334 research outputs found

    Choosing Union Representation: The Role of Attitudes and Emotions

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    In the United States, most unions are recognized by a majority vote of employees through union representation elections administered by the government. Most empirical studies of individual voting behavior during union representation elections use a rational choice model. Recently, however, some have posited that voting is often influenced by emotions. We evaluate competing hypotheses about the determinants of union voting behavior by using data collected from a 2010 representation election at Delta Air Lines, a US-based company. In addition to the older rational choice framework, multiple regression results provide support for an emotional choice model. Positive feelings toward the employer are statistically significantly related to voting ‘no’ in a representation election, while positive feelings toward the union are related to a ‘yes’ vote. Effect sizes for the emotion variables were generally larger than those for the rational choice variables, suggesting that emotions may play a key role in representation election outcomes

    Towards an autonomous vision-based unmanned aerial system againstwildlife poachers

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    Poaching is an illegal activity that remains out of control in many countries. Based on the 2014 report of the United Nations and Interpol, the illegal trade of global wildlife and natural resources amounts to nearly $213 billion every year, which is even helping to fund armed conflicts. Poaching activities around the world are further pushing many animal species on the brink of extinction. Unfortunately, the traditional methods to fight against poachers are not enough, hence the new demands for more efficient approaches. In this context, the use of new technologies on sensors and algorithms, as well as aerial platforms is crucial to face the high increase of poaching activities in the last few years. Our work is focused on the use of vision sensors on UAVs for the detection and tracking of animals and poachers, as well as the use of such sensors to control quadrotors during autonomous vehicle following and autonomous landing.Peer Reviewe

    Phosphonate as a Stable Zinc-Binding Group for "Pathoblocker" Inhibitors of Clostridial Collagenase H (ColH)

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    Microbial infections are a significant threat to public health, and resistance is on the rise, so new antibiotics with novel modes of action are urgently needed. The extracellular zinc metalloprotease collagenase H (ColH) from Clostridium histolyticum is a virulence factor that catalyses tissue damage, leading to improved host invasion and colonisation. Besides the major role of ColH in pathogenicity, its extracellular localisation makes it a highly attractive target for the development of new antivirulence agents. Previously, we had found that a highly selective and potent thiol prodrug (with a hydrolytically cleavable thiocarbamate unit) provided efficient ColH inhibition. We now report the synthesis and biological evaluation of a range of zinc‐binding group (ZBG) variants of this thiol‐derived inhibitor, with the mercapto unit being replaced by other zinc ligands. Among these, an analogue with a phosphonate motif as ZBG showed promising activity against ColH, an improved selectivity profile, and significantly higher stability than the thiol reference compound, thus making it an attractive candidate for future drug development

    N-Aryl mercaptoacetamides as potential multi-target inhibitors of metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) and the virulence factor LasB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Increasing antimicrobial resistance is evolving to be one of the major threats to public health. To reduce the selection pressure and thus to avoid a fast development of resistance, novel approaches aim to target bacterial virulence instead of growth. Another strategy is to restore the activity of antibiotics already in clinical use. This can be achieved by the inhibition of resistance factors such as metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs). Since MBLs can cleave almost all β-lactam antibiotics, including the “last resort” carbapenems, their inhibition is of utmost importance. Here, we report on the synthesis and in vitro evaluation of N-aryl mercaptoacetamides as inhibitors of both clinically relevant MBLs and the virulence factor LasB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All tested N-aryl mercaptoacetamides showed low micromolar to submicromolar activities on the tested enzymes IMP-7, NDM-1 and VIM-1. The two most promising compounds were further examined in NDM-1 expressing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates, where they restored the full activity of imipenem. Together with their LasB-inhibitory activity in the micromolar range, this class of compounds can now serve as a starting point for a multi-target inhibitor approach against both bacterial resistance and virulence, which is unprecedented in antibacterial drug discovery

    Histoplasma capsulatum Heat-Shock 60 Orchestrates the Adaptation of the Fungus to Temperature Stress

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    Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are among the most widely distributed and evolutionary conserved proteins. Hsps are essential regulators of diverse constitutive metabolic processes and are markedly upregulated during stress. A 62 kDa Hsp (Hsp60) of Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc) is an immunodominant antigen and the major surface ligand to CR3 receptors on macrophages. However little is known about the function of this protein within the fungus. We characterized Hc Hsp60-protein interactions under different temperature to gain insights of its additional functions oncell wall dynamism, heat stress and pathogenesis. We conducted co-immunoprecipitations with antibodies to Hc Hsp60 using cytoplasmic and cell wall extracts. Interacting proteins were identified by shotgun proteomics. For the cell wall, 84 common interactions were identified among the 3 growth conditions, including proteins involved in heat-shock response, sugar and amino acid/protein metabolism and cell signaling. Unique interactions were found at each temperature [30°C (81 proteins), 37°C (14) and 37/40°C (47)]. There were fewer unique interactions in cytoplasm [30°C (6), 37°C (25) and 37/40°C (39)] and four common interactions, including additional Hsps and other known virulence factors. These results show the complexity of Hsp60 function and provide insights into Hc biology, which may lead to new avenues for the management of histoplasmosis

