176 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komitmen, Persepsi Dan Penerapan Pilar Dasar Total Quality Management Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial (Survei Pada BUMN Manufaktur Di Indonesia)

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    This research means to discover the influence of the commitment of top management, the perception of division manager about total quality management (TQM), and practices of fundamental base of it, toward the managerial performance at manufacture based BUMN (state's company) in Indonesia. Survey Populate method is implemented to 28 manufactures in Indonesia. The using data consist of primary which taken by questionnaire and the secondary data which support this research. Then, the hypothesis tested by Path Analysis. Based on the result discovered that: (1) there are eny correlations between the commitment of top management, the perception of division manager, and the practices of fundamental base of TQM at manufacture based BUMN; (2) simultaneously and partially, the commitment of top management, the perception of division manager, and the practices of fundamental base of TQM, they have influence toward the managerial performance

    Planning of Secondary School Location at Subcentre of Medan Selayang Service Based on Geographic Informaton System

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    This research aimed to solve the problem of requirement of facility and infrastructure of high school education year 2030 at 4 sub-districts in sub department of Medan Selayang. By knowing the number of junior high school student we can calculate requirement of middle school infrastructure needed. The need for secondary school building infrastructure at the Medan Selayang service sub-center in 2030 is calculated based on the number of population aged 0-4 years in 2016 as users of secondary education services in the planning year. The need for the number of new school units based on the maximum capacity of study groups available in each school in the study area, the lack of learning groups is met through new classroom addition programs and the addition of new school units. With the population of middle school age in 2030 in four districts amounting to 33,299, it is required to provide 1 unit of new school in Medan Baru sub-district, 1 unit of new school in Medan Selayang sub-district, 2 units of new school in Medan Tuntungan sub-district. The lack of study group in Medan Baru sub-district can be fulfilled by adding new classroom based on the availability of school land. Planning of school location in the addition of new school unit based on spatial analysis using geographic information system application. Method of research used is descriptive method quantitatively. Quantitative analysis done By using Geographic Information System. Analysis is done based on the factors that influence the selection of school location which consists of service coverage factors, distribution pattern factors, accessibility factors and land use factors. From the results of analysis based on spatial data found sowed that the area has not been served in the region Planning. This underserved area became a zone in the determination of secondary school location planning at the Medan Selayang service sub-center

    Empirical Study of Volatility Process on Error Correction Model Estimation

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    Ada dua tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, adalah untuk menyelidiki apakah dalam estimasi model koreksi kesalahan atau error correction model (ECM) terdapat proses volatilitas. Jika ternyata ada, maka model estimasi koreksi kesalahan seharusnya diestimasi dengan menggunakan model volatilitas. Hasil empirik estimasi ECM ternyata mengindikasikan adanya proses volatilitas yang ditunjukkan oleh signifikannya pengujian Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH).Tujuan kedua adalah untuk menentukan model yang paling baik antara estimasi ECM dan estimasi ECM yang diikuti dengan proses volatilitas. Setelah dilakukan estimasi terhadap kedua model tersebut ternyata dapat disimpulkan bahwa estimasi model ECM dengan proses Generalized ARCH (EC-GARCH) lebih baik dibandingkan dengan estimasi model ECM. Sebagai contoh kasus digunkan model estimasi indeks harga saham gabungan di bursa efek Jakarta (BEJ)

    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Karakteristik Perusahaan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Earnings Response Coefficient

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    This study is aimed to determine the effect of disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the characteristics of the enterprises in the form of company size, and Institutional Ownership on Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC). This study sampled a total of 33 manufacturing companies according to certain criteria of population. The results show the simultaneous effect of disclosure of CSR, company size and institutional Ownership of the ERC. Partial results show that the negative effect on the disclosure of CSR ERC, company size is not very influential and have a negative relationship to the ERC, and Institutional Ownership has positive influence on Earnings Response Coefficient

    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Karakteristik Perusahaan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Earnings Response Coefficient

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    This study is aimed to determine the effect of disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the characteristics of the enterprises in the form of company size, and Institutional Ownership on Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC). This study sampled a total of 33 manufacturing companies according to certain criteria of population. The results show the simultaneous effect of disclosure of CSR, company size and institutional Ownership of the ERC. Partial results show that the negative effect on the disclosure of CSR ERC, company size is not very influential and have a negative relationship to the ERC, and Institutional Ownership has positive influence on Earnings Response Coefficient

    Pembuatan dan Kualitas Karton dari Campuran Pulp Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Sludge Industri Kertas

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    Industri karton skala kecil saat ini mengalami kesulitan kontinuitas pasokan bahan baku (khususnya pulp dan kertas bekas). Limbah industri pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit dalam bentuk tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) sebagai bahan serat berligno selulosa berlimpah jumlahnya dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan, sehingga berindikasi pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan baku industri karton.TKKS sesudah dijadikan serpih, diolah menjadi pulp menggunakan proses semikimia soda panas tertutup pada ketel pemasak skala semi-pilot hasil rekayasa Pusat Litbang Hasil Hutan (Bogor) pada kondisi pemasakan: konsentrasi alkali (NaOH) 10%, nilai banding serpih TKKS dengan larutan pemasak 1:5.5, dan waktu pemasakan 2 jam pada suhu maksimum 120oC dan tekanan 1,2 - 1,5 atmosfir. Rata-rata rendemen pulp TKKS yang diperoleh 60,17%, bilangan kappa 38,17, dan konsumsi alkali9,81%. Lembaran karton dibentuk dari campuran pulp TKKS 50% dan sludge industri kertas 50%; dan dari pulp TKKS 100%, masing-masing dengan penambahan bahan aditif (kaolin 5%, alum 2%, tapioca 4%, dan rosin size 2%).Sifat fisik karton asal pulp TKKS 100% dan asal campurannya dengan sludge industri kertas (50%-50%) lebih tinggi dari pada karton produksi industri rakyat (dari campuran kertas bekas 50% dan sludge 50%, (tetapi tanpa bahan aditif). Hal ini mengisyaratkan prospek penggunaan pulp TKKS yang dicampur dengan sludge, sebagai bahan baku altermatif/pengganti pada industri karton yang menggunakan kertas bekas

    Prototype Grounding Detector pada Ground Cluster dengan Sistem Interlockpadalbs (Load Break Switch) Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560 dengan Tampilan Hmi (Human Machine Interface)

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    Electricity has become a daily necessity in the community both social, economic and business. Therefore electricity is needed every day and it is the reliability of PLN. To fulfill such reliability While the reliability of electrical energy should be followed by inspection on the equipment used. PLN field employees themselves who every day always do inspection on the network of all the repeaters, so that field officers always know the state of the network in the field. If the network looks bad or requires maintenance it will be scheduled to do the job. Before the holding of the work it will be done in the first outage area is to operate the switching tool didaerah area. The switching tools are ABSW and LBS. After all the swithing tools are operated the workers always do the grounding first on the three phases by using ground clusters at the starting point to the end of the work where if transmitted so called PMS ground. This is done as a safety because the LBS switching tool is closed so that workers are not sure if the network has been extinguished and as a safety if LBS failed to work or failure. But here the worker himself sometimes still not sure whether the ground cluster is already installed properly or not. And as a safeguard against the occurrence of any maneuvering done by employees from the office Rayon. Therefore the author wants to make a prototype to detect whether grounding is installed properly or not in every phase. The prototype uses Arduino mega as its micron and uses a voltage sensor to find out the value of the voltage. If the ground claster is installed and work fails on LBS then the OCR relay will work and PMT will trip. With the prototype is expected to improve security in the work and minimize the occurrence of work accidents. This prototype has a 0% chance of a crash if the ground cluster is properly installed

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Kelas XI MAN 1 Palu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran giuded discovery terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa kelas XI MAN 1 Palu. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen kuasi dengan nonrandomized control group pretest-post tes design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MIA MAN 1 Palu. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah teknik simple random sampling. Kelas XI MIA 3 (n=28) dipilih sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI MIA 2 (n=28) dipilih sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes hasil belajar berbentuk pilihan ganda berjumlah 29 soal yang tervalidasi. Setiap unit soal mengukur beberapa indikator yang terfokus pada hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistik menngunakan uji-t dua pihak pada taraf nyata dan dk = 0,05, diperoleh nilai thitung berada pada interval penolakan H0 sehingga H1 diterima. Berdasarkan hasil uji yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran giuded discovery terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa kelas XI MAN 1 Palu

    Kompleksitas Persoalan Pasangan Suami-Istri (Sebuah Tawaran Penelitian Pastoral Keluarga Dengan Pendekatan Kualitatif-Induktif)

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    Building a family is a series of processes that require commitment and responsibility from each partner. The fact is that there are many families who are always in conflict and fight, even to the point of divorce. Realizing this, a relevant and contextual hermeneutical study methodology is needed to be able to understand various cases. Through this methodology, each case is reviewed flexibly according to the essence and available information from the case itself. Then this flexibility value will bring up new themes and can be combined into a new substance from the scientific field that is more actual and contextual. Thus, the fruit of this contextual study will help church workers and lay congregations in their efforts to find solutions to problems in the family environment from a broader perspective.