267 research outputs found

    Ефективність застосування комбінованих бактерійних препаратів у комплексному лікуванні хворих на генералізований пародонтит

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    The article shows the data of the completed clinical randomized, controlled, double-blind, longitudinal research of 131 somatic healthy people, aged from 18 to 35 years, including 103 patients with generalized periodontitis (GP) of chronical course of  I degree and 28 healthy people. We investigated the effect in the using of the combined bacterial preparations, in the complex treatment of the patients to the action of the paraclinical indexes, concentration of the secretory immunoglobulin A and dysbiosis of the oral cavity in the oral fluid. It is found that  the using of the combined bacterial preparations, particularly symbiotic «Azydolak» assisted the normalization and stabilization of the paraclinical indexes and the degree of the dysbiosis of the oral cavity in the patients  in the nearest and the remote dates of the observation, which allows to recommend it using in the combined treatment of the GP.У статті наведено дані завершеного клінічного рандомізованого контрольованого, подвійного сліпого, поздовжнього дослідження 131 особи віком від 18 до 35 років, соматично здорових,  серед яких – 103 хворих на генералізований пародонтит (ГП) хронічного перебігу І ступеня і 28 здорових. Вивчали ефективність застосування комбінованих бактерійних препаратів у комплексному лікуванні хворих за динамікою параклінічних індексів, показників концентрації секреторного імуноглобуліну А і дисбіозу ротової порожнини у ротовій рідині. Встановлено, що застосування бактерійних препаратів, особливо синбіотика «Ацидолак», сприяло нормалізації і стабілізації параклінічних індексів та показників ступеня дисбіозу ротової порожнини в хворих у найближчі та віддалені терміни спостереження, що дозволяє рекомендувати  його до використання у комплексному лікуванні ГП

    Application of clayless drilling fluids under conditions of high reservoir pressures and temperatures

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    The paper considers the application clayless drilling fluids under conditions of great depths, high reservoir pressures and temperatures. It was determined that increasing the density of clayless drilling fluids by conventional weighting agents is accompanied by increasing rate of bottomhole filtering. It is shown that the solution of this problem is possible through the use of water-soluble salts. The results of laboratory and field tests for clayless drilling fluids weighted with water-soluble salts are presented

    Changes in the distribution of nesting Arctic seaducks are not strongly related to variation in polar bear presence

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    Contemporary climate change is predicted to expose some species to altered predation regimes. Losses of Arctic sea ice are causing polar bears to increasingly forage on colonial seaduck eggs in lieu of ice-based hunting of marine mammals. Although polar bear predation of bird eggs has now been widely documented, it is unclear whether this change in predator behavior is having population-level consequences for Arctic breeding birds. In this study, we tested whether changes in the number of common eider nests on 76 islands in Hudson Strait, Canada, were related to variation in polar bear presence. We found that polar bear sign detected during eider breeding surveys was strongly correlated with spatial patterns of polar bears observed during aerial surveys. However, changes in eider nest count did not appear to be clearly related to polar bear sign at either the island scale or the island-cluster scale. This results of this study, therefore, suggest that the spatial overlap between eiders and polar bears varies across the landscape, but patterns of polar bear spatial variation do not seem to have driven large-scale redistribution of nesting common eiders

    Detection of orbital and superhump periods in Nova V2574 Ophiuchi (2004)

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    We present the results of 37 nights of CCD unfiltered photometry of nova V2574 Oph (2004) from 2004 and 2005. We find two periods of 0.14164 d (~3.40 h) and 0.14773 d (~3.55 h) in the 2005 data. The 2004 data show variability on a similar timescale, but no coherent periodicity was found. We suggest that the longer periodicity is the orbital period of the underlying binary system and that the shorter period represents a negative superhump. The 3.40 h period is about 4% shorter than the orbital period and obeys the relation between superhump period deficit and binary period. The detection of superhumps in the light curve is evidence of the presence of a precessing accretion disk in this binary system shortly after the nova outburst. From the maximum magnitude - rate of decline relation, we estimate the decay rate t_2 = 17+/-4 d and a maximum absolute visual magnitude of M_Vmax = -7.7+/-1.7 mag.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 2 .sty files, AJ accepted, minor change to one of reference

