331 research outputs found

    Determination of trace elements in triglycine sulfate solutions

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    Ten elements were divided into 2 groups. The elements in the first group included iron, nickel, chromium, manganese, copper, and gold. The elements in the second group included zinc, cobalt, lead, cadmium, and gold. Five ppm of each element in each group was spiked in a 1 percent triglycine sulfate (TGS) solution. Glycine was removed with 1-naphthyl isocyanate in ether medium. The glycine derivative 1-naphthyl isocyanate glycine was removed by filtration, and the filtrates were analyzed for the different elements. Analysis of these elements was performed by using the 5100 Perkin-Elmer Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The result of these experiments was the observation that there was a decrease in the concentration of chromium and gold, which was interpreted to be due to the chelation of these elements by the derivative 1-naphthyl isocyanate glycine. Further research is needed to determine the concentration of other elements in triglycine sulfate (TGS) solutions. These elements will include lithium, sodium, rubidium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, aluminum, and silicon. These are the most likely elements to be found in the sulfuric acid used in manufacturing the TGS crystal. Moreover, we will extend our research to investigate the structural formula of the violet colored chelated compounds, which had been formed by interaction of the derivative 1-naphthyl isocyanate glycine with the different elements, such as gold, chromium

    Case Report: Bilateral absence of fifth ray in feet, cleft palate, malformed ears, and corneal opacity in a patient with Miller syndrome

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    Background: Miller syndrome is one of the acrofacial dysostosis syndromes, which are characterized by malformations of the craniofacial region and limbs.Case report: A 26 month old male child, the product of healthy nonconsanguineous parents has many typical features of Miller syndrome. He has cleft lip and palate, malar hypoplasia, left crumpled cup shaped ear, and prominent nose together with the absence of the fifth ray in feet (postaxial) and fixation of interphalangeal joints of both thumbs (preaxial). However the limb affection is bilateral and symmetrical against what is usually reported (bilateral with more affection of one side) and the micrognathia is very mild. Our patient has also bilateral corneal opacities as well as underdeveloped external genitals.Conclusion: There is phenotypic variability in Miller syndrome, and our patient may represent a new distinct subgroup in postaxial acrofacial dysostosis.Keywords: Miller syndrome; Gene´e–Weidemann syndrome; Postaxial acrofacial dysostosis syndrome; Corneal opacit

    Platelet rich fibrin as a membrane for coverage of immediate implants: Case-series study on eight patients

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    AbstractPurposeTo evaluate the efficacy of platelet rich fibrin as a membrane for coverage of immediate implants in the maxillary anterior region.Patients and methodsTwelve implants were inserted into eight adult patients indicated for extraction & immediate implant insertion in one or more of the upper anterior teeth. A venous blood sample of 10 cc was obtained for each single implant. After implant placement, the peri-implant defect was filled with a mixture of autogenous bone (collected from the chin) and fibrin. A platelet rich fibrin membrane was used to cover the implant site. Clinical & radiographic evaluation was performed immediately, 3 and 6 months postoperatively to evaluate soft tissue healing & crestal bone stability.ResultsAfter 6 months, the marginal bone was stable in 83% of cases. Clinically, good soft tissue coverage was obtained. Radiographically, bone height showed a statistically significant decrease in the distal side while there was no statistically significant decrease at the mesial side. The change in defect depth was limited to 2 mm.ConclusionPlatelet rich fibrin provided good soft tissue coverage over the immediate implants and it enhanced bone stability. The technique was easy to perform with good esthetic results

    Genotyping of PPAR-γ gene polymorphism in Egyptian neonates affected with sepsis disease and its severity

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    Background: Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma (PPARγ) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor involved in inflammatory process. PPAR-γ gene was mentioned as having a modulating role in the pathological status of sepsis. The present study aimed to make a correlation between The Pro12Ala polymorphism in PPAR-γ gene and occurrence of neonatal sepsis and its severity among a sample of Egyptian neonates suffering sepsis.Subjects and methods: This case-control study included 30 neonates (11 females and19 males) newly admitted with neonatal sepsis at the intensive care unit (NICU) (mean age 10.3 days ± 6.23). The control group included 50 age and sex matched neonates (23 females and 27 males) (mean age 10.20 days ± 5.36 days). All the neonates (preterm and full term) included were with clinical signs and laboratory data consistent with neonatal sepsis. Genotyping for PPARc gene region harboring the Pro12Ala variant locus were carried out using Tetra ARMS technique.Results: About 56.7% of the patients group was homozygote (GG) for polymorphic locus (coding for Alanine/Alanine) while 30% was heterozygote for polymorphic locus (CG) (coding for Proline/Alanine) and up to 13.3% was homozygote for the polymorphic locus (CC) (coding for Proline/Proline). Compared to the control group where homozygotes for CC were the most prevalent (90%) and the CG were 10% with absence of GG genotypes. There was a strong  statistical significant difference between patients and the normal control group as regards  prevalence of PPAR-γ gene  polymorphism in occurrence of neonatal sepsis and its severity. Also, there were strong relation between genotype GG and low birth weight, neonatal fever, prematurity and depressed neonatal reflexes.Conclusion: PPAR-γ gene has been suggested to be a candidate gene for neonatal sepsis. Therefore, Pro12Ala polymorphism might be useful in predicting the risk factor of neonatal sepsis and its severity

