471 research outputs found

    Embracing complexity in international forest governance: a way forward; Policy Brief

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    This Policy Brief summarizes the findings of a comprehensive assessment of scientific information about international forest governance carried out by an Expert Panel of over 30 of the world's leading scientists working in the areas of environmental governance and international forest law. It aims to provide policy and decision makers with essential knowledge and building blocks required for a more effective and inclusive governance of the world's forest

    Electronically assisted surveillance systems of healthcare-associated infections:a systematic review

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    Background: Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) is the basis of each infection control programme and, in case of acute care hospitals, should ideally include all hospital wards, medical specialties as well as all types of HAI. Traditional surveillance is labour intensive and electronically assisted surveillance systems (EASS) hold the promise to increase efficiency. Objectives: To give insight in the performance characteristics of different approaches to EASS and the quality of the studies designed to evaluate them. Methods: In this systematic review, online databases were searched and studies that compared an EASS with a traditional surveillance method were included. Two different indicators were extracted from each study, one regarding the quality of design (including reporting efficiency) and one based on the performance (e.g. specificity and sensitivity) of the EASS presented. Results: A total of 78 studies were included. The majority of EASS (n = 72) consisted of an algorithm-based selection step followed by confirmatory assessment. The algorithms used different sets of variables. Only a minority (n = 7) of EASS were hospital- wide and designed to detect all types of HAI. Sensitivity of EASS was generally high (> 0.8), but specificity varied (0.37-1). Less than 20% (n = 14) of the studies presented data on the efficiency gains achieved. Conclusions: Electronically assisted surveillance of HAI has yet to reach a mature stage and to be used routinely in healthcare settings. We recommend that future studies on the development and implementation of EASS of HAI focus on thorough validation, reproducibility, standardised datasets and detailed information on efficiency

    Set-up of a population-based familial breast cancer registry in Geneva, Switzerland: validation of first results

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    Background: This article evaluates the accuracy of family history of breast and ovarian cancer among first-degree relatives of breast cancer patients, retrospectively collected during the setting up of a population-based family breast cancer registry. Patients and methods: Family histories of cancer for all women with breast cancer recorded at the Geneva Cancer Registry from 1990 to 1999 were retrospectively extracted from medical files. The accuracy of these family histories was validated among Swiss women born in Geneva: all 119 with a family history of breast (n = 110) or ovarian (n = 9) cancer and a representative sample of 100 women with no family history of breast or ovarian cancer. We identified the first-degree relatives of these women with information from the Cantonal Population Office. All first-degree relatives, resident in Geneva from 1970 to 1999, were linked to the cancer registry database for breast and ovarian cancer occurrence. Sensitivity, specificity and level of overall agreement (κ) were calculated. Results: Among 310 first-degree relatives identified, 61 had breast cancer and six had ovarian cancer recorded at the Geneva Cancer Registry. The sensitivity, specificity and κ of the reported family histories of breast cancer were 98%, 97% and 0.97, respectively. For ovarian cancer, the sensitivity, specificity and κ were 67%, 99%, and 0.66, respectively. Conclusions: This study indicates that retrospectively obtained family histories are very accurate for breast cancer. For ovarian cancer, family histories are less precise and may need additional verificatio

    The predictive accuracy of PREDICT: A personalized decision-making tool for southeast Asian women with breast cancer

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    10.1097/MD.0000000000000593Medicine (United States)948e59

    Electronically assisted surveillance systems of healthcare-associated infections: A systematic review

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    Background: Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) is the basis of each infection control programme and, in case of acute care hospitals, should ideally include all hospital wards, medical specialties as well as all types of HAI. Traditional surveillance is labour intensive and electronically assisted surveillance systems (EASS) hold the promise to increase efficiency. Objectives: To give insight in the performance characteristics of different approaches to EASS and the quality of the studies designed to evaluate them. Methods: In this systematic review, online databases were searched and studies that compared an EASS with a traditional surveillance method were included. Two different indicators were extracted from each study, one regarding the quality of design (including reporting efficiency) and one based on the performance (e.g. specificity and sensitivity) of the EASS presented. Results: A total of 78 studies were included. The majority of EASS (n = 72) consisted of an algorithm-based selection step followed by confirmatory assessment. The algorithms used different sets of variables. Only a minority (n = 7) of EASS were hospital-wide and designed to detect all types of HAI. Sensitivity of EASS was generally high (> 0.8), but specificity varied (0.37 1). Less than 20% (n = 14) of the studies presented data on the efficiency gains achieved. Conclusions: Electronically assisted surveillance of HAI has yet to reach a mature stage and to be used routinely in healthcare settings. We recommend that future studies on the development and implementation of EASS of HAI focus on thorough validation, reproducibility, standardised datasets and detailed information on efficiency

    Применение генетического алгоритма в задачах адаптации структур данных

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    Представлена разработанная схема адаптации структур данных в оперативной памяти. Для поиска адаптированной структуры данных предложено применение генетического алгоритма. Определены его особенности. Для растровых изображений с соответствующими заголовками выполнены экспериментальные исследования временной эффективности адаптированных структур данных, времени сходимости генетического алгоритма и условия целесообразности применения адаптации.Представлена розроблена схема адаптації структур даних в оперативній пам’яті. Для пошуку адаптованої структури даних запропоновано застосування генетичного алгоритму. Визначені його особливості. Для растрових зображень з відповідними заголовками виконані експериментальні дослідження часової ефективності адаптованих структур даних, часу збіжності генетичного алгоритму та умови доцільності застосування адаптації.The developed scheme of data structures adaptation in memory is given. To search for an adapted data structure, genetic algorithm is proposed and its characteristics are defined. For raster images with the appropriate headings, experimental studies of the time efficiency of adapted data structures, the convergence time of the genetic algorithm and conditions for feasibility of adapting are performed