773 research outputs found

    Ketuntasan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education (Rme) Pada Materi Perkalian

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    This research is aiming at knowing the passing grade of students\u27 achievement, the activity of students and teacher in the teaching learning process of perkalian by using realistic approach. It was designed by using a classroom action research that took place at Class IV-2 MIN Tungkob, Aceh Besar. The subject chosen was 37 students. The data were collected by observation and test. The data got then analyzed by using mean score and percentage formula. From the result of three cycles of teaching, it was found that students could achieve the passing grade at 83,3% classically. Students activities also showed an ideal time which is 86,5%. Meanwhile, the teacher\u27s ability to manage the classroom was in the level of good (4,4)

    Respon Perkecambahan Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsium frutescens L.) dengan Pemberian Berbagai Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Alami

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      This study aims to determine the effect of soaking the seeds of cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) on various natural growth regulators on their germination. The research was carried out in the Jaticempaka experimental garden, Bekasi City. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications, namely: P0 (water), P1 (coconut water), P2 (shallot extract), P3 (bean sprout extract), and P4 (Gibberellins 21 ppm). The parameters measured in this study were time and germination viability, plant height, leaf length and number of leaves. The results of the observations were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% and if they were significantly different,continued with a LSD test. The results of the analysis showed that soaking the seeds with Gibberellin resulted in the fastest germination time, which was an average of 60 hours after seedling. Furthermore, treatment P1 is coconut water with an average time of 66 hours. The effect of seed soaking with growth regulators was not significantly different at 7 days after planting (DAP), but at 14 and 21 DAP there was a significant difference in P4, namely soaking with synthetic Gibberellin as shown by the LSD test results. There were no significant differences in the parameters of length and number of leaves found in all treatments and the age of observation. This is presumably due to the lack of growth regulators concentration and soaking time. However that of all the growth regulator treatments given, the treatment with coconut water (P1) showed better results than the other treatments even though the results were not optimal.  This study aims to determine the effect of soaking the seeds of cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) on various natural growth regulators on their germination. The research was carried out in the Jaticempaka experimental garden, Bekasi City. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications, namely: P0 (water), P1 (coconut water), P2 (shallot extract), P3 (bean sprout extract), and P4 (Gibberellins 21 ppm). The parameters measured in this study were time and germination viability, plant height, leaf length and number of leaves. The results of the observations were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% and if they were significantly different,continued with a LSD test. The results of the analysis showed that soaking the seeds with Gibberellin resulted in the fastest germination time, which was an average of 60 hours after seedling. Furthermore, treatment P1 is coconut water with an average time of 66 hours. The effect of seed soaking with growth regulators was not significantly different at 7 days after planting (DAP), but at 14 and 21 DAP there was a significant difference in P4, namely soaking with synthetic Gibberellin as shown by the LSD test results. There were no significant differences in the parameters of length and number of leaves found in all treatments and the age of observation. This is presumably due to the lack of growth regulators concentration and soaking time. However that of all the growth regulator treatments given, the treatment with coconut water (P1) showed better results than the other treatments even though the results were not optimal. &nbsp

    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia presenting in the sixth decade mimicking pneumonia

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia presentation in adults is extremely rare. Patients who present with late diaphragmatic hernias complain of a wide variety of symptoms and diagnosis can be difficult. We report a case of a 64 year old male who presented with a six month history of cough, shortness of breath and weight loss. The most common strategy to treat a Bochdalek hernia is via a thoracotomy or laparotomy or both. In our patient the repair was performed with a thoracotomy

    Levels of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients with Nephropathy and Cardiovascular disease complication

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus (DM) Type1 by the measurement of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD), an enzyme expressed in human RBCs, is important in the generation of reduced glutathione which is the key product in oxidative stress controls. The Study was carried on 80 samples of blood and serum of National Diabetes Center (NDC). The study groups under fasting conditions and they divided as:20 samples of diabetes mellitus patients without complications and 20 samples of diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular (CV) complications and 20 samples of diabetes mellitus with Nephropathy (Neph) complications compared with 20 control group with average age (13-67) years.. The results showed an elevation in the lipid profile and urea levels in patients groups compared with control group and a decrease in glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase, HDL levels in all patients groups compared with control group

    Ruptured hydatid cyst presenting as pneumothorax.

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    Patients with echinococcus infection are mostly asymptomatic. The documented rates of simple pneumothorax in Patients with pulmonary hydatidosis ranged from 2.4% - 6.2%. We report a case of a forty-year-old male Patient who was referred to our hospital for management of recurrent pneumothorax. A video assisted thoracoscope (VATS) was first introduced which showed a large amount of pus in the pleural cavity and a perforated hydatid cyst. The VATS was converted to an open thoracotomy and decortication was done with removal of the ruptured hydatid. The Patient made an unremarkable recovery and was discharged after one week with empyema tubes. The empyema tubes were gradually removed over a period of six weeks. An extraordinary number of management options for pulmonary hydatid disease have been offered. This case report highlights surgical treatment as the management opti

    Calcium deficiency and causation of rickets in Ethiopian children

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    Objective: To assess the role of calcium in the development of clinical rickets among Ethiopian children coming to Jimma Specialised Hospital outpatient, department. Design: Case control study. Settings: Jimma Specialised Teaching Hospital and surrounding urban and rural community in the catchment area. Subjects: One hundred and thirty five under five year old children (30 cases of rickets and 104 non-rachitic cases) who came for paediatric service in Jimma hospital. Results: The mean (±SD) level of calcium intake for cases and controls was 664.5 (± 102.7) mg and 645.8(± 144.4) mg, respectively. There was no statistically significance difference between the two groups in the mean level of calcium intake (t=0.659, P>0.05). Generally, in both cases and controls the majority of the study participants were taking calcium below the recommended daily calcium requirement of 800 mg for age group according to Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council. When adjusted for different co-variates including age, sex, breast feeding history, history of diarrhoea lasting longer than 14 days and 24 hours calcium intake children and religion, occupation, educational status and residence the mothers/care givers using logistic regression model, frequency of exposure to sunlight ( OR=1.55, 95%CI: 1.2, 2.0), being from rural areas(OR= 5.0, 95% CI: 1.1, 23.3) and age 12-23 months (OR= 4.5, 95%CI: 1.2, 16.5) were significantly associated with rickets(

    Pelayanan Sistem Iduhelp (Ilearning Education Help) Dengan Menggunakan Sistem Ilearning Survey Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Service is an activity undertaken by individuals or groups of people through the system, certain procedures and methods in order to meet the needs of others with the easiness to meet all their needs. From the development of informatics technology in today\u27s world, then by using a system called iDuHelp !, Allows students to get information about ilearning. With this system, students can enjoy the services of two services , namely online and offline. implementation of student satisfaction on a given service activity to satisfaction with the service system creates realistic, so of service iDuHelp ! provide a system that is shaped survey ilearning survey . The system can be filled by students in the form of a link, contains questions on pelyanan iDuHelp !. Thus the survey iLearning system contribute maximize quality improvement and provide good service and to improve the overall performance of the operator in providing services to customers. Many related methods of this study, such as by using the method ilearning. So that a clear research using mind mapping. In this study explained about the problems encountered and solutions are included in the form of a flowchart. the implementation of the system are protptype iDuHelp ! and iLearning Survey .Results in the form of a graph of Isur customer response to operator services and systems, so it is useful to improve the overall service quality iDuHelp! system

    Evaluation of pre-service training on integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness in Ethiopia

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    Background: The Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness strategy equips health workers with essential knowledge and skills to effectively manage sick children with common neonatal and childhood diseases. Since in-service training is very demanding to achieve the desired coverage of training of health workers, pre-service training is taken as a solution. At the time of the survey, most public and some private health professionals’ training institutions were conducting pre-service training. However, several concerns have been expressed on the training. Therefore, this survey was conducted to assess the status of pre-service Integrated Management of New-born and Childhood Illness training. Methods: A cross sectional survey on health professional training institutes/schools to evaluate pre-service Inte-grated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness training was conducted in November 2007. Data was col-lected using pre-tested questionnaires, focused group interviews with teachers and students, observation of stu-dents while managing sick children using Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness guidelines, and reviews of pediatric course outlines and other teaching/learning materials. Data was entered in computer and analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 12.0.1. Results: Twenty nine health professionals’ training institutions (34 academic programs) which have started pre-service training were included in the survey. Of the 34 programs 22 were diploma nursing, 6 Bachelor of Sciences nursing, 4 health officer and the remaining two medicine. Thirty (88.2%) programs have integrated it in their cur-riculum. All academic programs had at least one fulltime staff for Integrated Management of Newborn and Child-hood Illness classroom instruction. Twenty nine (85.3%) programs had staff trained in case management skills. All the 34 academic programs taught health workers skills, 28(82.3%) used mixed approach. Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness was either incorporated for 21 (61.8%) or added to the previous teaching 11 (32.3%). The instructor to student ratio was low for most of the schools. Main challenges encountered in the pre-service teaching were constraints with trained staff and other resources each by 28 (82.3%) programs. Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness was included in student evaluation by all programs (100%). All students and instructors (100%) rated that Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness concept is very relevant or extremely relevant but majority said the time given was short. The over all mean score of students clinical practice was 63.5%. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness was intro-duced into the teaching programs of most health professional training institutions. The most preferred teaching style was the mixed approach. Group discussion and demonstration were commonly used methods and Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness questions were included in students’ evaluation in almost all pro-grams. Shortage of IMNCI trained staff and teaching materials were major challenges. The use of teaching materi-als prepared for pre-service training like handbook and model chapter was limited. Instructors and students atti-tude towards IMNCI was very good. The students overall performance in managing sick child as per the IMNCI guidelines was above average. We recommend that the respective bodies at every level make every effort to strengthen IMNCI pre-service teaching through revisiting curricula, facilitating staff training, availing teaching materials and allocating adequate time. Exploring for an alternative/innovative and sustainable training approach is an assignment for all

    Isolation and Characterization of Alkalophilic Xylanase Producing Bacteria MS-2-1 from Marine Water Sample

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    A novel marine bacterium was isolated from Pichavaram mangrove forest located near Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu and designated as MS-2-1. Morphological, cultural, physiological characteristics as well as 16S rRNA gene sequence based phylogenetic analysis confirmed taxonomic affiliation of MS 2 as Marinobacter aquaeolei. The optimum pH and temperature for maximum production of xylanase was observed at pH 8.0 and 30ºC
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