307 research outputs found

    Saturn’s near-equatorial ionospheric conductivities from in situ measurements

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    Cassini’s Grand Finale orbits provided for the first time in-situ measurements of Saturn’s topside ionosphere. We present the Pedersen and Hall conductivities of the top near-equatorial dayside ionosphere, derived from the in-situ measurements by the Cassini Radio and Wave Plasma Science Langmuir Probe, the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer and the fluxgate magnetometer. The Pedersen and Hall conductivities are constrained to at least 10⁻⁔–10⁻⁎ S/m at (or close to) the ionospheric peak, a factor 10–100 higher than estimated previously. We show that this is due to the presence of dusty plasma in the near-equatorial ionosphere. We also show the conductive ionospheric region to be extensive, with thickness of 300–800 km. Furthermore, our results suggest a temporal variation (decrease) of the plasma densities, mean ion masses and consequently the conductivities from orbit 288 to 292

    Plasma Transport in Saturn's Low‐Latitude Ionosphere: Cassini Data

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2019 American Geophysical Union.In 2017 the Cassini Orbiter made the first in situ measurements of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere of Saturn. The Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer in its ion mode measured densities of light ion species (H+, H2+, H3+, and He+), and the Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument measured electron densities. During proximal orbit 287 (denoted P287), Cassini reached down to an altitude of about 3,000 km above the 1 bar atmospheric pressure level. The topside ionosphere plasma densities measured for P287 were consistent with ionospheric measurements during other proximal orbits. Spacecraft potentials were measured by the Radio and Plasma Wave Science Langmuir probe and are typically about negative 0.3 V. Also, for this one orbit, Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer was operated in an instrument mode allowing the energies of incident H+ ions to be measured. H+ is the major ion species in the topside ionosphere. Ion flow speeds relative to Saturn's atmosphere were determined. In the southern hemisphere, including near closest approach, the measured ion speeds were close to zero relative to Saturn's corotating atmosphere, but for northern latitudes, southward ion flow of about 3 km/s was observed. One possible interpretation is that the ring shadowing of the southern hemisphere sets up an interhemispheric plasma pressure gradient driving this flow

    Electron Density Distributions in Saturn's Ionosphere

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Between 26 April and 15 September 2017, Cassini executed 23 highly inclined Grand Finale orbits through a new frontier for space exploration, the narrow region between Saturn and the D Ring, providing the first opportunity for obtaining in situ ionospheric measurements. During the Grand Finale orbits, the Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument observed broadband whistler mode emissions and narrowband upper hybrid frequency emissions. Using known wave propagation characteristics of these two plasma wave modes, the electron density is derived over a broad range of ionospheric latitudes and altitudes. A two‐part exponential scale height model is fitted to the electron density measurements. The model yields a double‐layered ionosphere with plasma scale heights of 545/575 km for the northern/southern hemispheres below 4,500 km and plasma scale heights of 4,780/2,360 km for the northern/southern hemispheres above 4,500 km. The interpretation of these layers involves the interaction between the rings and the ionosphere

    Effects of Saturn's magnetospheric dynamics on Titan's ionosphere

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    We use the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science/Langmuir probe measurements of the electron density from the first 110 flybys of Titan to study how SaturnÂŽs magnetosphere influences TitanÂŽs ionosphere. The data is first corrected for biased sampling due to varying solar zenith angle and solar energy flux (solar cycle effects). We then present results showing that the electron density in TitanÂŽs ionosphere, in the altitude range 1600-2400 km, is increased by about a factor of 2.5 when Titan is located on the nightside of Saturn (Saturn local time (SLT) 21-03 h) compared to when on the dayside (SLT 09-15 h). For lower altitudes (1100-1600 km) the main dividing factor for the ionospheric density is the ambient magnetospheric conditions. When Titan is located in the magnetospheric current sheet, the electron density in TitanÂŽs ionosphere is about a factor of 1.4 higher compared to when Titan is located in the magnetospheric lobes. The factor of 1.4 increase in between sheet and lobe flybys is interpreted as an effect of increased particle impact ionization from 200 eV sheet electrons. The factor of 2.5 increase in electron density between flybys on SaturnÂŽs nightside and dayside is suggested to be an effect of the pressure balance between thermal plus magnetic pressure in TitanÂŽs ionosphere against the dynamic pressure and energetic particle pressure in SaturnÂŽs magnetosphere.Fil: Edberg, N. J. T.. University of Iowa; Estados Unidos. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Andrews, D. J.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Bertucci, Cesar. Consejo Nacional de InvestigaciĂłnes CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de AstronomĂ­a y FĂ­sica del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de AstronomĂ­a y FĂ­sica del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Gurnett, D. A.. University of Iowa; Estados UnidosFil: Holmberg, M. K. G.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Jackman, C. M.. University Of Southampton; Reino UnidoFil: Kurth, W. S.. University of Iowa; Estados UnidosFil: Menietti, J. D.. University Of Iowa; Estados UnidosFil: Opgenoorth, H. J.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Shebanits, O.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Vigren, E.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Wahlund, J. E.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; Sueci

    Energy input from the exterior cusp into the ionosphere: Correlated ground-based and satellite observations

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    The energy transport from the exterior cusp into the ionosphere is investigated using coordinated ground-based (EISCAT and MIRACLE) and satellite ( Cluster) observations. EISCAT and MIRACLE data are used to estimate the plasma heating in the F-region and the Joule heating in the E-region. Cluster measurements are used to derive the electromagnetic and particle energy fluxes at the high altitudes. These fluxes are then compared with the energy deposition into the ionospheric cusp during a 30 minutes long time interval in which Cluster and EISCAT are nearly conjugated. It is shown that the particles seen at about 9 Re in the exterior cusp carry an earthward energy flux that corresponds to the observed heating of the F-region. The estimated earthward Poynting flux is more than enough to account for the Joule heating in the E-region

    Cluster observations of ULF waves with pulsating electron beams above the high latitude dusk-side auroral region

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    We report observations by the four Cluster satellites of particle acceleration associated with ULF (Alfven) waves at an altitude of 6R(E) above the dusk-side auroral region. All satellites observed upward accelerated ions and upgoing electron beams, which coincided with the upward field-aligned current around the plasmasheet boundary region. Here we study in detail one region of Alfvenic ULF waves observed together with upward electron beams, both having a quasi-periodicity of about 2 minutes. The ULF waves have a downward Poynting flux. Comparing data from different spacecraft, the observed electron beams are likely caused by the ULF waves in localized (0.5degrees latitude extension) flux tubes in the plasmasheet boundary region. The high-energy keV plasmasheet dispersive ion signatures showed similar periodicity, which suggests that the generation region of the ULF Alfven waves is near the magnetospheric flank, and in turn induce time-varying particle energization
