848 research outputs found

    Robertson-Walker fluid sources endowed with rotation characterised by quadratic terms in angular velocity parameter

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    Einstein's equations for a Robertson-Walker fluid source endowed with rotation Einstein's equations for a Robertson-Walker fluid source endowed with rotation are presented upto and including quadratic terms in angular velocity parameter. A family of analytic solutions are obtained for the case in which the source angular velocity is purely time-dependent. A subclass of solutions is presented which merge smoothly to homogeneous rotating and non-rotating central sources. The particular solution for dust endowed with rotation is presented. In all cases explicit expressions, depending sinusoidally on polar angle, are given for the density and internal supporting pressure of the rotating source. In addition to the non-zero axial velocity of the fluid particles it is shown that there is also a radial component of velocity which vanishes only at the poles. The velocity four-vector has a zero component between poles

    Born-Infeld black hole in the isolated horizon framework

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    In this work we probe the Born-Infeld (BI) black hole in the isolated horizon framework. It turns out that the BI black hole is consistent with the heuristic model for colored black holes proposed by Ashtekar et al [(2001) Class.Quant.Grav. v. 18, 919-940]. The model points to the unstability of the BI black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Hubble flow variance and the cosmic rest frame

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    We characterize the radial and angular variance of the Hubble flow in the COMPOSITE sample of 4534 galaxies, on scales in which much of the flow is in the nonlinear regime. With no cosmological assumptions other than the existence of a suitably averaged linear Hubble law, we find with decisive Bayesian evidence (ln B >> 5) that the Hubble constant averaged in independent spherical radial shells is closer to its asymptotic value when referred to the rest frame of the Local Group, rather than the standard rest frame of the Cosmic Microwave Background. An exception occurs for radial shells in the range 40/h-60/h Mpc. Angular averages reveal a dipole structure in the Hubble flow, whose amplitude changes markedly over the range 32/h-62/h Mpc. Whereas the LG frame dipole is initially constant and then decreases significantly, the CMB frame dipole initially decreases but then increases. The map of angular Hubble flow variation in the LG rest frame is found to coincide with that of the residual CMB temperature dipole, with correlation coefficient -0.92. These results are difficult to reconcile with the standard kinematic interpretation of the motion of the Local Group in response to the clustering dipole, but are consistent with a foreground non-kinematic anisotropy in the distance-redshift relation of 0.5% on scales up to 65/h Mpc. Effectively, the differential expansion of space produced by nearby nonlinear structures of local voids and denser walls and filaments cannot be reduced to a local boost. This hypothesis suggests a reinterpretation of bulk flows, which may potentially impact on calibration of supernovae distances, anomalies associated with large angles in the CMB anisotropy spectrum, and the dark flow inferred from the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. It is consistent with recent studies that find evidence for a non-kinematic dipole in the distribution of distant radio sources.Comment: 37 pages, 9 tables, 13 figures; v2 adds extensive new analysis (including additional subsections, tables, figures); v3 adds a Monte Carlo analysis (with additional table, figure) which further tightens the statistical robustness of the dipole results; v4 adds further clarifications, small corrections, references and discussion of Planck satellite results; v5 typos fixed, matches published versio

    Kolmogorov cosmic microwave background sky

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    A new map of the sky representing the degree of randomness in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature has been obtained. The map based on estimation of the Kolmogorov stochasticity parameter clearly distinguishes the contribution of the Galactic disk from the CMB and reveals regions of various degrees of randomness that can reflect the properties of inhomogeneities in the Universe. For example, among the high randomness regions is the southern non-Gaussian anomaly, the Cold Spot, with a stratification expected for the voids. Existence of its counterpart, a Northern Cold Spot with almost identical randomness properties among other low-temperature regions is revealed. By its informative power, Kolmogorov's map can be complementary to the CMB temperature and polarization sky maps.Comment: A & A (in press), to match the published version, 4 pages, 5 figs, 2 Table

    An inhomogeneous universe with thick shells and without cosmological constant

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    We build an exact inhomogeneous universe composed of a central flat Friedmann zone up to a small redshift z1z_1, a thick shell made of anisotropic matter, an hyperbolic Friedmann metric up to the scale where dimming galaxies are observed (z1.7z\simeq 1.7) that can be matched to a hyperbolic Lema\^{i}tre-Tolman-Bondi spacetime to best fit the WMAP data at early epochs. We construct a general framework which permits us to consider a non-uniform clock rate for the universe. As a result, both for a uniform time and a uniform Hubble flow, the deceleration parameter extrapolated by the central observer is always positive. Nevertheless, by taking a non-uniform Hubble flow, it is possible to obtain a negative central deceleration parameter, that, with certain parameter choices, can be made the one observed currently. Finally, it is conjectured a possible physical mechanism to justify a non-uniform time flow.Comment: Version published in Class. Quantum gra

    Isotropy, shear, symmetry and exact solutions for relativistic fluid spheres

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    The symmetry method is used to derive solutions of Einstein's equations for fluid spheres using an isotropic metric and a velocity four vector that is non-comoving. Initially the Lie, classical approach is used to review and provide a connecting framework for many comoving and so shear free solutions. This provides the basis for the derivation of the classical point symmetries for the more general and mathematicaly less tractable description of Einstein's equations in the non-comoving frame. Although the range of symmetries is restrictive, existing and new symmetry solutions with non-zero shear are derived. The range is then extended using the non-classical direct symmetry approach of Clarkson and Kruskal and so additional new solutions with non-zero shear are also presented. The kinematics and pressure, energy density, mass function of these solutions are determined.Comment: To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Smarr's formula for black holes with non-linear electrodynamics

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    It is known that for nonlinear electrodynamics the First Law of Black Hole Mechanics holds, however the Smarr's formula for the total mass does not. In this contribution we discuss the point and determine the corresponding expressions for the Bardeen black hole solution that represents a nonlinear magnetic monopole. The same is done for the regular black hole solution derived by Ayon-Beato and Garcia, showing that in the case that variations of the electric charge are involved, the Smarr's formula does not longer is valid.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures.Contribution to the Festscrift of Prof. A. Garci

    Cosmology, cohomology, and compactification

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    Ashtekar and Samuel have shown that Bianchi cosmological models with compact spatial sections must be of Bianchi class A. Motivated by general results on the symmetry reduction of variational principles, we show how to extend the Ashtekar-Samuel results to the setting of weakly locally homogeneous spaces as defined, e.g., by Singer and Thurston. In particular, it is shown that any m-dimensional homogeneous space G/K admitting a G-invariant volume form will allow a compact discrete quotient only if the Lie algebra cohomology of G relative to K is non-vanishing at degree m.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe

    Rotating Solution of Einstein-Maxwell Dilaton Gravity with Unusual Asymptotics

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    We study electrically charged, dilaton black holes, which possess infinitesimal angular momentum in the presence of one or two Liouville type potentials. These solutions are neither asymptotically flat nor (anti)-de Sitter. Some properties of the solutions are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, Accepted (Int. J. Theor. Phys.