713 research outputs found

    Two heterostigmatic mite species (Acari: Dolichocybidae, Podapolipidae) associated with Scarabaeus pius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Iran

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    During a study on insect-associated heterostigmatic mites (Acari: Prostigmata) in southern Isfahan Province, Central Iran, two colonies of mites were found on Scarabaeus pius (Illiger, 1803) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): Pavania lanceolata sp. n. Bahramian et Hajiqanbar (Dolichocybidae) that is easily discernible by some modified foliate setae on tarsi I–III; and Tarsopolipus massai Husband, 1989 (Podapolipidae) for which Scarabaeus pius is a new host recor

    Information Risk Communication in the Context of Zika Virus: A Pilot Study

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    Dissemination of information to at-risk populations is essential in any emergency situation. Among many health emergencies, Zika virus is a large-scale health challenge that requires authorities to communicate the risks of the virus, and, potential protective measures to the population. Communication technologies have an important role to play in this effort. Other factors, such as hazard characteristics and warning fatigue, also influence the effectiveness of communication. This article develops an adaptation of the Protective Action Decision Making (PADM) model for a holistic understanding of the technical and non-technical factors that influence the responses of vulnerable individuals to information about the Zika virus. The findings are expected to provide practical guidance to public health agencies in the selection of appropriate mix of media to deliver information about Zika. Investigation of antecedents to vulnerable stakeholders’ response will contribute to the growing literature on information risk communication and emergency responses to potential epidemics

    Potential use of algae for heavy metal bioremediation, a critical review

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    Algae have several industrial applications that can lower the cost of biofuel co24 production. Among these co-production applications, environmental and wastewater bioremediation are increasingly important. Heavy metal pollution and its implications for public health and the environment have led to increased interest in developing environmental biotechnology approaches. We review the potential for algal biosorption and/or neutralization of the toxic effects of heavy metal ions, primarily focusing on their cellular structure, pretreatment, modification, as well as potential application of genetic engineering in biosorption performance. We evaluate pretreatment, immobilization, and factors affecting biosorption capacity, such as initial metal ion concentration, biomass concentration, initial pH, time, temperature, and interference of multi metal ions and introduce molecular tools to develop engineered algal strains with higher biosorption capacity and selectivity. We conclude that consideration of these parameters can lead to the development of low-cost micro and macroalgae cultivation with high bioremediation potential

    The effect of homozygous deletion of the BBOX1 and Fibin genes on carnitine level and acyl carnitine profile.

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    BACKGROUND: Carnitine is a key molecule in energy metabolism that helps transport activated fatty acids into the mitochondria. Its homeostasis is achieved through oral intake, renal reabsorption and de novo biosynthesis. Unlike dietary intake and renal reabsorption, the importance of de novo biosynthesis pathway in carnitine homeostasis remains unclear, due to lack of animal models and description of a single patient defective in this pathway. CASE PRESENTATION: We identified by array comparative genomic hybridization a 42 months-old girl homozygote for a 221 Kb interstitial deletions at 11p14.2, that overlaps the genes encoding Fibin and butyrobetaine-gamma 2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase 1 (BBOX1), an enzyme essential for the biosynthesis of carnitine de novo. She presented microcephaly, speech delay, growth retardation and minor facial anomalies. The levels of almost all evaluated metabolites were normal. Her serum level of free carnitine was at the lower limit of the reference range, while her acylcarnitine to free carnitine ratio was normal. CONCLUSIONS: We present an individual with a completely defective carnitine de novo biosynthesis. This condition results in mildly decreased free carnitine level, but not in clinical manifestations characteristic of carnitine deficiency disorders, suggesting that dietary carnitine intake and renal reabsorption are sufficient to carnitine homeostasis. Our results also demonstrate that haploinsufficiency of BBOX1 and/or Fibin is not associated with Primrose syndrome as previously suggested

    Causes of bimodal melting curve:Asymmetric guaninecytosine (GC) distribution causing two peaks in melting curve and affecting their shapes

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    The aim of this study was to present a new situation in which a relatively single short PCR-product might show two separate peaks with sequence specific shapes at the dissociation curve. SYBR-Green I real-time RT-PCR was performed on Lhcgr-gene transcripts in rats. Different programs were used for melting curve simulation and estimating Tm. Statistical tests were performed to determine whether two peaks at the dissociation curve were belonging to a single template. A bimodal melting curve was observed in real-time RT-PCR on a short segment (169 bp) of Lhcgr gene with a single band in gel electrophoresis. Sequencing of the Cloned PCR-product was compatible with template sequence. Realtime PCR using the vector conveying interested sequence, showed again two peaks at dissociation curve. The GC-content of first 100 bases (75%) and last 69 bases (42%) were significantly different. DNA melting simulation programs also confirmed the bimodal pattern, although, their height and wideness were different to actual peaks. Due to the asymmetric GC distribution effect on dissociation curve in short sequences, it is highly recommended to use DNA melting simulation programs to predict the number of peaks in the melting curve when designating primers; however, predicted peak shapes are not always accurate.Key words: Asymmetric GC distribution, bimodal melting curve, DNA melting simulation, SYBR-green I realtime PCR