209 research outputs found

    Europese miljoenen voor stamcelonderzoek bij planten

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    Onderzoek levert fundamentele kennis over plantengroei, relevant voor de landbouw

    Low-fat and still creamy

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    Cheese specialist Zijerveld wanted its range of cheeses to include a tasty goat’s cheese with only 30 percent fat. Nobody had managed that using traditional techniques. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research came up with a new formula. Healthier and just as tasty

    Vetarm en toch lekker romig

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    Kaasspecialist Zijerveld wilde een smaakvolle geitenkaas met slechts 30 procent vet in het assortiment. Met ambachtelijke technieken lukte dat niet. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research vond een nieuwe receptuur voor het kaasje. Gezonder en net zo lekker

    Lang zal ze leven

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    Melkkoeien gaan na een jaar of zes naar de slager. Gezondheidsproblemen zijn vaak een reden om ze af te voeren, maar met de juiste aanpak kunnen ze zeker twee jaar langer mee. Dat is goed voor het koeienwelzijn en levert geld én milieuvoordelen op

    Kruiden verdringen antibiotica

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    Vanwege beperking van het antibioticagebruik vallen veehouders steeds vaker terug op kruiden, bacteriedrankjes en andere natuurlijke middelen om dieren gezond te maken én te houden. Hoewel harde medische claims niet altijd voorhanden zijn, boeken boeren soms spectaculaire resultaten met natuurlijke preparaten

    Letter from the Citizens of Ommen to the Governor of Overijssel

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    Sixteen citizens of Ommen sent a communication to the Governor of the Province that they saw no need for him to send a military detachment to Ommen now that the disturbances had ended. Besides, a relatively few people were the troublemakers. The billeting of military people will be a great burden to the citizens of Ommen.https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1830s/1048/thumbnail.jp

    A comparative study of the electrochemical properties of vitamin B-6 related compounds at physiological pH

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    A comparative study of vitamin B6 group and related compounds in buffered solutions using electrochemical techniques has been performed at neutral pH. Irreversible bi- or tetra-electronic processes are observed for these substances, and the electron transfer coefficient (αn) calculated. It was concluded that either the first or second electron transfer were the rate determining step of the electrode process. The diffusion coefficient of these substances was calculated and the values given follow an inverse tendency to the molecular size. For aldehydes the values obtained were corrected of the hydration reaction. It is important to remark that catalytic waves were reported for the first time for these compounds. Using a model involving the nitrogen of the basic structure the kinetic constants were calculated for most of them

    Amine functionalization of cholecyst-derived extracellular matrix with generation 1 PAMAM dendrimer

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    This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work, see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/bm701055k.A method to functionalize cholecyst-derived extracellular matrix (CEM) with free amine groups was established in an attempt to improve its potential for tethering of bioactive molecules. CEM was incorporated with Generation-1 polyamidoamine (G1 PAMAM) dendrimer by using N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethylcarbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide cross-linking system. The nature of incorporation of PAMAM dendrimer was evaluated using shrink temperature measurements, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) assessment, ninhydrin assay, and swellability. The effects of PAMAM incorporation on mechanical and degradation properties of CEM were evaluated using a uniaxial mechanical test and collagenase degradation assay, respectively. Ninhydrin assay and FTIR assessment confirmed the presence of increasing free amine groups with increasing quantity of PAMAM in dendrimer-incorporated CEM (DENCEM) scaffolds. The amount of dendrimer used was found to be critical in controlling scaffold degradation, shrink temperature, and free amine content. Cell culture studies showed that fibroblasts seeded on DENCEM maintained their metabolic activity and ability to proliferate in vitro. In addition, fluorescence cell staining and scanning electron microscopy analysis of cell-seeded DENCEM showed preservation of normal fibroblast morphology and phenotype

    High-Throughput Identification of Potential Minor Histocompatibility Antigens by MHC Tetramer-Based Screening: Feasibility and Limitations

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    T-cell recognition of minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHA) plays an important role in the graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effect of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). However, the number of MiHA identified to date remains limited, making clinical application of MiHA reactive T-cell infusion difficult. This study represents the first attempt of genome-wide prediction of MiHA, coupled to the isolation of T-cell populations that react with these antigens. In this unbiased high-throughput MiHA screen, both the possibilities and pitfalls of this approach were investigated. First, 973 polymorphic peptides expressed by hematopoietic stem cells were predicted and screened for HLA-A2 binding. Subsequently a set of 333 high affinity HLA-A2 ligands was identified and post transplantation samples from allo-SCT patients were screened for T-cell reactivity by a combination of pMHC-tetramer-based enrichment and multi-color flow cytometry. Using this approach, 71 peptide-reactive T-cell populations were generated. The isolation of a T-cell line specifically recognizing target cells expressing the MAP4K1IMA antigen demonstrates that identification of MiHA through this approach is in principle feasible. However, with the exception of the known MiHA HMHA1, none of the other T-cell populations that were generated demonstrated recognition of endogenously MiHA expressing target cells, even though recognition of peptide-loaded targets was often apparent

    Freeze-Dried Somatic Cells Direct Embryonic Development after Nuclear Transfer

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    The natural capacity of simple organisms to survive in a dehydrated state has long been exploited by man, with lyophylization the method of choice for the long term storage of bacterial and yeast cells. More recently, attempts have been made to apply this procedure to the long term storage of blood cells. However, despite significant progress, practical application in a clinical setting is still some way off. Conversely, to date there are no reports of attempts to lyophilize nucleated somatic cells for possible downstream applications. Here we demonstrate that lyophilised somatic cells stored for 3 years at room temperature are able to direct embryonic development following injection into enucleated oocytes. These remarkable results demonstrate that alternative systems for the long-term storage of cell lines are now possible, and open unprecedented opportunities in the fields of biomedicine and for conservation strategies