    Photometry of VS0329+1250: A New, Short-Period SU Ursae Majoris Star

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    Time-resolved CCD photometry is presented of the recently-discovered (V~15 at maximum light) eruptive variable star in Taurus, which we dub VS0329+1250. A total of ~20 hr of data obtained over six nights reveals superhumps in the light curves, confirming the star as a member of the SU UMa class of dwarf novae. The superhumps recur with a mean period of 0.053394(7) days (76.89 min), which represents the shortest superhump period known in a classical SU UMa star. A quadratic fit to the timings of superhump maxima reveals that the superhump period was increasing at a rate given by dP/dt ~ (2.1 +/- 0.8) x 10^{-5} over the course of our observations. An empirical relation between orbital period and the absolute visual magnitude of dwarf novae at maximum light, suggests that VS0329+1250 lies at a distance of ~1.2 +/- 0.2 kpc.Comment: V2 - The paper has been modified to incorporate the referee's comments, and has now been accepted for publication in the PASP. The most significant change is that we are now able to confirm that the superhump period was increasing during the course of our observation

    Polar bears are inefficient predators of seabird eggs

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    Climate-mediated sea-ice loss is disrupting the foraging ecology of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) across much of their range. As a result, there have been increased reports of polar bears foraging on seabird eggs across parts of their range. Given that polar bears have evolved to hunt seals on ice, they may not be efficient predators of seabird eggs. We investigated polar bears\u27 foraging performance on common eider (Somateria mollissima) eggs on Mitivik Island, Nunavut, Canada to test whether bear decision-making heuristics are consistent with expectations of optimal foraging theory. Using aerial-drones, we recorded multiple foraging bouts over 11 days, and found that as clutches were depleted to completion, bears did not exhibit foraging behaviours matched to resource density. As the season progressed, bears visited fewer nests overall, but marginally increased their visitation to nests that were already empty. Bears did not display different movement modes related to nest density, but became less selective in their choice of clutches to consume. Lastly, bears that capitalized on visual cues of flushing eider hens significantly increased the number of clutches they consumed; however, they did not use this strategy consistently or universally. The foraging behaviours exhibited by polar bears in this study suggest they are inefficient predators of seabird eggs, particularly in the context of matching behaviours to resource density

    Post-Newtonian Theory for Precision Doppler Measurements of Binary Star Orbits

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    The determination of velocities of stars from precise Doppler measurements is described here using relativistic theory of astronomical reference frames so as to determine the Keplerian and post-Keplerian parameters of binary systems. We apply successive Lorentz transformations and the relativistic equation of light propagation to establish the exact treatment of Doppler effect in binary systems both in special and general relativity theories. As a result, the Doppler shift is a sum of (1) linear in c1c^{-1} terms, which include the ordinary Doppler effect and its variation due to the secular radial acceleration of the binary with respect to observer; (2) terms proportional to c2c^{-2}, which include the contributions from the quadratic Doppler effect caused by the relative motion of binary star with respect to the Solar system, motion of the particle emitting light and diurnal rotational motion of observer, orbital motion of the star around the binary's barycenter, and orbital motion of the Earth; and (3) terms proportional to c2c^{-2}, which include the contributions from redshifts due to gravitational fields of the star, star's companion, Galaxy, Solar system, and the Earth. After parameterization of the binary's orbit we find that the presence of periodically changing terms in the Doppler schift enables us disentangling different terms and measuring, along with the well known Keplerian parameters of the binary, four additional post-Keplerian parameters, including the inclination angle of the binary's orbit, ii. We briefly discuss feasibility of practical implementation of these theoretical results, which crucially depends on further progress in the technique of precision Doppler measurements.Comment: Minor changes, 1 Figure included, submitted to Astrophys.

