4,827 research outputs found

    The Liability Threshold Model for Censored Twin Data

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    Family studies provide an important tool for understanding etiology of diseases, with the key aim of discovering evidence of family aggregation and to determine if such aggregation can be attributed to genetic components. Heritability and concordance estimates are routinely calculated in twin studies of diseases, as a way of quantifying such genetic contribution. The endpoint in these studies are typically defined as occurrence of a disease versus death without the disease. However, a large fraction of the subjects may still be alive at the time of follow-up without having experienced the disease thus still being at risk. Ignoring this right-censoring can lead to severely biased estimates. We propose to extend the classical liability threshold model with inverse probability of censoring weighting of complete observations. This leads to a flexible way of modeling twin concordance and obtaining consistent estimates of heritability. We apply the method in simulations and to data from the population based Danish twin cohort where we describe the dependence in prostate cancer occurrence in twins

    A short proof of the planarity characterization of Colin de Verdière

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    AbstractColin de Verdière introduced an interesting new invariant μ(G) for graphs G, based on algebraic and analytic properties of matrices associated with G. He showed that the invariant is monotone under taking miners and moreover, that μ(G) ≤ 3 if only if G is planar. In this paper we give a short proof of Colin de Verdière′s result that μ(G) ≤ 3 if G is planar

    Equivalence between various versions of the self-dual action of the Ashtekar formalism

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    Different aspects of the self-dual (anti-self-dual) action of the Ashtekar canonical formalism are discussed. In particular, we study the equivalences and differences between the various versions of such an action. Our analysis may be useful for the development of an Ashtekar formalism in eight dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, minor correction

    Using Artifacts as Triggers for Participatory Analysis

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    Based on a study of a three-day workshop between users and developers, we show how artifacts like computer prototypes can be used to trigger productive discussions. We demonstrate how clashes between contextualized artifacts and the practitioners' (users) conceptions and experiences of their work practices trigger new understandings of current practice as well as possible futures. In this way, artifacts support the work of participatory analysis as well as participatory design

    OrgTrace – No Difference in Levels of Bioactive Compounds found in Crops from Selected Organic and Conventional Cultivation Systems

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    The objective of the present study was to compare the content of selected bioactive compounds in organically and conventionally grown crops, and to evaluate if the ability of the crops to synthesize selected secondary metabolites was systematically affected by growth systems across different growth years as well as soil types. The results showed that contents of neither polyacetylenes and carotenoids in carrots, flavonoids in onions, nor phenolic acids in carrots and potatoes were significantly influenced by growth system. Thus it could not be concluded that the organically grown crops had higher contents of bioactive compounds than the conventionally grown. This indicates that giving preference to organic products because they contain more bioactive components is doubtfull. However, there are many other reasons for the consumer to choose organic food products, including: no pesticide residues in foods, animal welfare, and environmental protection

    Semilinear mixed problems on Hilbert complexes and their numerical approximation

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    Arnold, Falk, and Winther recently showed [Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 47 (2010), 281-354] that linear, mixed variational problems, and their numerical approximation by mixed finite element methods, can be studied using the powerful, abstract language of Hilbert complexes. In another recent article [arXiv:1005.4455], we extended the Arnold-Falk-Winther framework by analyzing variational crimes (a la Strang) on Hilbert complexes. In particular, this gave a treatment of finite element exterior calculus on manifolds, generalizing techniques from surface finite element methods and recovering earlier a priori estimates for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on 2- and 3-surfaces, due to Dziuk [Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1357 (1988), 142-155] and later Demlow [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 47 (2009), 805-827], as special cases. In the present article, we extend the Hilbert complex framework in a second distinct direction: to the study of semilinear mixed problems. We do this, first, by introducing an operator-theoretic reformulation of the linear mixed problem, so that the semilinear problem can be expressed as an abstract Hammerstein equation. This allows us to obtain, for semilinear problems, a priori solution estimates and error estimates that reduce to the Arnold-Falk-Winther results in the linear case. We also consider the impact of variational crimes, extending the results of our previous article to these semilinear problems. As an immediate application, this new framework allows for mixed finite element methods to be applied to semilinear problems on surfaces.Comment: 22 pages; v2: major revision, particularly sharpening of error estimates in Section

