74,122 research outputs found

    The multiplicity of massive stars

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    Binaries are excellent astrophysical laboratories that provide us with direct measurements of fundamental stellar parameters. Compared to single isolated star, multiplicity induces new processes, offering the opportunity to confront our understanding of a broad range of physics under the extreme conditions found in, and close to, astrophysical objects. In this contribution, we will discuss the parameter space occupied by massive binaries, and the observational means to investigate it. We will review the multiplicity fraction of OB stars within each regime, and in different astrophysical environments. In particular we will compare the O star spectroscopic binary fraction in nearby open clusters and we will show that the current data are adequately described by an homogeneous fraction of f~0.44. We will also summarize our current understanding of the observed parameter distributions of O+OB spectroscopic binaries. We will show that the period distribution is overabundant in short period binaries and that it can be described by a bi-modal Oepik law with a break point around P~10d. The distribution of the mass-ratios shows no indication for a twin population of equal mass binaries and seems rather uniform in the range 0.2< q=M_2/M_1<1.0.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, IAU272: Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass los

    Adaptive high-order finite element solution of transient elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems

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    This article presents a new numerical method to solve transient line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) problems. A high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element method is used for the spatial discretization, and the standard Crank-Nicolson method is employed to approximate the time derivative. An h-adaptivity method is used for grid adaptation with the time-stepping, and the penalty method is employed to handle the cavitation condition. The roughness model employed here is a simple indentation, which is located on the upper surface. Numerical results are presented comparing the DG method to standard finite difference (FD) techniques. It is shown that micro-EHL features are captured with far fewer degrees of freedom than when using low-order FD methods

    A quantitative analysis of inter-island telephony traffic in the Pacific Basin Region (PBR)

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    As part of NASA's continuing assessment of future communication satellite requirements, a study was conducted to quantitatively scope current and future telecommunication traffic demand in the South Pacific Archipelagos. This demand was then converted to equivalent satellite transponder capacities. Only inter-island telephony traffic for the Pacific Basin Region was included. The results show that if all this traffic were carried by a satellite system, one-third of a satellite transponder would be needed to satisfy the base-year (1976-1977) requirement and about two-thirds of a satellite transponder would be needed to satisfy the forecasted 1985 requirement

    Lensing Properties of Cored Galaxy Models

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    A method is developed to evaluate the magnifications of the images of galaxies with lensing potentials stratified on similar concentric ellipses. A simple contour integral is provided which enables the sums of the magnifications of even parity or odd parity or the central image to be easily calculated. The sums for pairs of images vary considerably with source position, while the signed sums can be remarkably uniform inside the tangential caustic in the absence of naked cusps. For a family of models in which the potential is a power-law of the elliptic radius, the number of visible images is found as a function of flattening, external shear and core radius. The magnification of the central image depends on the core radius and the slope of the potential. For typical source and lens redshifts, the missing central image leads to strong constraints; the mass distribution in the lensing galaxy must be nearly cusped, and the cusp must be isothermal or stronger. This is in accord with the cuspy cores seen in high resolution photometry of nearby, massive, early-type galaxies, which typically have the surface density falling like distance^{-1.3} outside a break radius of a few hundred parsecs. Cuspy cores by themselves can provide an explanation of the missing central images. Dark matter at large radii may alter the slope of the projected density; provided the slope remains isothermal or steeper and the break radius remains small, then the central image remains unobservable. The sensitivity of the radio maps must be increased fifty-fold to find the central images in abundance.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures, ApJ in pres

    High power laser apparatus and system

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    A high-power, continuous-wave laser was designed for use in power transmission and energy-collecting systems, and for producing incoherent light for pumping a laser material. The laser has a high repetitive pulsing rate per unit time, resulting in a high-power density beam. The laser is composed of xenon flash tubes powered by fast-charging capacitors flashed in succession by a high-speed motor connected to an automobile-type distributor

    Rapidly pulsed, high intensity, incoherent light source

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    A rapid pulsing, high intensity, incoherent light is produced by selectively energizing a plurality of discharge lamps with a triggering circuit. Each lamp is connected to a capacitor, and a power supply is electrically connected to all but one of the capacitors. This last named capacitor is electrically connected to a discharge lamp which is connected to the triggering circuit

    Electronic visualization of gas bearing behavior

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    Visualization technique produces a visual simulation of gas bearing operation by electronically combining the outputs from the clearance probes used to monitor bearing component motion. Computerized recordings of the probes output are processed, displayed on an oscilloscope screen and recorded with a high-speed motion picture camera

    Lightweight orthotic braces

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    Leg brace is constructed of fiber-reinforced polymer material. Composite material is stiffer, stronger, and lighter than most metals

    Secondary prevention of stroke: Using the experiences of patients and carers to inform the development of an educational resource

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    Copyright @ The Author 2008. This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below.Background. Patients who have had one stroke are at increased risk of another. Secondary prevention strategies that address medical risk factors and promote healthy lifestyles can reduce the risk. However, concordance with secondary prevention strategies is poor and there has been little research into patient and carer views. Objectives. To explore the experiences of patients and carers of receiving secondary prevention advice and use these to inform the development of an educational resource. Methods. A total of 38 participants (25 patients and 13 carers) took part in the study which used an action research approach. Focus groups and interviews were undertaken with patients and carers who had been discharged from hospital after stroke (between 3 and 24 months previously). Framework analysis was used to examine the data and elicit action points to develop an educational resource. Results. Participants’ main concern was their desire for early access to information. They commented on their priorities for what information or support they needed, the difficulty of absorbing complex information whilst still an in-patient and how health professionals’ use of language was often a barrier to understanding. They discussed the facilitators and barriers to making lifestyle changes. The educational resource was developed to include specific advice for medical and lifestyle risk factors and an individual action plan. Conclusion. An educational resource for secondary prevention of stroke was developed using a participatory methodology. Our findings suggest that this resource is best delivered in a one-to-one manner, but further work is needed to identify its potential utility.Peninsula Primary Care Research Networ
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