154 research outputs found

    Quasi-equilibria in one-dimensional self-gravitating many body systems

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    The microscopic dynamics of one-dimensional self-gravitating many-body systems is studied. We examine two courses of the evolution which has the isothermal and stationary water-bag distribution as initial conditions. We investigate the evolution of the systems toward thermal equilibrium. It is found that when the number of degrees of freedom of the system is increased, the water-bag distribution becomes a quasi-equilibrium, and also the stochasticity of the system reduces. This results suggest that the phase space of the system is effectively not ergodic and the system with large degreees of freedom approaches to the near-integrable one.Comment: 21pages + 7 figures (available upon request), revtex, submitted to Physical Review

    Relaxation processes in one-dimensional self-gravitating many-body systems

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    Though one dimensional self-gravitating NN-body systems have been studied for three decade, the nature of relaxation was still unclear. There were inconsistent results about relaxation time; some initial state relaxed in the time scale TNtcT\sim N\,t_c, but another state did not relax even after TN2tcT\sim N^2\,t_c, where tct_c is the crossing time. The water-bag distribution was believed not to relax after TN2tcT\sim N^2\,t_c. In our previous paper, however, we found there are two different relaxation times in the water-bag distribution;in the faster relaxation ( microscopic relaxation ) the equipartition of energy distribution is attains but the macroscopic distribution turns into the isothermal distribution in the later relaxation (macroscopic relaxation). In this paper, we investigated the properties of the two relaxation. We found that the microscopic relaxation time is TNtcT\sim N\,t_c, and the macroscopic relaxation time is proportional to NtcN\,t_c, thus the water-bag does relax. We can see the inconsistency about the relaxation times is resolved as that we see the two different aspect of relaxations. Further, the physical mechanisms of the relaxations are presented.Comment: 11 pages, uuencoded, compressed Postscript, no figure, figures available at ftp://ferio.mtk.nao.ac.jp/pub/tsuchiya/Tsuchiya95.tar.g

    Shifts and widths of collective excitations in trapped Bose gases by the dielectric formalism

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    We present predictions for the temperature dependent shifts and damping rates. They are obtained by applying the dielectric formalism to a simple model of a trapped Bose gas. Within the framework of the model we use lowest order perturbation theory to determine the first order correction to the results of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov-Popov theory for the complex collective excitation frequencies, and present numerical results for the temperature dependence of the damping rates and the frequency shifts. Good agreement with the experimental values measured at JILA are found for the m=2 mode, while we find disagreements in the shifts for m=0. The latter point to the necessity of a non-perturbative treatment for an explanation of the temperature-dependence of the m=0 shifts.Comment: 10 pages revtex, 3 figures in postscrip

    Energies and damping rates of elementary excitations in spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensed gases

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    Finite temperature Green's function technique is used to calculate the energies and damping rates of elementary excitations of the homogeneous, dilute, spin-1 Bose gases below the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature both in the density and spin channels. For this purpose the self-consistent dynamical Hartree-Fock model is formulated, which takes into account the direct and exchange processes on equal footing by summing up certain classes of Feynman diagrams. The model is shown to fulfil the Goldstone theorem and to exhibit the hybridization of one-particle and collective excitations correctly. The results are applied to the gases of ^{23}Na and ^{87}Rb atoms.Comment: 26 pages, 21 figures. Added 2 new figures, detailed discussio

    Cyclobutanone Inhibitors of Diaminopimelate Desuccinylase (DapE) as Potential New Antibiotics

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    Based on our previous success in using cyclobutanone derivatives as enzyme inhibitors, we have designed and prepared a 37-member library of α-aminocyclobutanone amides and sulfonamides, screened for inhibition of the bacterial enzyme diaminopimelate desuccinylase (DapE), which is a promising antibiotic target, and identified several inhibitors with micromolar inhibitory potency. Molecular docking suggests binding of the deprotonated hydrate of the strained cyclobutanone, and thermal shift analysis with the most potent inhibitor (3y, IC50 = 23.1 µM) enabled determination of a Ki value of 10.2 +/− 0.26 µM and observed two separate Tm values for H. influenzae DapE (HiDapE)

    Effect of angular momentum on equilibrium properties of a self-gravitating system