    Low aerobic mitochondrial energy metabolism in poorly- or undifferentiated neuroblastoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) has been associated with carcinogenesis in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. In the present study we investigated components of the oxidative phosphorylation system in human neuroblastoma tissue samples.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Spectrophotometric measurements, immunohistochemical analysis and Western blot analysis were used to characterize the aerobic mitochondrial energy metabolism in neuroblastomas (NB).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to mitochondrial citrate synthase, SDH activity was severely reduced in NB (n = 14) versus kidney tissue. However no pathogenic mutations could be identified in any of the four subunits of SDH. Furthermore, no genetic alterations could be identified in the two novel SDH assembly factors SDHAF1 and SDH5. Alterations in genes encoding nfs-1, frataxin and isd-11 that could lead to a diminished SDH activity have not been detected in NB.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Because downregulation of other complexes of the oxidative phosphorylation system was also observed, a more generalized reduction of mitochondrial respiration seems to be present in neuroblastoma in contrast to the single enzyme defect found in hereditary pheochromocytomas.</p

    Leishmania Mitochondrial Peroxiredoxin Plays a Crucial Peroxidase-Unrelated Role during Infection: Insight into Its Novel Chaperone Activity

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    Two-cysteine peroxiredoxins are ubiquitous peroxidases that play various functions in cells. In Leishmania and related trypanosomatids, which lack catalase and selenium-glutathione peroxidases, the discovery of this family of enzymes provided the molecular basis for peroxide removal in these organisms. In this report the functional relevance of one of such enzymes, the mitochondrial 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (mTXNPx), was investigated along the Leishmania infantum life cycle. mTXNPx null mutants (mtxnpx−) produced by a gene replacement strategy, while indistinguishable from wild type promastigotes, were found unable to thrive in a murine model of infection. Unexpectedly, however, the avirulent phenotype of mtxnpx− was not due to lack of the peroxidase activity of mTXNPx as these behaved like controls when exposed to oxidants added exogenously or generated by macrophages during phagocytosis ex vivo. In line with this, mtxnpx− were also avirulent when inoculated into murine hosts unable to mount an effective oxidative phagocyte response (B6.p47phox−/− and B6.RAG2−/− IFN-γ−/− mice). Definitive conclusion that the peroxidase activity of mTXNPx is not required for parasite survival in mice was obtained by showing that a peroxidase-inactive version of this protein was competent in rescuing the non-infective phenotype of mtxnpx−. A novel function is thus proposed for mTXNPx, that of a molecular chaperone, which may explain the impaired infectivity of the null mutants. This premise is based on the observation that the enzyme is able to suppress the thermal aggregation of citrate synthase in vitro. Also, mtxnpx− were more sensitive than controls to a temperature shift from 25°C to 37°C, a phenotype reminiscent of organisms lacking specific chaperone genes. Collectively, the findings reported here change the paradigm which regards all trypanosomatid 2-Cys peroxiredoxins as peroxide-eliminating devices. Moreover, they demonstrate, for the first time, that these 2-Cys peroxiredoxins can be determinant for pathogenicity independently of their peroxidase activity

    Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA in non-small-cell lung carcinomas

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    The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to be strictly related to vascular permeability and endothelial cell growth under physiological and pathological conditions. In tumour development and progression, VEGF plays a pivotal role in the development of the tumoral vascular network, and useful information in the progression of human cancer can be obtained by analysing the vascular endothelial growth factor expression of the tumours. In this study, we investigated the vascular endothelial growth factor transcript expression in non-small-cell lung carcinomas to evaluate the significance of this factor in a group of cancers in which the vascular pattern has been shown to significantly affect progression. Surgical samples of 42 patients with NSCLC were studied using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis and in situ hybridization. Thirty-three out of 42 cases (78.6%) showed VEGF transcript expression predominantly as transcripts for the secretory forms of VEGF (isoforms 121 and 165). In situ hybridization, performed on 24 out of 42 samples, showed that the VEGF transcript expression was in several cases present in the cytoplasm both of neoplastic and normal cells, even if the VEGF mRNA was less expressed in the corresponding non-tumoral part. The VEGF 121 expression was associated with hilar and/or mediastinal nodal involvement (P = 0.02), and, taken together, the VEGF isoforms were shown to significantly influence overall (P = 0.02) and disease-free survival (P = 0.03). As a regulator of tumour angiogenesis, VEGF may represent a useful indicator of progression and poor prognosis in non-small-cell lung carcinomas. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig