3,205 research outputs found

    Preparation and properties of amorphous MgB2_2/MgO superstructures: A new model disordered superconductor

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    In this paper we introduce a novel method for fabricating MgB2_2/MgO multilayers and demonstrate the potential for using them as a new model for disordered superconductors. In this approach we control the annealing of the MgB2_2 to yield an interesting new class of disordered (amorphous) superconductors with relatively high transition temperatures. The multilayers appear to exhibit quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity with controlled anisotropy. We discuss the properties of the multilayers as the thickness of the components of the bilayers vary.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Tendency Bias Correction in Coupled and Uncoupled Global Climate Models with a Focus on Impacts over North America

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    We revisit the bias correction problem in current climate models, taking advantage of state-of-the-art atmospheric reanalysis data and new data assimilation tools that simplify the estimation of short-term (6 hourly) atmospheric tendency errors. The focus is on the extent to which correcting biases in atmospheric tendencies improves the models climatology, variability, and ultimately forecast skill at subseasonal and seasonal time scales. Results are presented for the NASA GMAO GEOS model in both uncoupled (atmosphere only) and coupled (atmosphereocean) modes. For the uncoupled model, the focus is on correcting a stunted North Pacific jet and a dry bias over the central United States during boreal summerlong-standing errors that are indeed common to many current AGCMs. The results show that the tendency bias correction (TBC) eliminates the jet bias and substantially increases the precipitation over the Great Plains. These changes are accompanied by much improved (increased) storm-track activity throughout the northern midlatitudes. For the coupled model, the atmospheric TBCs produce substantial improvements in the simulated mean climate and its variability, including a much reduced SST warm bias, more realistic ENSO-related SST variability and teleconnections, and much improved subtropical jets and related submonthly transient wave activity. Despite these improvements, the improvement in subseasonal and seasonal forecast skill over North America is only modest at best. The reasons for this, which are presumably relevant to any forecast system, involve the competing influences of predictability loss with time and the time it takes for climate drift to first have a significant impact on forecast skill

    Electronic properties of buried hetero-interfaces of LaAlO3 on SrTiO3

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    We have made very thin films of LaAlO3 on TiO2 terminated SrTiO3 and have measured the properties of the resulting interface in various ways. Transport measurements show a maximum sheet carrier density of 1016 cm-2 and a mobility around 104 cm2 V-1 s-1. In situ ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) indicates that for these samples a finite density of states exists at the Fermi level. From the oxygen pressure dependence measured in both transport as well as the UPS, we detail, as reported previously by us, that oxygen vacancies play an important role in the creation of the charge carriers and that these vacancies are introduced by the pulsed laser deposition process used to make the heterointerfaces. Under the conditions studied the effect of LaAlO3 on the carrier density is found to be minimal.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    A Systematic Approach to Isolating the Causes and Impacts of Climate Model Bias Employing Analysis Increments

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    One of the most promising approaches to isolating the causes and understanding the impacts of climate model formulation errors is through the utilization of information contained in short-term forecast errors. The underlying assumption being that by capturing the errors at the very early stages of growth (before nonlinearities develop), we should be able to associate those errors with specific deficiencies in the model's formulation of the relevant physical processes. Here, we provide an example of utilizing the long-term mean of the 6-hourly analysis increments (first guess forecast minus analysis) produced by MERRA-2 to correct the NASA/GEOS AGCM over well-defined regions, thereby allowing us to quantify how the reduced tendency errors in these regions manifest themselves both locally and remotely through large-scale teleconnections to reduce the model's climatological biases. We extend previous work (focused on boreal summer) to address the full annual cycle of model bias. A key result is the large seasonality of the errors over the Tibet region and their impacts on the Northern Hemisphere jet biases, and related precipitation and temperature biases over North American. Attempts to correct the phase and amplitude errors of the climatological boreal winter ridge over western North America (a likely key requirement for improving winter climate forecasts over North America) reveal a surprising complexity in the sources of the errors in what is otherwise manifest as a rather simple PNA-like bias structure

    Geometrically Consistent Mesh Modification

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    Determination of the spin-flip time in ferromagnetic SrRuO3 from time-resolved Kerr measurements

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    We report time-resolved Kerr effect measurements of magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic SrRuO3. We observe that the demagnetization time slows substantially at temperatures within 15K of the Curie temperature, which is ~ 150K. We analyze the data with a phenomenological model that relates the demagnetization time to the spin flip time. In agreement with our observations the model yields a demagnetization time that is inversely proportional to T-Tc. We also make a direct comparison of the spin flip rate and the Gilbert damping coefficient showing that their ratio very close to kBTc, indicating a common origin for these phenomena

    Tetrahedral Symmetry in Ground- and Low-Lying States of Exotic A ~ 110 Nuclei

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    Recent theoretical calculations predict a possible existence of nuclei with tetrahedral symmetry: more precisely, the mean-field hamiltonians of such nuclei are symmetric with respect to double point-group Td. In this paper, we focus on the neutron-rich Zirconium isotopes as an example and present realistic mean-field calculations which predict tetrahedral ground-state configurations in 108,110Zr and low-lying excited states of tetrahedral symmetry in a number of N > 66 isotopes. The motivations for focusing on these nuclei, as well as a discussion of the possible experimental signatures of tetrahedral symmetry are also presented.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. C - Rapid Communication

    Optical-Model Description of Time-Reversal Violation

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    A time-reversal-violating spin-correlation coefficient in the total cross section for polarized neutrons incident on a tensor rank-2 polarized target is calculated by assuming a time-reversal-noninvariant, parity-conserving ``five-fold" interaction in the neutron-nucleus optical potential. Results are presented for the system n+165Hon + {^{165}{\rm Ho}} for neutron incident energies covering the range 1--20 MeV. From existing experimental bounds, a strength of 2±102 \pm 10 keV is deduced for the real and imaginary parts of the five-fold term, which implies an upper bound of order 10−410^{-4} on the relative TT-odd strength when compared to the central real optical potential.Comment: 11 pages (Revtex

    Parallel electron-hole bilayer conductivity from electronic interface reconstruction

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    The perovskite SrTiO3_3-LaAlO3_3 structure has advanced to a model system to investigate the rich electronic phenomena arising at polar interfaces. Using first principles calculations and transport measurements we demonstrate that an additional SrTiO3_3 capping layer prevents structural and chemical reconstruction at the LaAlO3_3 surface and triggers the electronic reconstruction at a significantly lower LaAlO3_3 film thickness than for the uncapped systems. Combined theoretical and experimental evidence (from magnetotransport and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy) suggests two spatially separated sheets with electron and hole carriers, that are as close as 1 nm.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres
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