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    The microcanonical properties of a two dimensional system of N classical particles interacting via a smoothed Newtonian potential as a function of the total energy E and the total angular momentum L are discussed. In order to estimate suitable observables a numerical method based on an importance sampling algorithm is presented. The entropy surface shows a negative specific heat region at fixed L for all L. Observables probing the average mass distribution are used to understand the link between thermostatistical properties and the spatial distribution of particles. In order to define a phase in non-extensive system we introduce a more general observable than the one proposed by Gross and Votyakov [Eur. Phys. J. B:15, 115 (2000)]: the sign of the largest eigenvalue of the entropy surface curvature. At large E the gravitational system is in a homogeneous gas phase. At low E there are several collapse phases; at L=0 there is a single cluster phase and for L>0 there are several phases with 2 clusters. All these pure phases are separated by first order phase transition regions. The signal of critical behaviour emerges at different points of the parameter space (E,L). We also discuss the ensemble introduced in a recent pre-print by Klinko & Miller; this ensemble is the canonical analogue of the one at constant energy and constant angular momentum. We show that a huge loss of informations appears if we treat the system as a function of intensive parameters: besides the known non-equivalence at first order phase transitions, there exit in the microcanonical ensemble some values of the temperature and the angular velocity for which the corresponding canonical ensemble does not exist, i.e. the partition sum diverges.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Landau damping in trapped Bose-condensed gases

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    We study Landau damping in dilute Bose-Einstein condensed gases in both spherical and prolate ellipsoidal harmonic traps. We solve the Bogoliubov equations for the mode spectrum in both of these cases, and calculate the damping by summing over transitions between excited quasiparticle states. The results for the spherical case are compared to those obtained in the Hartree-Fock approximation, where the excitations take on a single-particle character, and excellent agreement between the two approaches is found. We have also taken the semiclassical limit of the Hartree-Fock approximation and obtain a novel expression for the Landau damping rate involving the time dependent self-diffusion function of the thermal cloud. As a final approach, we study the decay of a condensate mode by making use of dynamical simulations in which both the condensate and thermal cloud are evolved explicitly as a function of time. A detailed comparison of all these methods over a wide range of sample sizes and trap geometries is presented.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, submitted to the New Journal of Physics focus issue on Quantum Gase

    Equilibrium and dynamical properties of two dimensional self-gravitating systems

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    A system of N classical particles in a 2D periodic cell interacting via long-range attractive potential is studied. For low energy density UU a collapsed phase is identified, while in the high energy limit the particles are homogeneously distributed. A phase transition from the collapsed to the homogeneous state occurs at critical energy U_c. A theoretical analysis within the canonical ensemble identifies such a transition as first order. But microcanonical simulations reveal a negative specific heat regime near UcU_c. The dynamical behaviour of the system is affected by this transition : below U_c anomalous diffusion is observed, while for U > U_c the motion of the particles is almost ballistic. In the collapsed phase, finite NN-effects act like a noise source of variance O(1/N), that restores normal diffusion on a time scale diverging with N. As a consequence, the asymptotic diffusion coefficient will also diverge algebraically with N and superdiffusion will be observable at any time in the limit N \to \infty. A Lyapunov analysis reveals that for U > U_c the maximal exponent \lambda decreases proportionally to N^{-1/3} and vanishes in the mean-field limit. For sufficiently small energy, in spite of a clear non ergodicity of the system, a common scaling law \lambda \propto U^{1/2} is observed for any initial conditions.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex - 15 PS Figs - Subimitted to Physical Review E - Two column version with included figures : less paper waste

    Bose condensates in a harmonic trap near the critical temperature

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    The mean-field properties of finite-temperature Bose-Einstein gases confined in spherically symmetric harmonic traps are surveyed numerically. The solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equations for the condensate and low-lying quasiparticle excitations are calculated self-consistently using the discrete variable representation, while the most high-lying states are obtained with a local density approximation. Consistency of the theory for temperatures through the Bose condensation point requires that the thermodynamic chemical potential differ from the eigenvalue of the GP equation; the appropriate modifications lead to results that are continuous as a function of the particle interactions. The HFB equations are made gapless either by invoking the Popov approximation or by renormalizing the particle interactions. The latter approach effectively reduces the strength of the effective scattering length, increases the number of condensate atoms at each temperature, and raises the value of the transition temperature relative to the Popov approximation. The renormalization effect increases approximately with the log of the atom number, and is most pronounced at temperatures near the transition. Comparisons with the results of quantum Monte Carlo calculations and various local density approximations are presented, and experimental consequences are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 11 embedded figures, revte

    Finite temperature excitations of a trapped Bose-Fermi mixture

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    We present a detailed study of the low-lying collective excitations of a spherically trapped Bose-Fermi mixture at finite temperature in the collisionless regime. The excitation frequencies of the condensate are calculated self-consistently using the static Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory within the Popov approximation. The frequency shifts and damping rates due to the coupled dynamics of the condensate, noncondensate, and degenerate Fermi gas are also taken into account by means of the random phase approximation and linear response theory. In our treatment, the dipole excitation remains close to the bare trapping frequency for all temperatures considered, and thus is consistent with the generalized Kohn theorem. We discuss in some detail the behavior of monopole and quadrupole excitations as a function of the Bose-Fermi coupling. At nonzero temperatures we find that, as the mixture moves towards spatial separation with increasing Bose-Fermi coupling, the damping rate of the monopole (quadrupole) excitation increases (decreases). This provides us a useful signature to identify the phase transition of spatial separation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures embedded; to be published in Phys. Rev.