2,116 research outputs found

    An association between lifespan and variation in insulin-like growth factor I receptor in sheep

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    Longevity in livestock is a valuable trait. When productive animals live longer, fewer replacement animals need to be raised. However, selection for longevity is not commonly the focus of breeding programs as direct selection for long-lived breeding stock is virtually impossible until late in the reproductive life of the animal. Additionally the underlying genetic factors or genes associated with longevity are either not known, or not well understood. In humans, there is evidence that IGF 1 receptor (IGF1R) is involved in longevity. Polymorphism in the IGF1R gene has been associated with longevity in a number of species. Recently, 3 alleles of ovine IGF1R were identified, but no analysis of the effect of IGF1R variation on sheep longevity has been reported. In this study, associations between ovine IGF1R variation, longevity and fertility were investigated. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) was used to type IGF1R variation in 1,716 New Zealand sheep belonging to 6 breeds and 36 flocks. Ovine IGF1R C was associated with age when adjusting for flock (present 5.5 ± 0.2 yr, absent 5.0 ± 0.1 yr, P = 0.02). A general linear mixed effects model suggested an association (P = 0.06) between age and genotype, when correcting for flock. Pairwise comparison (least significant difference) of specific genotypes revealed the difference to be between AA (5.0± 0.1 yr) and AC (5.6 ± 0.2 yr, P = 0.02). A weak negative Pearson correlation between fertility and longevity traits was observed (r = -0.25, P < 0.01). The finding of an association between variation in IGF1R and lifespan in sheep may be useful in prolonging the lifespan of sheep

    On the L_p-solvability of higher order parabolic and elliptic systems with BMO coefficients

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    We prove the solvability in Sobolev spaces for both divergence and non-divergence form higher order parabolic and elliptic systems in the whole space, on a half space, and on a bounded domain. The leading coefficients are assumed to be merely measurable in the time variable and have small mean oscillations with respect to the spatial variables in small balls or cylinders. For the proof, we develop a set of new techniques to produce mean oscillation estimates for systems on a half space.Comment: 44 pages, introduction revised, references expanded. To appear in Arch. Rational Mech. Ana

    On the new concept of the available water climatology and its application

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    We propose a new concept of climatology called the Available Water Climate (AWC). Available water is 'the remained water usable in every moment' that is calculated regardless of any time intervals or the amounts of precipitation. With this concept, the Available Water Resources Index (AWRI) has been digitized following the earlier work of Byun and Lee (2002). The applicability of AWRI not only to the assessment and prediction of water related disasters but also to the academic researches has been tested. Resulted merits are as follows. Firstly, the threshold value of AWRI for the occurrence of all water related disasters like flood, drought, inundation landslide, and drought each region became clear, therefore the assessment and the prediction of them became much more precise than before. It became clear that the more extreme the AWRI value is, the severer the related disasters become. As example, all disasters caused by heavy rains, even though a small inundation, became predictable at the time step of heavy rain warning with the help of the Long-term remained water index(LWI). As another example, the drought intensity and its dates on start and end are defined with more reasonably and precisely than any other drought indexes with help of the Effective drought index (EDI) using sliding time scale. Secondly, the spatiotemporal distribution of water environment were digitized clearly and objectively using AWRI and new concepts of the Water Abundant Season (WAS) and the Little Water Season (LIWAS), their dates on start and end, and their strength were defined, which is very beneficial for agriculture, forestry, and all other water controls. Also, the differences of water environments among regions were clearly digitized and the improvement of the climate classification by Köppen etc. became possible. Thirdly, other merits will be found continuously afterwards

    Large-Amplitude Ultraviolet Variations in the RR Lyrae Star ROTSE-I J143753.84+345924.8

