6,769 research outputs found

    Deep Over-sampling Framework for Classifying Imbalanced Data

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    Class imbalance is a challenging issue in practical classification problems for deep learning models as well as traditional models. Traditionally successful countermeasures such as synthetic over-sampling have had limited success with complex, structured data handled by deep learning models. In this paper, we propose Deep Over-sampling (DOS), a framework for extending the synthetic over-sampling method to exploit the deep feature space acquired by a convolutional neural network (CNN). Its key feature is an explicit, supervised representation learning, for which the training data presents each raw input sample with a synthetic embedding target in the deep feature space, which is sampled from the linear subspace of in-class neighbors. We implement an iterative process of training the CNN and updating the targets, which induces smaller in-class variance among the embeddings, to increase the discriminative power of the deep representation. We present an empirical study using public benchmarks, which shows that the DOS framework not only counteracts class imbalance better than the existing method, but also improves the performance of the CNN in the standard, balanced settings


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    Correlation between mutans streptococci counts of parents and their children residing in Chandigarh, India

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    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Mutans Streptococci (MS) in children and to evaluate the relationship between the salivary levels of MS in children and their parents. Material and Methods: 100 children aged 3-6 years along with their parents (100 mothers and fathers each) were included in the study. The children were segregated depending upon their age and level of caries experience. The children were examined clinically on an ordinary chair in natural daylight using the Møller's index criteria. Assays for Mutans Streptococci (MS) were done for both the children and their parents using the Dentocult SM strip mu - tans test. Collected data was assessed using SPSS software. Results: The overall prevalence of MS in the children was 83%. A statistically significant correlation (p<0.05) was observed between salivary MS counts of children and their mothers. No significant correlation was seen with the fathers. Conclusions: The findings conclude that if primary caregivers harbour high levels of MS in their saliva, it is likely that their children will have the same

    Bulk and surface switching in Mn-Fe-based Prussian Blue Analogues

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    Many Prussian Blue Analogues are known to show a thermally induced phase transition close to room temperature and a reversible, photo-induced phase transition at low temperatures. This work reports on magnetic measurements, X-ray photoemission and Raman spectroscopy on a particular class of these molecular heterobimetallic systems, specifically on Rb0.81Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.95_1.24H2O, Rb0.97Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.98_1.03H2O and Rb0.70Cu0.22Mn0.78[Fe(CN)6]0.86_2.05H2O, to investigate these transition phenomena both in the bulk of the material and at the sample surface. Results indicate a high degree of charge transfer in the bulk, while a substantially reduced conversion is found at the sample surface, even in case of a near perfect (Rb:Mn:Fe=1:1:1) stoichiometry. Thus, the intrinsic incompleteness of the charge transfer transition in these materials is found to be primarily due to surface reconstruction. Substitution of a large fraction of charge transfer active Mn ions by charge transfer inactive Cu ions leads to a proportional conversion reduction with respect to the maximum conversion that is still stoichiometrically possible and shows the charge transfer capability of metal centers to be quite robust upon inclusion of a neighboring impurity. Additionally, a 532 nm photo-induced metastable state, reminiscent of the high temperature Fe(III)Mn(II) ground state, is found at temperatures 50-100 K. The efficiency of photo-excitation to the metastable state is found to be maximized around 90 K. The photo-induced state is observed to relax to the low temperature Fe(II)Mn(III) ground state at a temperature of approximately 123 K.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Perspectives of chalcopyrite-based CIGSe thin-film solar cell: a review

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    Solar photovoltaic (PV) is empowering, reliable, and ecofriendly technology for harvesting energy which can be assessed from the fact that PV panels with total electricity generation capacity of 505 GW have been installed by the end of 2018. Thin-film solar cells based on copper indium gallium selenide (CIGSe) are promising photovoltaic absorber material owing to an alternative to crystalline silicon (c-Si)-based solar cells because of the huge potential for low-cost solar electricity production with minimal usage of raw materials. The efficiency record of 23.4% was achieved recently in CIGSe solar cells, which was comparable to c-Si solar cells (27.6%). The manufacturing cost of $0.34/W is expected for 15% efficient CIGSe module. The present review article discusses the perspectives of CISe/CIGSe-based thin-film solar cells with the focus on absorber material. Different vacuum and non-vacuum techniques for fabricating these materials are discussed along with the operation of solar cells and their manufacturability. The working mechanism of CIGSe solar cells with the characteristic features of the open-circuit voltage and current density as well as the factors influencing the efficiency in different fabrication techniques are reviewed. Moreover, some strategies toward the improvement of solar cells performance contemplating modified deposition are reviewed. Furthermore, how these strategies can be executed in order to make it cost effective methods is also discussed in detail. Prevailing constrictions for the commercial maturity are deliberated, and future perspectives for improvement at lab as well as industrial scalabilities are outlined

