21 research outputs found

    Beyond Climatic Variation: Human Disturbances Alter the Effectiveness of a Protected Area to Reduce Fires in a Tropical Peatland

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    This is the final version. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record. Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study, with no new data collected. This data can be found here: https://id.weatherspark.com/h/y/149125/2015/Cuaca-Historis-selama-2015-di-Sultan-Mahmud-Badaruddin-II-Airport-Indonesia#Figures-Rainfall, www.openstreetmap.org, https://balaiksdasumsel.org/, https://tanahair.indonesia.go.id/portal-web, https://earthdata.nasa.gov/earth-observation-data/near-real-time/firms/active-fire-datahttps://landsat.usgs.gov, and https://ggweather.com/enso/oni.htm.Fire is considered a major threat to biodiversity in many habitats and the occurrence of fire has frequently been used to investigate the effectiveness of protected areas. Yet, despite the known importance of tropical peatlands for biodiversity conservation and serious threat that anthropogenically induced fires pose to this ecosystem, the influence of protected area designation on fire occurrence in tropical peatland has been poorly assessed thus far. Our study addresses this knowledge gap through providing a novel assessment of fire patterns from a tropical peatland protected area and surrounding landscape. We investigated the importance of both climatic factors (top-down mechanism) and human interventions (bottom-up mechanism) on fire occurrence through analyzing 20-years (2001–2020) of LANDSAT and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) images of the Padang Sugihan Wildlife Reserve and a 10-km buffer area surrounding this in Sumatra, Indonesia. Fire density was assessed in relation to road and canal construction. Monthly and annual precipitation was compared between wet and dry years. The reserve was effective in limiting fire compared to surrounding landscapes only in wet years. We revealed that peat fire occurrence in the protected area and buffer zone was not due to climatic factors alone, with distance from canals and roads also contributing toward fire occurrence. Our results suggest that it is essential to address tropical peatland fire processes at a landscape level, particularly at the surroundings of protected areas, in order to increase the effectiveness of fire protection, improve fire risk classification maps, and conserve threatened tropical peatland wildlife such as the Sumatran elephant.UKRI GCRFThe Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP)The Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI

    Carrying Capacity for Land Rehabilitation Strategy in Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara District

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    The upstream watershed area (DAS) has a function as a buffer zone. The Merawu watershed is one of the upstream parts of the Serayu watershed which is dominated by agricultural land. The declining carrying capacity of the Merawu watershed is indicated by the imbalance between supply and demand for resources in the Merawu watershed. For a long time, it can interfere with the function of the soil as life support. The research objectives are: 1) analyzing the carrying capacity of the Merawu watershed through 3 approaches, namely: ecological footprint (land capacity), water capacity,, and land protection capacity. The research method used is to compare supply and demand. And 2) Formulating a recovery strategy in the Merawu watershed based on an analysis of the environmental carrying capacity and focusing on increasing the carrying capacity. The results showed that the Merawu watershed has the carrying capacity of the protection function in the overshoot condition, the water carrying capacity in the conditionallysave condition, and the carrying capacity of the land in the overshoot condition. There are five watershed recovery strategies in the upstream, middle and downstream areas to increase carrying capacity

    Carrying Capacity for Land Rehabilitation Strategy in Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara District

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    The upstream watershed area (DAS) has a function as a buffer zone. The Merawu watershed is one of the upstream parts of the Serayu watershed which is dominated by agricultural land. The declining carrying capacity of the Merawu watershed is indicated by the imbalance between supply and demand for resources in the Merawu watershed. For a long time, it can interfere with the function of the soil as life support. The research objectives are: 1) analyzing the carrying capacity of the Merawu watershed through 3 approaches, namely: ecological footprint (land capacity), water capacity, and land protection capacity. The research method used is to compare supply and demand. And 2) Formulating a recovery strategy in the Merawu watershed based on an analysis of the environmental carrying capacity and focusing on increasing the carrying capacity. The results showed that the Merawu watershed has the carrying capacity of the protection function in the overshoot condition, the water carrying capacity in the conditionally-save condition, and the carrying capacity of the land in the overshoot condition. There are five watershed recovery strategies in the upstream, middle and downstream areas to increase carrying capacity

    Pendugaan Aliran Dasar (Baseflow) Di Daerah Tangkapan Air Waduk Gajah Mungkur Di Hulu DAS Bengawan Solo, Jawa Tengah. (Estimating Baseflow for A Catchment Area of Gajah Mungkur Reservoir in the Upstream of Bengawan Solo Watershed, Central Java)

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    Kawasan hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) memiliki peran strategis dalam pengendalian daur air, diantaranya adalah perannya dalam mengendalikan aliran permukaan untuk meningkatkan aliran dasar (baseflow) dan menjaga fluktuasi aliran sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya aliran dasar setelah 18 tahun direhabilitasi dengan studi kasus di DTA Gajah Mungkur yang terletak di hulu DAS Bengawan Solo. Pengukuran debit aliran selama 4 bulan dilakukan di Stasiun Pengamatan Aliran Sungai (SPAS) yang dilengkapi dengan alat perekam hujan dan debit aliran otomatis. Analisis data yang dilakukan meliputi analisis vegetasi, analisis debit aliran sungai, analisis hidrograf aliran dan analisis Baseflow Index. Total hujan selama penelitian yaitu 45,8 mm dengan suhu udara rata-rata 22,45ËšC. Kondisi kerapatan tegakan bervariasi dari kerapatan rendah sampai dengan tinggi, dengan kerapatan pohon berkisar antara 569 - 919 pohon/ ha. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai BFI pada bulan April-Agustus 2017 yaitu 44,63%. Pertambahan umur tegakan di DTA Gajah Mungkur sampai pada umur 18 tahun diikuti dengan Perubahan struktur tegakan sehingga diduga berdampak pada meningkatnya kemampuan penyangga dan pengaturan daur air kawasan