    Maternal risk factors in young Egyptian mothers of Down syndrome

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    Introduction: We investigated the possible maternal risk factors that mayincrease the incidence of Down syndrome (DS) in young Egyptian mothers(younger than 35 years) especially methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR) enzyme C677T polymorphism.Subjects and Methods: The study included 200 mothers of karyotypicallyascertained non-disjunction DS attending Genetics clinic, Children’s hospital, Ain Shams University (100 mothers were < 35 years and 100 mothers ≥ 35 years). 50 mothers of none-DS children served as a control group. For all cases, history was taken laying stress on: Parental ages at conception, maternal grandparent’s ages at conception of mother, DS birth order, history of oral contraceptive use 6 months before conception, genital infection, vitamin supplementation and smoking or exposure to irradiation.Results: MTHFR C677T mutational analysis was done to twenty DS motherswith ages ≤ 35 years revealed that 35% of young mothers had C677T mutation (10% had homozygous mutation and 25% had heterozygous mutation). MTHFR C677T polymorphism was found to be a possible maternal genetic risk factor for DS although statistically non-significant.Other maternal risk factors included the use of oral contraceptive pills (OCP) 6 months before pregnancy which was significantly higher only in DSmothers ≥ 35 years. on the other hand, parental consanguinity, maternal grandparents’ ages, the presence of genital infection and birth order did not show a significant difference between young and old mothers of DS.Conclusion: MTHFR C677T could not be considered as a maternal risk factor in young Egyptian mothers of DS. The risk effect may depend on gene-environment interaction between the genotype and dietary intake in particular folic acid consumption which should be further studied on a larger scale population including other MTHFR polymorphisms and environmental factors. Other risk factors may include the use of OCP in older mothers. Parents consanguinity, paternal age and maternal grandparents’ ages were not found to be risk factors in DS in this study.Keywords: Down syndrome, risk factors, mothers, MTHFR

    YAG Laser in the Treatment of Nail Psoriasis: Clinical and Dermoscopic Assessment

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    Background: The Nd:YAG laser has emerged as a promising modality for the management of nail psoriasis owing to its ability for deep penetration of the skin surface, which has the advantage of destroying deep vessels. Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of Nd:YAG laser in treating nail psoriasis. Methods: The present study was a randomized controlled study, conducted on 20 patients of both sexes (age older than 12 years) with mild to moderate psoriasis with nail involvement. We utilized facial telangiectasia parameters of Nd:YAG laser and beam diameter of 2.5 mm. Laser energy started with 110 J/cm2 in the first session and 130 J/cm2 in the rest of the sessions. Sessions were performed once monthly for up to 6 sessions. Results: We found no statistically significant difference in total Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI) and nail bed scores before and after treatment among the treated group. However, there was statistically significant improvement in nail matrix score after treatment. On the other hand, the control group did not show any statistically significant changes for all scores throughout the study, except for the nail matrix score mean difference (0.35 ± 1.23 vs -1.00 ± 1.86 in the treated group). The degree of dermoscopic improvement was evident in the treated group (45% vs 25% in the control group). However, it was not statistically significant because of small sample size. The patients' satisfaction and the external investigator's assessment showed statistically significant negative correlation with total NAPSI mean difference in the treated group. Conclusion: The role of Nd:YAG laser in nail psoriasis is still controversial

    Case Report: Meier-Gorlin syndrome: Report of an additional patient with congenital heart disease

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    We report a 7 year old female child with the classical triad of Meier-Gorlin syndrome (MGS), (microtia, absent patella and short stature). She had the characteristic facial features, with normal mentality and defective speech, skeletal abnormalities, conductive hearing loss, cystitis and normal growth hormone level. She suffered from recurrent chest infection during the first year of life which improved gradually with age. Although congenital heart is rarely observed in MGS, our patient had in addition fenestrated interatrial septal defect.Keywords Meier-Gorlin syndrome; Ear-patella-short stature syndrome; Primordial dwarfism; Microtia; Absent patell

    Case Report: Oral–Facial–Digital Syndrome type VI with self mutilations

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    We report the case of a 2.5 year old female, 2nd in order of birth of 1st cousin consanguineous marriage, with the typical features of Oral–Facial–Digital Syndrome type VI (OFDS VI) including midline pseudo cleft upper lip, sublingual nodule, molar tooth sign by MRI brain, bilateral mesoaxial polydactyly (hexadactyly), and developmental delay. The patient had self mutilations which was not reported before in OFDS VI except once.Keywords: Oral–Facial–Digital Syndrome type VI; Varadi–Papp syndrome; Self mutilation; Polydactyly; Molar tooth sign; Peudocleft li

    Efficient blockchain-based group key distribution for secure authentication in VANETs

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    This paper proposes a group key distribution scheme using smart contract-based blockchain technology. The smart contract’s functions allow for securely distributing the group session key, following the initial legitimacy detection using public key infrastructure-based authentication. For message authentication, we propose a lightweight symmetric key cryptography-based group signature method, supporting the security and privacy requirements of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Our discussion examined the scheme’s robustness against typical adversarial attacks. To evaluate the gas costs associated with smart contract’s functions, we implemented it on the Ethereum main network. Finally, comprehensive analyses of computation and communication costs demonstrate the scheme’s effectiveness
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