642 research outputs found

    Ordered spectral statistics in 1D disordered supersymmetric quantum mechanics and Sinai diffusion with dilute absorbers

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    Some results on the ordered statistics of eigenvalues for one-dimensional random Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians are reviewed. In the case of supersymmetric quantum mechanics with disorder, the existence of low energy delocalized states induces eigenvalue correlations and makes the ordered statistics problem nontrivial. The resulting distributions are used to analyze the problem of classical diffusion in a random force field (Sinai problem) in the presence of weakly concentrated absorbers. It is shown that the slowly decaying averaged return probability of the Sinai problem, \mean{P(x,t|x,0)}\sim \ln^{-2}t, is converted into a power law decay, \mean{P(x,t|x,0)}\sim t^{-\sqrt{2\rho/g}}, where gg is the strength of the random force field and ρ\rho the density of absorbers.Comment: 10 pages ; LaTeX ; 4 pdf figures ; Proceedings of the meeting "Fundations and Applications of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics", Nordita, Stockholm, october 2011 ; v2: appendix added ; v3: figure 2.left adde

    Derivation of the Zakharov equations

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    This paper continues the study of the validity of the Zakharov model describing Langmuir turbulence. We give an existence theorem for a class of singular quasilinear equations. This theorem is valid for well-prepared initial data. We apply this result to the Euler-Maxwell equations describing laser-plasma interactions, to obtain, in a high-frequency limit, an asymptotic estimate that describes solutions of the Euler-Maxwell equations in terms of WKB approximate solutions which leading terms are solutions of the Zakharov equations. Because of transparency properties of the Euler-Maxwell equations, this study is led in a supercritical (highly nonlinear) regime. In such a regime, resonances between plasma waves, electromagnetric waves and acoustic waves could create instabilities in small time. The key of this work is the control of these resonances. The proof involves the techniques of geometric optics of Joly, M\'etivier and Rauch, recent results of Lannes on norms of pseudodifferential operators, and a semiclassical, paradifferential calculus

    Geometrical dependence of decoherence by electronic interactions in a GaAs/GaAlAs square network

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    We investigate weak localization in metallic networks etched in a two dimensional electron gas between 2525\:mK and 750750\:mK when electron-electron (e-e) interaction is the dominant phase breaking mechanism. We show that, at the highest temperatures, the contributions arising from trajectories that wind around the rings and trajectories that do not are governed by two different length scales. This is achieved by analyzing separately the envelope and the oscillating part of the magnetoconductance. For T0.3T\gtrsim0.3\:K we find \Lphi^\mathrm{env}\propto{T}^{-1/3} for the envelope, and \Lphi^\mathrm{osc}\propto{T}^{-1/2} for the oscillations, in agreement with the prediction for a single ring \cite{LudMir04,TexMon05}. This is the first experimental confirmation of the geometry dependence of decoherence due to e-e interaction.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 4 eps figure

    Quantum oscillations in mesoscopic rings and anomalous diffusion

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    We consider the weak localization correction to the conductance of a ring connected to a network. We analyze the harmonics content of the Al'tshuler-Aronov-Spivak (AAS) oscillations and we show that the presence of wires connected to the ring is responsible for a behaviour different from the one predicted by AAS. The physical origin of this behaviour is the anomalous diffusion of Brownian trajectories around the ring, due to the diffusion in the wires. We show that this problem is related to the anomalous diffusion along the skeleton of a comb. We study in detail the winding properties of Brownian curves around a ring connected to an arbitrary network. Our analysis is based on the spectral determinant and on the introduction of an effective perimeter probing the different time scales. A general expression of this length is derived for arbitrary networks. More specifically we consider the case of a ring connected to wires, to a square network, and to a Bethe lattice.Comment: 17 pages, 7 eps figure

    Shaping gels and gels mixture to create helices

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    In cooking, food gels, such as agar-agar or alginate, are often prepared and presented in the form of spheres or spaghetti. While experimenting in our kitchen, we realized that it is quite difficult to make more advanced shapes. In this study, we sought to develop new methods to obtain more complex shapes. Our first challenge was to obtain helices. The best method we selected was to deposit the solutions before their gelation in a thread. The robustness of the method is tested by systematically changing the thread pitch, diameter, and depth. From the deformation under its own weight, we propose to deduce the mechanical characteristics of the helix. These values are compared to those obtained in the laboratory using indentation testing. Finally, we experimented with mixed gels obtained by combining agar-agar and alginate.Fil: D'angelo, María Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; ArgentinaFil: Pauchard, L.. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Auradou, H.. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Darbois Texier, B.. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Franci

    Direct measurement of the phase coherence length in a GaAs/GaAlAs square network

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    The low temperature magnetoconductance of a large array of quantum coherentloops exhibits Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillations which periodicitycorresponds to 1/2 flux quantum per loop.We show that the measurement of the harmonics content in a square networkprovides an accurate way to determine the electron phase coherence lengthL_ϕL\_{\phi} in units of the lattice length without any adjustableparameters.We use this method to determine L_ϕL\_{\phi} in a network realised from a 2Delectron gas (2DEG) in a GaAS/GaAlAs heterojunction. The temperaturedependence follows a power law T1/3T^{-1/3} from 1.3 K to 25 mK with nosaturation, as expected for 1D diffusive electronic motion andelectron-electron scattering as the main decoherence mechanism.Comment: Additional experimental data in version

    Sinai model in presence of dilute absorbers

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    We study the Sinai model for the diffusion of a particle in a one dimension random potential in presence of a small concentration ρ\rho of perfect absorbers using the asymptotically exact real space renormalization method. We compute the survival probability, the averaged diffusion front and return probability, the two particle meeting probability, the distribution of total distance traveled before absorption and the averaged Green's function of the associated Schrodinger operator. Our work confirms some recent results of Texier and Hagendorf obtained by Dyson-Schmidt methods, and extends them to other observables and in presence of a drift. In particular the power law density of states is found to hold in all cases. Irrespective of the drift, the asymptotic rescaled diffusion front of surviving particles is found to be a symmetric step distribution, uniform for x<1/2ξ(t)|x| < {1/2} \xi(t), where ξ(t)\xi(t) is a new, survival length scale (ξ(t)=Tlnt/ρ\xi(t)=T \ln t/\sqrt{\rho} in the absence of drift). Survival outside this sharp region is found to decay with a larger exponent, continuously varying with the rescaled distance x/ξ(t)x/\xi(t). A simple physical picture based on a saddle point is given, and universality is discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Functionals of the Brownian motion, localization and metric graphs

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    We review several results related to the problem of a quantum particle in a random environment. In an introductory part, we recall how several functionals of the Brownian motion arise in the study of electronic transport in weakly disordered metals (weak localization). Two aspects of the physics of the one-dimensional strong localization are reviewed : some properties of the scattering by a random potential (time delay distribution) and a study of the spectrum of a random potential on a bounded domain (the extreme value statistics of the eigenvalues). Then we mention several results concerning the diffusion on graphs, and more generally the spectral properties of the Schr\"odinger operator on graphs. The interest of spectral determinants as generating functions characterizing the diffusion on graphs is illustrated. Finally, we consider a two-dimensional model of a charged particle coupled to the random magnetic field due to magnetic vortices. We recall the connection between spectral properties of this model and winding functionals of the planar Brownian motion.Comment: Review article. 50 pages, 21 eps figures. Version 2: section 5.5 and conclusion added. Several references adde