1,995 research outputs found

    Evaluating Students’ Perception of Teaching Learning Computer Programming: A Study in a Bruneian Technological University

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    The present study is part of one of the pioneering government funded research, conducted in one of the institutions of higher learning in Brunei Darussalam. The study validates the existing instrument through survey (factor analysis) among cohort of students in a programming class. The study results not only endorse the reasons of declining the art and science of teaching/learning computer programming but also have brought an interesting finding of pedagogy. The results indicate that teaching and learning strategies are more teacher-centered (mean=3.85) rather than student-centered (mean = 2.87). This is in contrast to modern approach of teaching-learning, where problem-based or constructivist approach dominates. Further 67% of the students considered lack of motivation, 80% considered the curriculum is less practical and 50% thought it was more teacher-centered, as key reasons of this decline. Based on the findings some recommendations were made to the relevant authorities to improve the practice

    Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Pelaksanaan Upacara Bendera Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Nasionalisme

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    The objectives of this research were to describe and explain the perception of students on the implementation of a flag ceremony in forming of the attitude of nationalism. The method used in this study was descriptive quantitative research. The population in this research were 125 people and 31 people as the sample. Data collecting technique was using interview and analyzing the data was using percentage. The results of the study showed that the indicator of understanding as many as 6,45 percent students in negative criteria or do not understand, 58,06 percent students in tended to be positive criteria. In indicator of responses as many as 22,58 percent were disagree with the flag ceremony, 45,16 percent were agree with the flag ceremony. In indicator of hope as many as 22,58 percent were disagree with the flag ceremony formed the nationalism, 41,93 percent were agree with the flag ceremony formed the nationalism.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tentang Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Pelaksanaan Upacara Bendera Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Nasionalisme Siswa, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini 125 orang dengan sampel 31 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket dan analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada indikator pemahaman sebanyak 6,45% siswa masuk dalam kriteria negatif atau tidak paham, 58,06% siswa masuk dalam kriteria cenderung positif. Pada indikator tanggapan sebanyak 22,58% tidak setuju dengan pelaksanaan upacara bendera, 45,16% setuju pelaksanaan upacara bendera. Pada indikator harapan sebanyak 22,58% tidak setuju pelaksanaan upacara bendera membentuk sikap nasionalisme, 41,93% setuju pelaksanaan upacara bendera membentuk sikap nasionalisme

    Electromagnetic Simulation and Design of a Novel Waveguide RF Wien Filter for Electric Dipole Moment Measurements of Protons and Deuterons

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    The conventional Wien filter is a device with orthogonal static magnetic and electric fields, often used for velocity separation of charged particles. Here we describe the electromagnetic design calculations for a novel waveguide RF Wien filter that will be employed to solely manipulate the spins of protons or deuterons at frequencies of about 0.1 to 2 MHz at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY at J\"ulich. The device will be used in a future experiment that aims at measuring the proton and deuteron electric dipole moments, which are expected to be very small. Their determination, however, would have a huge impact on our understanding of the universe.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    A Brief Prehistory of Double Descent

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    In their thought-provoking paper [1], Belkin et al. illustrate and discuss the shape of risk curves in the context of modern high-complexity learners. Given a fixed training sample size nn, such curves show the risk of a learner as a function of some (approximate) measure of its complexity NN. With NN the number of features, these curves are also referred to as feature curves. A salient observation in [1] is that these curves can display, what they call, double descent: with increasing NN, the risk initially decreases, attains a minimum, and then increases until NN equals nn, where the training data is fitted perfectly. Increasing NN even further, the risk decreases a second and final time, creating a peak at N=nN=n. This twofold descent may come as a surprise, but as opposed to what [1] reports, it has not been overlooked historically. Our letter draws attention to some original, earlier findings, of interest to contemporary machine learning

    Variational assimilation of Lagrangian data in oceanography

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    We consider the assimilation of Lagrangian data into a primitive equations circulation model of the ocean at basin scale. The Lagrangian data are positions of floats drifting at fixed depth. We aim at reconstructing the four-dimensional space-time circulation of the ocean. This problem is solved using the four-dimensional variational technique and the adjoint method. In this problem the control vector is chosen as being the initial state of the dynamical system. The observed variables, namely the positions of the floats, are expressed as a function of the control vector via a nonlinear observation operator. This method has been implemented and has the ability to reconstruct the main patterns of the oceanic circulation. Moreover it is very robust with respect to increase of time-sampling period of observations. We have run many twin experiments in order to analyze the sensitivity of our method to the number of floats, the time-sampling period and the vertical drift level. We compare also the performances of the Lagrangian method to that of the classical Eulerian one. