223 research outputs found

    Periodontal impact of surgically induced dental lesions in mandibular osteodistraction: an animal study.

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    AIM: The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of dental lesions on the periodontium, in a canine model of mandibular osteodistraction. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In six adult male Beagle dogs, an osteotomy was made between the right second lateral incisor and canine, and a distraction device placed. The roots adjacent to the osteotomy were deliberately damaged by the reciprocating saw and chisel, with preservation of the attached gingiva. The osteodistraction protocol used was: latency of 7 days, rate of distraction 1mm per day, and rhythm once a day for 5 days. Vital staining was carried out with tetracycline, Xylenol Orange and Calcein Green. The dogs were sacrificed after 12 weeks of consolidation and the specimens were evaluated with light microscopy (native, polarized light, fluorescence, and after toluidin blue staining). RESULTS: The periodontal ligament (PDL) regeneration was observed in the 2500 slices examined. Cementum and dentine lesions were repaired by cellular cementum. Loose dentine and cementum-dentine fragments were embedded in regenerated PDL and their surface repaired by cementum. By means of light microscopic examination and within the limited observation time, no degenerative pulpal changes were found, when the pulp canal was not entered. Extensive pulp exposure and destruction resulted in ingrowth of the PDL and bone-like tissue. In that case, cellular cementum also lined the dentine surface of the pulp canal. CONCLUSION: Although there was an extensive reparative response to the para-pulpal lesions, none of the changes observed showed evidence of a loss of functional integrity of the periodontium at the distraction site. The fate of the tooth with exposed pulp canal remains uncertain

    Маркетинг в социальных сетях как инструмент продвижения товаров и услуг

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    В настоящее время на смену телевидению, радио, печати и другим традиционным средствам массовой информации пришли интернет-коммуникации. Сегодня социальные сети заняли свою нишу среди инструментов маркетинга. Так, количество пользователей Интернета в мире увеличивается с каждым днем, и, согласно информации "Global Digital 2018" от We Are Social и Hootsuite, по состоянию на январь 2018 достигло 4,021 миллиарда человек. Таким образом, рост за год составил 7% [1]. И, конечно, увеличивается и количество людей, которые зарегистрированы в социальных сетях. Социальные медиа уже давно стали популярной рекламной средой глобального масштаба, с помощью которого предприятия и организации пытаются привлечь как можно больше клиентов. Компания Olapic провела исследование, в ходе которого изучалось влияние созданных пользователями фотографий на доверие к бренду со стороны потребителей. Выяснилось, что покупатели в 7 раз более склонны доверять фото в социальных сетях, на которых изображены «реальные люди», чем традиционной рекламе [2]. Итак, на сегодняшний день социальные сети все чаще служат не просто средством коммуникации между пользователями, а еще и являются отличной площадкой для продвижения товаров и услуг

    Use of the intraosseous screw for unilateral upper molar distalization and found well balanced occlusion

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to present a temporary anchorage device with intraosseous screw for unilateral molar distalization to make a space for the impacted premolar and to found well balanced occlusion in a case. CASE PRESENTATION: A 13-year-old male who have an impacted premolar is presented with skeletal Class I and dental Class 2 relationship. The screw was placed and immediately loaded to distalize the left upper first and second molar. The average distalization time to achieve an overcorrected Class I molar relationship was 3.6 months. There was no change in overjet, overbite, or mandibular plane angle measurements. Mild protrusion (0.5 mm) of the upper left central incisor was also recorded. CONCLUSION: Immediately loaded intraosseous screw-supported anchorage unit was successful in achieving sufficient unilateral molar distalization without anchorage loss. This treatment procedure was an alternative treatment to the extraction therapy