57 research outputs found

    Einleitung: Angewandte Ethik als Medium gesellschaftlicher Selbstreflexion

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    Oculogica: An Eye-Catching Innovation in Health Care and The Privacy Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Diagnostics For The Human Brain

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    This article explores the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in emerging eye-tracking diagnostic technology, with a focus on both the patient data privacy and security regulations that firms, specifically device inventors and manufacturers, may face and how such firms can address the developing privacy and regulatory legal challenges. In addition, we discuss the ethical considerations of algorithmic bias, the impact such biases have on society and emerging technology, along with specific actions companies should take to maximize patient outcomes. Lastly, we offer a case study of Oculogica, an emerging digital health technology company—and its medical device (EyeBOX) – to illustrate how digital health firms can enhance patient outcomes, while ensuring data security and privacy, while simultaneously promoting responsible development of advanced algorithms for diagnostic AI

    In Search of Meaning

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    The essays collected in this volume explore some of the themes that have been at the centre of recent debates within Wittgensteinian scholarship. This book is an attempt to express the difficult nature of ethics, mysticism and religion, their problematic status in the modern world, and the possible justifications for ethical and religious commitment. Naturally, it also discusses some of the main ideas of Ludwig Wittgenstein. His very personal and often aphoristic way of writing cannot simply be restated or interpreted. However, his philosophy is in need of interpretation, and interpretations are — as we all know — often rather controversial. The collected contributions aim, therefore, at bringing new insight into the essence of Wittgenstein‘s ethical and religious beliefs by understanding his concepts of thought and language in a more detailed way. In opposition to what we are tentatively inclined to think, the articles of this volume invite us to understand that our need to grasp the essence of ethical and religious thought and language will not be achieved by metaphysical theories expounded from such a point of view, but by focusing on our everyday forms of expression. The articles have in common an understanding of Wittgenstein as not proposing metaphysical theories, but rather showing us the way to work ourselves out of the confusions we become entangled in when philosophizing. Thus, the authors show from a Wittgensteinian perspective that the standard modern approaches to ethics cannot justify traditional moral beliefs

    In Search of Meaning : Ludwig Wittgenstein on Ethics, Mysticism and Religion

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    The essays collected in this volume explore some of the themes that have been at the centre of recent debates within Wittgensteinian scholarship. In opposition to what we are tentatively inclined to think, the articles of this volume invite us to understand that our need to grasp the essence of ethical and religious thought and language will not be achieved by metaphysical theories expounded from such a point of view, but by focusing on our everyday forms of expression


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    „Prometheus verläßt das Theater“ Zur Geschichte eines Mythos in der DDR-Kultur

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    Among the collection of ancient myths which remain relevant even in the present times, the Prometheus myth occupies an important place. This is based, among other things, on the fact that the figure of Prometheus is characterised by a set of attributes that comprise his ambivalence. The interpretation of this myth in cultural history follows three main lines of tradition which originated with Hesiod, Aeschylus, and Plato. ForHesiod, The theft of the fire by Prometheus, the son of the Titians, plays an essential role, for he is responsible for separating the gods from the humans. In Aeschylus’ drama Prometheus Bound, Prometheus is a symbol of the human goals of freedom and independence. Plato puts this idea in perspective in his Protagoras dialogue. He claims that Prometheus was only able to endow humans with technical knowledge and skills, but not with statecraft. These last two traditions had a great impact on the interpretation of the Prometheus myth in Eastern Germany including the former GDR. Aeschylus’ version was initially dominant in the government of the socialist state, which celebrated itself as the executor of the Promethean will. Following the consolidation of power and especially at the first signs of decay in the state’s authority, artists increasingly adopted Plato’s view. At this time, the ambivalence of the Promethean influence was emphasised.Die Rje nezeption des Prometheus-Mythos vollzog sich in der Kulturgeschichte im wesentlichen in drei Traditionslinien, deren Ursprünge die Namen Hesiod, Aischylos und Platon markieren. Sie verweisen signifikant auf unterschiedene Sichtweisen des mythischen Geschehens. Hinzu kommt noch eine mündlich tradierte und schließlich von Ovid in den Metamorphosen schriftlich fixierte Variation des Mythos, in der der Titanensohn als Menschenbildner figuriert. In der Konstitutionsphase der DDR wird in Kunst und Literatur zunächst der aischyleische Prometheus vornehmlich als Symbol der Selbstbefreiung des Proletariats, als Leitbild für eine neue Gesellschaft bemüht. Bedingt durch eine zunehmende Desillusionierung gegenüber den anfänglichen Erwartungshaltungen in den 60ger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts wenden sich Künstler und Schriftsteller der von Platon in seinem Protagoras-Sokrates-Dialog vermittelten Traditionslinie zu, in der vor allem die Unfertigkeit prometheischen Tuns hervorgehoben wird. Die Prometheus-Gestaltungen der 80er Jahre verweisen schließlich nicht nur auf eine gesellschaftliche Krisen-, sondern eine Endzeitsituation. Deutlich zeigt dies die Graphik Prometheus verläßt das Theater von Wolfgang Mattheuer. Der Künstler-Prometheus stellt hier sein eigenes Werk in Frage, überantwortet es dem Feuer, welches er zuvor selbst gebracht hatte.Dans l’histoire de la culture, la réception du mythe de Prométhée s’est développée principalement selon trois axes, marqués à l’origine par les noms d’Hésiode, d’Eschyle et de Platon. Ceux-ci renvoient essentiellement à des interprétations différentes du mythe. Il s’y ajoute encore une variante de tradition orale, fixée littérairement par Ovide dans les Métamorphoses, où le fils des Titans apparaît comme artisan façonnant des hommes. Dans la phase de constitution de la RDA, c’est d’abord au Prométhée d’Eschyle que l’on fait appel dans l’art et la littérature, avant tout pour figurer le symbole de la libération du prolétariat par lui-même, figure de proue d'une nouvelle société. Avec la désillusion croissante au regard des attentes nourries dans les années 60, les artistes et les écrivains se tournent vers la tradition transmise dans le dialogue platonicien entre Protagoras et Socrate, où l’accent principal porte sur l’inachèvement de l’œuvre prométhéenne. Les figures de Prométhée des années 80 renvoient pour finir à une situation non seulement de crise de la société, mais aussi de fin du monde. C’est ce que fait apparaître la gravure Prométhée quitte le théâtre, de Wolfgang Mattheuer. Le Prométhée artiste remet ici son propre ouvrage en cause et le livre au feu, ce feu qu’il avait autrefois lui-même apporté

    In Search of Meaning

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    The essays collected in this volume explore some of the themes that have been at the centre of recent debates within Wittgensteinian scholarship. In opposition to what we are tentatively inclined to think, the articles of this volume invite us to understand that our need to grasp the essence of ethical and religious thought and language will not be achieved by metaphysical theories expounded from such a point of view, but by focusing on our everyday forms of expression

    Geschichte des ökologischen Landbaus im deutschsprachigen Raum [History of organic agriculture in the German-speaking region]

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    Erste Ansätze zu ökologischer Landbewirtschaftung gab es bereits Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Neben den Anfängen des ökologischen Landbaus beleuchtet der Autor auch das Umfeld, in dem ökologischer Landbau entstanden ist. Themen: Entstehungskontext des ökologischen Landbaus Abfolge der ökologischen Landbausysteme Natürlicher Landbau Biologisch-dynamische Wirtschaftsweise Organisch-Biologischer Landbau Biologischer Landbau Ökologischer Lannbau der organisch-biologischen Landbauverbände Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der ökologischen Landbausystem
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