4,071 research outputs found

    Constructing and exploring wells of energy landscapes

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    Landscape paradigm is ubiquitous in physics and other natural sciences, but it has to be supplemented with both quantitative and qualitatively meaningful tools for analyzing the topography of a given landscape. We here consider dynamic explorations of the relief and introduce as basic topographic features ``wells of duration TT and altitude yy''. We determine an intrinsic exploration mechanism governing the evolutions from an initial state in the well up to its rim in a prescribed time, whose finite-difference approximations on finite grids yield a constructive algorithm for determining the wells. Our main results are thus (i) a quantitative characterization of landscape topography rooted in a dynamic exploration of the landscape, (ii) an alternative to stochastic gradient dynamics for performing such an exploration, (iii) a constructive access to the wells and (iv) the determination of some bare dynamic features inherent to the landscape. The mathematical tools used here are not familiar in physics: They come from set-valued analysis (differential calculus of set-valued maps and differential inclusions) and viability theory (capture basins of targets under evolutionary systems) which have been developed during the last two decades; we therefore propose a minimal appendix exposing them at the end of this paper to bridge the possible gap.Comment: 28 pages, submitted to J. Math. Phys -

    Set-Valued Analysis, Viability Theory and Partial Differential Inclusions

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    Systems of first-order partial differential inclusions -- solutions of which are feedbacks governing viable trajectories of control systems -- are derived. A variational principle and an existence theorem of a (single-valued contingent) solution to such partial differential inclusions are stated. To prove such theorems, tools of set-valued analysis and tricks taken from viability theory are surveyed. This paper is the text of a plenary conference to the World Congress on Nonlinear Analysis held at Tampa, Florida, August 19-26, 1992

    Hyperbolic Systems of Partial Differential Inclusions

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    This paper is devoted to the study of first-order hyperbolic systems of partial differential inclusions which are in particular motivated by several problems of control theory, such as tracking problems. The existence of contingent single-valued solutions is proved for a certain class of such systems. Several comparison and localization results (which replace uniqueness results in the case of hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations) allow to derive useful informations on the solutions of these problems

    Local lipschitzness of reachability maps for hybrid systems with applications to safety

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    Motivated by the safety problem, several definitions of reachability maps, for hybrid dynamical systems, are introduced. It is well established that, under certain conditions, the solutions to continuous-time systems depend continuously with respect to initial conditions. In such setting, the reachability maps considered in this paper are locally Lipschitz (in the Lipschitz sense for set-valued maps) when the right-hand side of the continuous-time system is locally Lipschitz. However, guaranteeing similar properties for reachability maps for hybrid systems is much more challenging. Examples of hybrid systems for which the reachability maps do not depend nicely with respect to their arguments, in the Lipschitz sense, are introduced. With such pathological cases properly identified, sufficient conditions involving the data defining a hybrid system assuring Lipschitzness of the reachability maps are formulated. As an application, the proposed conditions are shown to be useful to significantly improve an existing converse theorem for safety given in terms of barrier functions. Namely, for a class of safe hybrid systems, we show that safety is equivalent to the existence of a locally Lipschitz barrier function. Examples throughout the paper illustrate the results

    Dynamic Regulation of Controlled Systems, Inertia Principle and Heavy Viable Solutions

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    Existence of viable (controlled invariant) solutions of a control problem regulated by absolutely continuous open loop controls is proved by using the concept of viability kernels of closed subsets (largest closed controlled invariant subsets). This is needed to provide dynamical feedbacks, i.e., differential equations governing the evolution of viable controls. Among such differential equations, the differential equation providing heavy solutions (in the sense of heavy trends), i.e., governing the evolution of controls with minimal velocity is singled out. Among possible applications, these results are used to define global contingent subsets of the contingent cones which allow to prove the convergence of a modified version of the structure algorithm to a closed viability domain of any closed subset

    Partial Differential Inclusions Governing Feedback Controls

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    The authors derive partial differential inclusions of hyperbolic type, the solutions of which are feedbacks governing the viable (controlled invariant) solutions of a control system. They show that the tracking property, another important control problem, leads to such hyperbolic systems of partial differential inclusions. They begin by proving the existence of the largest solution of such a problem, a stability result and provide an explicit solution in the particular case of decomposable systems. They then state a variational principle and an existence theorem of a. (single-valued contingent) solution to such an inclusion, that they apply to assert the existence of a feedback control

    The Viability Kernel Algorithm for Computing Value Functions of Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems

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    We characterize in this paper the epigraph of the value function of a discounted infinite horizon optimal control problem as the viability kernel of an auxiliary differential inclusion. Then the viability kernel algorithm applied to this problem provides the value function of the discretized optimal control problem as the supremum of a nondecreasing sequence of functions iteratively defined. We also use the fact that an upper Painleve-Kuratowski limit of closed viability domains is a viability domain to prove the convergence of the discrete value functions

    Observability of Systems under Uncertainty

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    The authors observe the evolution of a state of a system under uncertainty governed by a differential inclusion through an observation map. The set-valued character due to uncertainty leads them to introduce the "Sharp Input-Output Map", which is a (usual) product, and the "Hazy Input-Output Map", which is a square product. They provide criteria for both sharp and hazy local observability in terms of (global) sharp and hazy observability of a variational inclusion. They reach their conclusions by implementing the following strategy: (1) Provide a general principle of local injectivity and observability of a set-valued map I, which derives these properties from the fact that the kernel of an adequate derivative of I is equal to 0. (2) Supply chain rule formulas which allow to compute the derivatives of the usual product I_{-} and the square product I_{+} from the derivatives of the observation map H and the solution map S. (3) Characterize the various derivatives of the solution map S in terms of the solution maps of the associated variational inclusions. (4) Piece together these results for deriving local sharp and hazy observability of the original system from sharp and hazy observability of the variational inclusions. (5) Study global sharp and hazy observability of the variational inclusions

    Controllability and Observability of Control Systems under Uncertainty

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    This report surveys the results of nonlinear systems theory (controllability and observability) obtained at IIASA during the last three summers. Classical methods based on differential geometry require some regularity and fail as soon as state-dependent constraints are brought to bear on the controls, or uncertainty and disturbances are involved in the system. Since these important features appear in most realistic control problems, new methods had to be devised, which encompass the classical ones, and allow the presence of a priori feedback into the control systems. This is now possible thanks to new tools, in the development of which IIASA played an important role: differential inclusions and set-valued analysis

    Set-valued Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for Hyperbolic Systems of Partial Differential Inclusions

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    We prove the existence of global set-valued solutions to the Cauchy problem for partial differential equations and inclusions, with either single-valued or set-valued initial conditions. The method is based on the equivalence between this problem and problem of finding viability tubes of the associated characteristic system of ordinary differential equations or differential inclusions