372 research outputs found

    Temperature dependent carrier lifetime studies of Mo in crystalline silicon

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    The capture cross sections of both electronsσn and holes σp were determined for interstitialmolybdenum in crystalline silicon over the temperature range of −110 to 150 °C. Carrier lifetimemeasurements were performed on molybdenum-contaminated silicon using a temperature controlled photoconductance instrument. Injection dependent lifetime spectroscopy was applied at each temperature to calculate σp and σn. This analysis involved a novel approach that independently determined the capture cross sections at each temperature assuming a known defect density and thermal velocity. Since the energy state is in the lower half of the bandgap, the determination of σp is unaffected by the defect energy at all temperatures, and σp is found to decrease with temperature in a fashion consistent with excitonic Auger capture. At temperatures below 0 °C, the determination of σn is also unaffected by the defect energy due to the suppression of thermal emission, and σn decreases with temperature as well. It is shown that a projection of σn to higher temperature suggests the defect has an energy of 0.375 eV above the valance band edge of silicon.D.M. likes to thank the Australian Research Council for fellowship and G.C. likes to thank “CrystalClear Integrated Project” Contract No. SES6-CT_2003-502583 funded by the European Commission

    Temperature dependent carrier lifetime studies on Ti-doped multicrystalline silicon

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    Carrier lifetimemeasurements were performed on deliberately Ti-doped multicrystalline silicon wafers using a temperature controlled photoconductance device. The dominant recombination center was found to be the double-donor level associated with interstitial titanium. The interstitial Ti concentrations in multicrystalline silicon wafers were determined by measuring the Shockley–Read–Hall time constant for holes and using the known values of the thermal velocity and capture cross section for holes of the double-donor level at different temperatures. The measured values of the Ti concentration were then used to determine the electron capture cross section of the double-donor level over the temperature range of 140–270 °C via the measured values of the Shockley–Read–Hall time constant for electrons and the known thermal velocity. Multiphonon emission was found to be the most likely capture mechanism for this temperature range for electron capture into the double-donor level of Ti in silicon. The effective segregation coefficient for Ti was estimated by fitting Scheil’s equation to the measured values of the Ti concentrations and their respective vertical positions in the ingot. If all Ti were present as the interstitial double-donor, a lower limit of 1.8×10⁻⁶ can be ascribed to the segregation coefficient, which is very close to the equilibrium value.This work was funded by an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant between the Australian National University, SierraTherm Production Furnaces, and SunPower Corporation. D.H.M. is supported by an Australian Research Council fellowship

    Generalized procedure to determine the dependence of steady-state photoconductance lifetime on the occupation of multiple defects

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    We present a procedure to determine the dependence of photoconductance lifetime on the occupation of multiple defects. The procedure requires numerical iteration, making it more cumbersome than the analytical equations available for single-defect and simplified two-defect cases, but enabling the following features: (i) it accounts for the defect concentration when calculating the equilibrium carrier concentrations, (ii) it permits recombination through any number of defects, (iii) it calculates the occupation fraction of all defects at any injection, and (iv) it promotes a good understanding of the role of defect occupation in photoconductance measurements. The utility of the numerical procedure is demonstrated on an experimental sample containing multiple defects. The dependence of the sample’s photoconductance on carrier concentration and temperature can be qualitatively described by the generalized procedure but not by either analytical model. The example also demonstrates that the influence of defect occupation on photoconductance lifetime measurements is mitigated at elevated temperatures—a conclusion of particular worth to the study of multicrystalline silicon.This work was funded by an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant between the Australian National University, SierraTherm Production Furnaces, and SunPower Corporation. D.M. is supported by an Australian Research Council fellowship

    Role of Vascular Reactive Oxygen Species in Regulating Cytochrome P450-4A Enzyme Expression in Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats

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    Objective The potential contribution of CYP4A enzymes to endothelial dysfunction in Dahl salt-sensitive rats was determined by comparison to SS-5BN consomic rats having chromosome 5 carrying CYP4A alleles from the BN rat introgressed into the SS genetic background. Methods The following experiments were performed in cerebral arteries from HS-fed SS and SS-5BN rats ± the SOD inhibitor DETC and/or the superoxide scavenger Tempol: (i) endothelial function was determined via video microscopy ± acute addition of the CYP4A inhibitor DDMS or Tempol; (ii) vascular oxidative stress was assessed with DHE fluorescence ± acute addition of DDMS, l-NAME, or PEG-SOD; and (iii) CYP4A protein levels were compared by western blotting. Results In DETC-treated SS-5BN and HS-fed SS rats, (i) DDMS or Tempol ameliorated vascular dysfunction, (ii) DDMS reduced vascular oxidative stress to control levels, (iii) chronic Tempol treatment reduced vascular CYP4A protein expression, and (iv) combined treatment with Tempol and l-NAME prevented the reduction in CYP4A protein expression in MCA of HS-fed SS rats. Conclusion The CYP4A pathway plays a role in vascular dysfunction in SS rats and there appears to be a direct role of reduced NO availability due to salt-induced oxidant stress in upregulating CYP4A enzyme expression

    Time course of denervation-induced changes in gastrocnemius muscles of adult and old rats.

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    Denervation leads to significant muscle atrophy, but it is less clear whether 1) loss of capillaries, fibre size and oxidative capacity decline in parallel and 2) the time course of these changes differs between young and old animals. To investigate this, we denervated the left gastrocnemius muscle for 1, 2 or 4 weeks, while the right muscle served as an internal control, in rats that were 5- or 25 months old at the end of the experiment. In the fast part of the gastrocnemius muscle, almost all atrophy had occurred after two weeks (42%) of denervation. Even after 4 weeks of denervation, there was no significant reduction in the oxidative capacity of the muscle. Significant capillary loss occurred only after 4 weeks of denervation (P < 0.001) that lagged behind and was less than proportional to the decrease in fibre size. Consequently, the capillary density was elevated (P < 0.001). The time course of these morphological changes was similar in the 5- and 25-month-old rats. Comparing these data with those previously published in the soleus muscle from the same animals show that the decrease in oxidative capacity and capillary rarefaction were more pronounced and occurred earlier than in the gastrocnemius muscle, respectively. The time course of capillary loss lagged behind the decrease in fibre size, and combined with the absence of denervation-induced changes in oxidative capacity this resulted in a muscle capillary supply in excess of that expected by the metabolism and fibre size at least during the first 4 weeks after denervation

    Dirhodium-catalyzed C-H arene amination using hydroxylamines

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    Primary and N-alkyl arylamine motifs are key functional groups in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and functional materials, as well as in bioactive natural products. However, there is a dearth of generally applicable methods for the direct replacement of aryl hydrogens with NH2/NH(alkyl) moieties. Here, we present a mild dirhodium-catalyzed C-H amination for conversion of structurally diverse monocyclic and fused aromatics to the corresponding primary and N-alkyl arylamines using NH2/NH(alkyl)-O-(sulfonyl)hydroxylamines as aminating agents; the relatively weak RSO2O-N bond functions as an internal oxidant. The methodology is operationally simple, scalable, and fast at or below ambient temperature, furnishing arylamines in moderate-to-good yields and with good regioselectivity. It can be readily extended to the synthesis of fused N-heterocycles
