197 research outputs found

    The Influence of Lifestyle on BMI Change for Tree-Month Injectable Hormonal Contraceptive Users

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    Tree-Month injectable hormonal contraceptive quarterly causes an increase in BMI. Increased BMI is one of the main reasons why the contraceptive users stopped their contraceptive. However, increased BMI was not experienced by all users, there are other factors that can influence increased BMI, such as consumption, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lifestyle to anthropometic change in the injectable hormonal contraceptive users. This study used observational analytic study and case control design. The sample size use simple random sampling technique. To determine the effect and odd ratio, this study used a simple logistic regression test. The results showed that lifestyle factor that affect and risk for anthropometric changein the three-month contraceptive users is sedentary behavior. Sedentary behavior ≥ 3 hours per day can increase the risk of increased BMI 9,048 times compared with sedentary behavior < 3 hours per day. The conclusion is sedentary lifestyle affected increased BMI among three- month injectable hormonal contraceptive users. By reducing sedentary behavior habit and increasing exercise behaviour, three-month injectable contraceptive users can prevent the risk of increased BMI

    Upaya Penerapan Sanksi Hukum Administrasi Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kabupaten Nganjuk terhadap Penyelenggaraan Reklame tanpa Izin (Studi di Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Kabupaten Nganjuk)

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    Penelitian ini Penulis membahas mengenai penerapan sanksi hukum administrasi yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kabupaten Nganjuk Terhadap Penyelenggaraan Reklame Tanpa Izin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah penerapan sanksi hukum administrasi yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kabupaten Nganjuk terkait dengan penyelenggaraan reklame tanpa izin yang banyak terpasang di daerah Kabupaten Nganjuk. Pemasangan reklame tanpa izin disebabkan karena masih banyak Perusahaan lokal dengan pendapatan yang belum maksimal untuk melakukan izin penerbitan reklame.Kata kunci : Penerapan sanksi hukum administrasi, Perizinan, Penyelenggaraan reklam

    Rehabilitasi Terumbu Karang Akibat Pengeboman Dengan Metode Transplantasi Menggunakan Karang Jenis Acropora SP.

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    Coral reefs are ecosystems which have the diversity of fauna and productivity high. Besides coral reef ecosystems is also a place to live, a place foraging (feeding ground), care area (nursery ground) and spawn (spawning ground) for a variety of marine life. In the village Sinaulu Jaya is one of the areas that have the potential for major coral species Acropora sp, but due to the activities of the local people in fishing activities in ways that are not environmentally friendly such as the use of bombs that make coral reefs in this area many degraded or damaged. To address the sustainability of catching up with the environmentally unfriendly then the initiative to socialize and transplantation

    Penaksir Rasio untuk Variansi Populasi Menggunakan Kuartil dari Karakter Tambahan pada Sampling Acak Sederhana

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    This paper discusses three ratio estimators for population variance in simple randomsampling using quartiles of the auxiliary variable given by Subramani andKumarapandiyan [International Journal of Statistics and Applications., 2(5): 67-72].The estimators discussed are the ratio estimator using the first quartile, the third quartileand the inter-quartile range. These three estimators discussed are biased estimators.Furthermore, their mean square errors are compared to show which one is the mostefficient estimator. This comparison shows that the ratio estimator using inter-quartilerange is the most efficient estimator

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of training and working environment of the employees\u27 performance of PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang. Type of research is explanatory research with sample size about 85 employees at the staff. The data were analyzed quantitatively by Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Z test and F test were performed with SPSS version 11.0, and also performed a qualitative analysis. Training which include: communication training, customer service training, salesmanship training, training in the discussion of consumer protection laws and training on the implementation of policy. Results and discussion of the studies suggest that there is a significant relationship between training and job performance that is equal to 37.4%, which means the training factor determining employee performance by 37.4%. Z test of significance test is known that the value of z 4.715 count is greater than z table is 1.96, which means there is a positive effect between training and job performance, which means any improvements to the training will affect job performance in the same direction. While the work environment include: air temperature, noise, cleanliness, scientific equipment, lighting horizontal and vertical relationships between superiors and subordinates, aspires freedom and responsibility appropriate authority. From the results and discussion stated that there is a significant relationship between work environment with job performance that is equal to 45.3%, which means the work environment factors determining employee performance by 45.3%. While the z test of significance test is known that the value of z 4.064 count is greater than z table is 1.96, which means there is a positive influence between work environment and job performance, which means that changes in working towards environmental improvements that will positively affect work performance in the same direction. training variables and the work environment positive effect on employees \u27performance by 53.5%, which means that 53.5% of employees\u27 performance is determined by training and work environment factors

    Pengaruh Penambahan Karagenan Terhadap Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia Dan Sensoris Fruit and Vegetable Leather Berbasis Albedo Semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard.) Dan Labu Siam (Sechium Edule)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan karagenan terhadap karakteristik fisik, kimia dan sensorisdari fruit and vegetable leather berbasis albedo semangka dan labu siam. Pengolahan fruit leather yang ada di Indonesia saat inihanya berbahan dasar buah buahan, perlu adanya penganekaragaman olahan dari fruit leather ini dengan menambahkan sayuranuntuk meningkatkan kandungan serat dan gizi, yang selanjutnya dikenal sebagai fruit and vegetable leather. Penelitian inimenggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu konsentrasi karagenan yang ditambahkan (0,3%, 0,6% dan0,9%). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang nyata terhadap karakteristik fisik yakni aktivitas air dankekuatan gel namun tidak berpengaruh nyata pada karakteristik kimia kadar air dan vitamin C. Penambahan konsentrasi karagenanmeningkatkan kadar abu dan kadar serat pangan. Pada pengujian sensoris menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh yang nyatapada parameter rasa aroma dan overall namun memiliki pengaruh secara nyata pada parameter warna dan tekstur. Rekomendasikonsentrasi terbaik adalah 0,9% untuk fisik, kimia dan sensoris

    Pendugaan Umur Simpan Fruit Leather Nangka (Arrtocarpus Heterophyllus) Dengan Penambahan Gum Arab Menggunakan Metode Accelerated Shelf Life Test (Aslt) Model Arrhenius

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui umur simpan fruit leather nangka dengan Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) metodeberdasarkan model Arrhenius. Menentukan umur simpan dengan menggunakan Accelerated Shelf Life Test (ASLT) dilakukandengan mempercepat proses degradasi atau reaksi dalam percobaan, yaitu meningkatkan suhu penyimpanan pada beberapa suhu diatas suhu kamar, sehingga mempercepat umur simpan analisis waktu. Metode ASLT yang digunakan dalam menentukan masakadaluwarsanya fruit leather nangka dengan menggunakan parameter kadar air dan organoleptik. Fruit leather nangka disimpanselama 25 hari, pada suhu 35oC, 45oC dan 55oC. Dari model Arrhenius dipilih parameter tekstur sebagai parameter kritis untukmenentukan umur simpan fruit leather nangka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai R2 terbesar digunakan untuk penentuan umursimpan produk yaitu parameter kesukaan tekstur (reaksi orde nol) dengan regresi y = -1698.4(1/T) + 3.3164 dan nilai R2 sebesar0.9899. Umur simpan fruit leather nangka adalah 30 hari pada suhu 30oC
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