly-3-hexyl-thiophene/Al device is presented.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; to be published in Journal of Applied Physic

    Self-consistent multi-mode lasing theory for complex or random lasing media

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    A semiclassical theory of single and multi-mode lasing is derived for open complex or random media using a self-consistent linear response formulation. Unlike standard approaches which use closed cavity solutions to describe the lasing modes, we introduce an appropriate discrete basis of functions which describe also the intensity and angular emission pattern outside the cavity. This constant flux (CF) basis is dictated by the Green function which arises when formulating the steady state Maxwell-Bloch equations as a self-consistent linear response problem. This basis is similar to the quasi-bound state basis which is familiar in resonator theory and it obeys biorthogonality relations with a set of dual functions. Within a single-pole approximation for the Green function the lasing modes are proportional to these CF states and their intensities and lasing frequencies are determined by a set of non-linear equations. When a near threshold approximation is made to these equations a generalized version of the Haken-Sauermann equations for multi-mode lasing is obtained, appropriate for open cavities. Illustrative results from these equations are given for single and few mode lasing states, for the case of dielectric cavity lasers. The standard near threshold approximation is found to be unreliable. Applications to wave-chaotic cavities and random lasers are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Combinatorics and Boson normal ordering: A gentle introduction

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    We discuss a general combinatorial framework for operator ordering problems by applying it to the normal ordering of the powers and exponential of the boson number operator. The solution of the problem is given in terms of Bell and Stirling numbers enumerating partitions of a set. This framework reveals several inherent relations between ordering problems and combinatorial objects, and displays the analytical background to Wick's theorem. The methodology can be straightforwardly generalized from the simple example given herein to a wide class of operators.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Experimental investigation of elastic mode control on a model of a transport aircraft

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    A 4.5 percent DC-10 derivative flexible model with active controls is fabricated, developed, and tested to investigate the ability to suppress flutter and reduce gust loads with active controlled surfaces. The model is analyzed and tested in both semispan and complete model configuration. Analytical methods are refined and control laws are developed and successfully tested on both versions of the model. A 15 to 25 percent increase in flutter speed due to the active system is demonstrated. The capability of an active control system to significantly reduce wing bending moments due to turbulence is demonstrated. Good correlation is obtained between test and analytical prediction

    Solving the radial Dirac equations: a numerical odyssey

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    We discuss, in a pedagogical way, how to solve for relativistic wave functions from the radial Dirac equations. After an brief introduction, in Section II we solve the equations for a linear Lorentz scalar potential, V_s(r), that provides for confinement of a quark. The case of massless u and d quarks is treated first, as these are necessarily quite relativistic. We use an iterative procedure to find the eigenenergies and the upper and lower component wave functions for the ground state and then, later, some excited states. Solutions for the massive quarks (s, c, and b) are also presented. In Section III we solve for the case of a Coulomb potential, which is a time-like component of a Lorentz vector potential, V_v(r). We re-derive, numerically, the (analytically well-known) relativistic hydrogen atom eigenenergies and wave functions, and later extend that to the cases of heavier one-electron atoms and muonic atoms. Finally, Section IV finds solutions for a combination of the V_s and V_v potentials. We treat two cases. The first is one in which V_s is the linear potential used in Sec. II and V_v is Coulombic, as in Sec. III. The other is when both V_s and V_v are linearly confining, and we establish when these potentials give a vanishing spin-orbit interaction (as has been shown to be the case in quark models of the hadronic spectrum).Comment: 39 pages (total), 23 figures, 2 table

    Electromagnetic Magic: The Relativistically Rotating Disk

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    A closed form analytic solution is found for the electromagnetic field of the charged uniformly rotating conducting disk for all values of the tip speed vv up to cc. For v=cv=c it becomes the Magic field of the Kerr-Newman black hole with GG set to zero. The field energy, field angular momentum and gyromagnetic ratio are calculated and compared with those of the electron. A new mathematical expression that sums products of 3 Legendre functions each of a different argument, is demonstrated.Comment: 10 pages, one figur
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