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    The NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite has obtained simultaneous near and far ultraviolet light curves of the ROTSE-I Catalog RR Lyrae ab-type variable star J143753.84+345924.8. A series of 38 GALEX Deep Imaging Survey observations well distributed in phase within the star's 0.56432d period shows an AB=4.9mag variation in the far UV (1350-1750A) band and an AB=1.8mag variation in the near UV (1750-2750A) band, compared with only a 0.8mag variation in the broad, unfiltered ROTSE-I (4500-10000A) band. These GALEX UV observations are the first to reveal a large RR Lyrae amplitude variation at wavelengths below 1800A. We compare the GALEX and ROTSE-I observations to predictions made by recent Kurucz stellar atmosphere models. We use published physical parameters for the comparable period (0.57433d), well-observed RR Lyrae star WY Antliae to compute predicted FUV, NUV, and ROTSE-I light curves for J143753.84+345924.8. The observed light curves agree with the Kurucz predictions for [Fe/H]=-1.25 to within AB=0.2mag in the GALEX NUV and ROTSE-I bands, and within 0.5mag in the FUV. At all metallicities between solar and one hundredth solar, the Kurucz models predict 6-8mag of variation at wavelengths between 1000-1700A. Other variable stars with similar temperature variations, such as Cepheids, should also have large-amplitude FUV light curves, observable during the ongoing GALEX imaging surveys.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue. Links to the full set of papers will be available at http:/www.galex.caltech.edu/PUBLICATIONS after November 22, 200

    Soft X-Ray Sources at the Centers of the Elliptical Galaxies NGC 4472 and NGC 4649

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    Analysis of recent Chandra observations of the elliptical galaxies NGC 4472 and NGC 4649 has revealed faint soft X-ray sources at their centers. The sources are located to within 1'' of the optical centers of the galaxies. They are most likely associated with the central supermassive black holes. Interest in these and several other similar objects stems from the unusually low luminosity of the supermassive black holes embedded in dense interstellar medium. Our Chandra sources have very soft spectra. They are detectable only below ~0.6 keV and have luminosities in the 0.2-2.5 keV energy band of ~ 6 * 10^{37} erg/s and ~1.7 * 10^{38} erg/s in NGC 4649 and NGC 4472, respectively.Comment: Shortened version of the paper published in Astronomy Letter

    UV emission and Star Formation in Stephan's Quintet

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    we present the first GALEX UV images of the well known interacting group of galaxies, Stephan's Quintet (SQ). We detect widespread UV emission throughout the group. However, there is no consistent coincidence between UV structure and emission in the optical, H\alpha, or HI. Excluding the foreground galaxy NGC7320 (Sd), most of the UV emission is found in regions associated with the two spiral members of the group, NGC7319 and NGC7318b, and the intragroup medium starburst SQ-A. The extinction corrected UV data are analyzed to investigate the overall star formation activity in SQ. It is found that the total star formation rate (SFR) of SQ is 6.69+-0.65 M_\sun/yr. Among this, 1.34+-0.16 M_sun/yr is due to SQ-A. This is in excellent agreement with that derived from extinction corrected H\alpha luminosity of SQ-A. The SFR in regions related to NGC 7319 is 1.98+-0.58 M_\sun/yr, most of which(68%) is contributed by the disk. The contribution from the 'young tail' is only 15%. In the UV, the 'young tail' is more extended (~100 kpc) and shows a loop-like structure, including the optical tail, the extragalactic HII regions recently discovered in H\alpha, and other UV emission regions discovered for the first time. The UV and optical colors of the 'old tail' are consistent with a single stellar population of age t ~10^{8.5+-0.4} yrs. The UV emission associated with NGC 7318b is found in a very large (~80 kpc) disk, with a net SFR of 3.37+-0.25 M_sun/yr. Several large UV emission regions are 30 -- 40 kpc away from the nucleus of NGC7318b. Although both NGC7319 and NGC7318b show peculiar UV morphology, their SFR is consistent with that of normal Sbc galaxies, indicating that the strength of star formation activity is not enhenced by interactions.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer(GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue. Links to the full set of papers will be available at http:/www.galex.caltech.edu/PUBLICATIONS/ after November 22, 200