    Measuring nutritional risk in hospitals

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    About 20%–50% of patients in hospitals are undernourished. The number varies depending on the screening tool amended and clinical setting. A large number of these patients are undernourished when admitted to the hospital, and in most of these patients, undernutrition develops further during hospital stay. The nutrition course of the patient starts by nutritional screening and is linked to the prescription of a nutrition plan and monitoring. The purpose of nutritional screening is to predict the probability of a better or worse outcome due to nutritional factors and whether nutritional treatment is likely to influence this. Most screening tools address four basic questions: recent weight loss, recent food intake, current body mass index, and disease severity. Some screening tools, moreover, include other measurements for predicting the risk of malnutrition. The usefulness of screening methods recommended is based on the aspects of predictive validity, content validity, reliability, and practicability. Various tools are recommended depending on the setting, ie, in the community, in the hospital, and among elderly in institutions. The Nutrition Risk Screening (NRS) 2002 seems to be the best validated screening tool, in terms of predictive validity ie, the clinical outcome improves when patients identified to be at risk are treated. For adult patients in hospital, thus, the NRS 2002 is recommended

    Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Conformal Formulations of the Einstein Constraints

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    The Einstein constraint equations have been the subject of study for more than fifty years. The introduction of the conformal method in the 1970's as a parameterization of initial data for the Einstein equations led to increased interest in the development of a complete solution theory for the constraints, with the theory for constant mean curvature (CMC) spatial slices and closed manifolds completely developed by 1995. The first general non-CMC existence result was establish by Holst et al. in 2008, with extensions to rough data by Holst et al. in 2009, and to vacuum spacetimes by Maxwell in 2009. The non-CMC theory remains mostly open; moreover, recent work of Maxwell on specific symmetry models sheds light on fundamental non-uniqueness problems with the conformal method as a parameterization in non-CMC settings. In parallel with these mathematical developments, computational physicists have uncovered surprising behavior in numerical solutions to the extended conformal thin sandwich formulation of the Einstein constraints. In particular, numerical evidence suggests the existence of multiple solutions with a quadratic fold, and a recent analysis of a simplified model supports this conclusion. In this article, we examine this apparent bifurcation phenomena in a methodical way, using modern techniques in bifurcation theory and in numerical homotopy methods. We first review the evidence for the presence of bifurcation in the Hamiltonian constraint in the time-symmetric case. We give a brief introduction to the mathematical framework for analyzing bifurcation phenomena, and then develop the main ideas behind the construction of numerical homotopy, or path-following, methods in the analysis of bifurcation phenomena. We then apply the continuation software package AUTO to this problem, and verify the presence of the fold with homotopy-based numerical methods.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Final revision for publication, added material on physical implication

    Graphs whose minimal rank is two : the finite fields case

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    Let F be a finite field, G = (V,E) be an undirected graph on n vertices, and let S(F,G) be the set of all symmetric n × n matrices over F whose nonzero off-diagonal entries occur in exactly the positions corresponding to the edges of G. Let mr(F,G) be the minimum rank of all matrices in S(F,G). If F is a finite field with pt elements, p ??= 2, it is shown that mr(F,G) = 2 if and only if the complement of G is the join of a complete graph with either the union of at most (pt+1)/2 nonempty complete bipartite graphs or the union of at most two nonempty complete graphs and of at most (pt - 1)/2 nonempty complete bipartite graphs. These graphs are also characterized as those for which 9 specific graphs do not occur as induced subgraphs. If F is a finite field with 2t elements, then mr(F,G) = 2 if and only if the complement of G is the join of a complete graph with either the union of at most 2t +1 nonempty complete graphs or the union of at most one nonempty complete graph and of at most 2t-1 nonempty complete bipartite graphs. A list of subgraphs that do not occur as induced subgraphs is provided for this case as well

    Graphs whose minimal rank is two

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    Let F be a field, G = (V,E) be an undirected graph on n vertices, and let S(F,G) be the set of all symmetric n × n matrices whose nonzero off-diagonal entries occur in exactly the positions corresponding to the edges of G. For example, if G is a path, S(F,G) c onsists of the symmetric irreducible tridiagonal matrices. Let mr(F,G) be the minimum rank over all matrices in S(F,G). Then mr(F,G) = 1 if and only if G is the union of a clique with at least 2 vertices and an independent set. If F is an infinite field such that char F ??= 2, then mr(F,G) = 2 if and only if the complement of G is the join of a clique and a graph that is the union of at most two cliques and any number of complete bipartite graphs. A similar result is obtained in the case that F is an infinite field with char F = 2. Furthermore, in each case, such graphs are characterized as those for which 6 specific graphs do not occur as induced subgraphs. The number of forbidden subgraphs is reduced to 4 if the graph is connected. Finally, similar criteria is obtained for the minimum rank of a Hermitian matrix to be less than or equal to two. The complement is the join of a clique and a graph that is the union of any number of cliques and any number of complete bipartite graphs. The number of forbidden subgraphs is now 5, or in the connected case, 3
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