4,275 research outputs found

    Pathologic changes in mice induced by subtilase cytotoxin, a potent new Escherichia coli AB(5) toxin that targets the endoplasmic reticulum

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    Subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB) is the prototype of a recently discovered AB₅ cytotoxin family produced by certain strains of Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC). The catalytic A subunit is a highly specific subtilase-like serine protease that cleaves the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP. The toxin is lethal for mice, but the pathology it induces is poorly understood. Here, we show that intraperitoneal injection of SubAB causes microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal impairment in mice-characteristics typical of Shiga toxin-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome. SubAB caused extensive microvascular thrombosis and other histologic damage in the brain, kidneys, and liver, as well as dramatic splenic atrophy. Peripheral blood leukocyte levels were increased at 24 h; there was also significant neutrophil infiltration in the liver, kidneys, and spleen and toxin-induced apoptosis at these sites. These findings raise the possibility that SubAB directly contributes to pathology in humans infected with strains of STEC that produce both Shiga toxin and SubAB.Hui Wang, James C. Paton, and Adrienne W. Pato

    The abortion-crime link: evidence from England and Wales

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    We use panel data from 1983 to 1997 for the 42 police force areas in England and Wales to test the hypothesis that legalizing abortion contributes to lower crime rates. We provide an advance on previous work by focusing on the impact of possible endogeneity of effective abortion rates with respect to crime. Our use of U.K. data allows us to exploit regional differences in the provision of free abortions to identify abortion rates. When we use a similar model and estimation methodology, we are able to replicate the negative association between abortion rates and reported crime found by Donohue and Levitt for the U.S. However, when we allow for the potential endogeneity of effective abortion rates with respect to crime, we find no clear connection between the two.

    The Paton-Williams Debate on Universal Salvation and the Destiny of the Wicked

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    Computational Aspects of Protein Functionality

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    The purpose of this short article is to examine certain aspects of protein functionality with relation to some key organizing ideas. This is important from a computational viewpoint in order to take account of modelling both biological systems and knowledge of these systems. We look at some of the lexical dimensions of the function and how certain constructs can be related to underlying ideas. The pervasive computational metaphor is then discussed in relation to protein multifunctionality, and the specific case of von Willebrand factor as a ‘smart’ multifunctional protein is briefly considered. Some diagrammatic techniques are then introduced to better articulate protein function

    Measurement of Martian boundary layer winds by the displacement of jettisoned lander hardware

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    Abstract Martian boundary layer wind speed and direction measurements, from a variety of locations, seasons and times, are provided. For each lander sent to Mars over the last four decades a unique record of the winds blowing during their descent is preserved at each landing site. By comparing images acquired from orbiting spacecraft of the impact points of jettisoned hardware, such as heat shields and parachutes, to a trajectory model the winds can be measured. We start our investigations with the Viking lander 1 mission and end with Schiaparelli. In-between we extract wind measurements based on observations of the Beagle 2, Spirit, Opportunity, Phoenix and Curiosity landing sites. With one exception the wind at each site during the lander’s descent were found to be   20 m s − 1 ), blowing from the north-west was required at a high altitude ( > 2 km) together with a gust close to the surface ( < 500 m altitude) originating from the north. All in all our investigations yielded a total of ten unique wind measurements in the PBL. One each from the Viking landers and one each from Beagle 2, Spirit, Opportunity and Schiaparelli. Two wind measurements, one above about 1 km altitude and one below, were possible from observations of the Curiosity and Phoenix landing site. Our findings are consistent with a turbulent PBL in the afternoon and calm PBL in the morning. When comparing our results to a GCM we found a good match in wind direction but not for wind speed. The information provided here makes available wind measurements previously unavailable to Mars atmosphere modellers and investigators.Peer reviewe

    Autoinducer 2 signalling via the phosphotransferase FruA drives galactose utilization by Streptococcus pneumoniae resulting in hypervirulence

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    Communication between bacterial cells is crucial for the coordination of diverse cellular processes that facilitate environmental adaptation and, in the case of pathogenic species, virulence. This is achieved by the secretion and detection of small signaling molecules called autoinducers, a process termed quorum sensing. To date, the only signaling molecule recognized by both Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria is autoinducer 2 (AI-2), synthesized by the metabolic enzyme LuxS (S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase) as a by-product of the activated methyl cycle. Homologues of LuxS are ubiquitous in bacteria, suggesting a key role in interspecies, as well as intraspecies, communication. Gram-negative bacteria sense and respond to AI-2 via the Lsr ABC transporter system or by the LuxP/LuxQ phosphorelay system. However, homologues of these systems are absent from Gram-positive bacteria and the AI-2 receptor is unknown. Here we show that in the major human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, sensing of exogenous AI-2 is dependent on FruA, a fructose-specific phosphoenolpyruvate-phosphotransferase system that is highly conserved in Gram-positive pathogens. Importantly, AI-2 signaling via FruA enables the bacterium to utilize galactose as a carbon source and upregulates the Leloir pathway, thereby leading to increased production of capsular polysaccharide and a hypervirulent phenotype

    Distributing transmitters to maximize population-level representativeness in automated radio telemetry studies of animal movement

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    Telemetry is a powerful and indispensable tool for evaluating wildlife movement and distribution patterns, particularly in systems where opportunities for direct observation are limited. However, the effort and expense required to track individuals often results in small sample sizes, which can lead to biased results if the sample of tracked individuals does not fully capture spatial, temporal, and individual variability within the target population. To better understand the influence of sampling design on results of automated radio telemetry studies, we conducted a retrospective power analysis of very high frequency (VHF) radio telemetry data from the Motus Wildlife Tracking System for two species of birds along the United States Atlantic coast: a shorebird, the piping plover (Charadrius melodus), and a nearshore seabird, the common tern (Sterna hirundo). We found that ~ 100–150 tracked individuals were required to identify 90% of locations known to be used by the tracked population, with 40–50 additional individuals required to include 95% of used locations. For any number of individuals, the percentage of stations included in the sample was higher for common terns than for piping plovers when tags were deployed within a single site and year. Percentages of stations included increased for piping plovers when birds were tagged over multiple sites and, to a lesser extent, years, and increased with average length of the tracking period. The probability that any given receiver station used by the population would be included in a subsample increased with the number of birds tracked, station proximity to a migratory stopover or staging site, number of receiving antennas per station, and percentage of the tracked population present. Our results provide general guidance for the number and distribution of tagged birds required to obtain representative VHF telemetry data, while also highlighting the importance of accounting for station network configuration and species-specific differences in behavior when designing automated radio telemetry studies to address specific research questions. Our results have broad applications to remotely track movements of small-bodied migratory wildlife in inaccessible habitats, including predicting and monitoring effects of offshore wind energy development