    Percutaneous transolecranon pinning and lateral pinning Vs lateral pinning in displaced supracondylar fractures of humerus in children: an observative study

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    Background: Supracondylar fracture (humerus) is type of extra-articular fracture occurring in the distal metaphyseal site of humerus. It is almost exclusively a fracture of the immature skeleton, seen in children and young teenagers. Fractures around the elbow are a great challenge to orthopaedic surgeons. Clinical diagnosis may be difficult due to noncooperative patient and massive swelling around the elbow. Displaced type of supracondylar fractures poses problem not only in reduction but also in maintenance of reduced fracture   and   rapid   inclusion   of nerves and vessels.Methods: The present study was conducted on 30 cases of displaced supracondylar fracture humerus in children, aged 2-14 years, who were treated by CRPP with either lateral entry of k-wires or a lateral wire and a vertical wire through olecranon (transolecranon).Results: Both the Groups achieved 90% satisfactory results, but 10% unsatisfactory results recorded in Group A only rather than in Group B.Conclusions: Although the transolecranon wire has the disadvantage of limiting the flexion and extension of the elbow, this does not influence the final-outcome much as the elbow is fixed in a POP splint for minimum 3 weeks-in all patients in both groups

    Clinical adjudication in acute kidney injury studies: findings from the pivotal TIMP-2*IGFBP7 biomarker study

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    Background The NEPROCHECK test (Astute Medical, San Diego, CA, USA) combines urinary tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) to identify patients at high risk for acute kidney injury (AKI). In a US Food and Drug Administration registration trial (NCT01573962), AKI was determined by a three-member clinical adjudication committee. The objectives were to examine agreement among adjudicators as well as between adjudicators and consensus criteria for AKI and to determine the relationship of biomarker concentrations and adjudicator agreement. Methods Subjects were classified as AKI 3/3, 2/3, 1/3 or 0/3 according to the proportion of adjudicators classifying the case as AKI. Subjects were classified as Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) AKI(+) when stage 2 or 3 AKI criteria were met. Results Concordance between adjudicators and between adjudicators and KDIGO criteria were lower for AKI than non-AKI subjects [78.9 versus 97.3% (P \u3c 0.001) and 91.5 versus 97.9% (P = 0.01)]. Subjects who were AKI 3/3 or 2/3 but KDIGO AKI(−) had higher median [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] compared with those who were AKI-1/3 or 0/3 but KDIGO AKI(+) {2.78 [interquartile range (IQR) 2.33–3.56] versus 0.52 [IQR 0.26–1.64]; P = 0.008}. [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] levels were highest in patients with AKI 3/3 and lowest in AKI 0/3, whereas AKI 2/3 and 1/3 exhibited intermediate values. Conclusions In this analysis, urine [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] levels correlated to clinically adjudicated AKI better than to KDIGO criteria. Furthermore, in difficult cases where adjudicators overruled KDIGO criteria, the biomarker test discriminated well. This study highlights the importance of clinical adjudication of AKI for biomarker studies and lends further support for the value of urine [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7]

    Gene regulation knowledge commons: community action takes care of DNA binding transcription factors

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    A large gap remains between the amount of knowledge in scientific literature and the fraction that gets curated into standardized databases, despite many curation initiatives. Yet the availability of comprehensive knowledge in databases is crucial for exploiting existing background knowledge, both for designing follow-up experiments and for interpreting new experimental data. Structured resources also underpin the computational integration and modeling of regulatory pathways, which further aids our understanding of regulatory dynamics. We argue how cooperation between the scientific community and professional curators can increase the capacity of capturing precise knowledge from literature. We demonstrate this with a project in which we mobilize biological domain experts who curate large amounts of DNA binding transcription factors, and show that they, although new to the field of curation, can make valuable contributions by harvesting reported knowledge from scientific papers. Such community curation can enhance the scientific epistemic process.Database URL: http://www.tfcheckpoint.org

    Competition of stress corrosion crack branches observed in-situ using time-lapse 3D x-ray synchrotron computed tomography

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    The progress of a stress corrosion crack in a sensitized AA7075 alloy was studied by in-situ x-ray synchrotron computed tomography. A load was applied to a pre-cracked specimen inside an environmental cell containing moist air and the propagation of the stress corrosion crack was observed. Measurements from the 3D image of the crack have already been shown to provide better quantification compared to observations of the crack from the outer surface. In this paper we study in detail the progress of the stress corrosion crack as it propagates through the material. We reveal how the formation of metal ligaments occurs and the competition of the ‘main’ crack and its branches. We have visualized these features to show the complexity of the local variation in crack morphology in a way that brings new insight into the interaction of the stress corrosion crack with the microstructure of the material
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