    Heightened heart rate but similar flight responses to evolved versus recent predators in an Arctic seabird

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    Predator-prey dynamics in the Arctic are being altered with changing sea ice phenology. The increasing frequency of predation on colonial nesting seabirds and their eggs by the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a consequence of bears shifting to terrestrial food resources through a shortened seal-hunting season. We examined antipredator responses in a colony of nesting Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) on East Bay Island, Nunavut, Canada, which is exposed to established nest predators, such as arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), but also to recent increases in polar bear nest predation due to the bears’ lost on-ice hunting opportunities. Given eiders’ limited eco-evolutionary experience with bears, we aimed to experimentally contrast eider responses to the recent predation pressure by polar bears to those induced by their more traditional mammalian predator, the arctic fox. Our goal was to characterize whether this population of eiders was vulnerable to a changing predator regime. Using simulated approaches of visual stimuli of both predator types, we measured eider heart rate and flight initiation distance as physiological and behavioral metrics, respectively, to characterize the perceived risk of and subsequent response to imminent threat posed by these two predators that differ in historical encounter rates. Eider heart rates were more responsive to impending visual cues of arctic foxes compared to polar bears, but birds responded behaviorally to all simulated threats with similar flight initiation distances. Results suggest eiders may not perceive the full risk that bears pose as egg and adult predators, and are therefore expected to suffer negative fitness consequences from this ongoing and increasing interaction. Eiders may therefore require conservation intervention to aid in their management

    A colonial-nesting seabird shows no heart-rate response to drone-based population surveys

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    Aerial drones are increasingly being used as tools for ecological research and wildlife monitoring in hard-to-access study systems, such as in studies of colonial-nesting birds. Despite their many advantages over traditional survey methods, there remains concerns about possible disturbance effects that standard drone survey protocols may have on bird colonies. There is a particular gap in the study of their influence on physiological measures of stress. We measured heart rates of incubating female common eider ducks (Somateria mollissima) to determine whether our drone-based population survey affected them. To do so, we used heart-rate recorders placed in nests to quantify their heart rate in response to a quadcopter drone flying transects 30 m above the nesting colony. Eider heart rate did not change from baseline (measured in the absence of drone survey flights) by a drone flying at a fixed altitude and varying horizontal distances from the bird. Our findings suggest that carefully planned drone-based surveys of focal species have the potential to be carried out without causing physiological impacts among colonial-nesting eiders

    Діагностично-лікувальний алгоритм при гострому холециститі

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    Based on the analysis of 12 432 laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the period 1997–2016 years performed at the Yu. Semeniuk Center for laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery there were studied complications that may arise during laparoscopic surgery in patients with acute destructive cholecystitis, justified the use of diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm in this condition, improved technical approaches to perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which together allow expanding the indications for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with acute destructive cholecystitis and its complications.На основе анализа выполненных в Центре лапароскопических и малоинвазивных хирургических вмешательств под контролем эндоскопии и сонографии имени Ю. Семенюка 12432 лапароскопических холецистэктомий за период 1997-2016 гг. Изучено осложнения, которые возникают при осуществлении лапароскопических операций у больных с острым деструктивным холециститом, обосновано применение диагностически-лечебного алгоритма при данной патологии, усовершенствованы технические подходы к выполнению лапароскопической холецистэктомии, что в совокупности позволило расширить показания к лапароскопической холецистэктомии у больных с острым деструктивным холециститом и его осложнениями.На основі аналізу виконаних у Центрі лапароскопічних і малоінвазивних хірургічних втручань під контролем ендоскопії та сонографії імені Ю. Семенюка 12 432 лапароскопічних холецистектомії за період 1997–2016 рр. вивчено ускладнення, які виникають під час здійснення лапароскопічних операцій у хворих із гострим деструктивним холециститом, обґрунтовано застосування діагностично-лікувального алгоритму при даній патології, вдосконалено технічні підходи до виконання лапароскопічної холецистектомії, що в сукупності дозволило розширити показання до лапароскопічної холецистектомії у хворих із гострим деструктивним холециститом та його ускладненнями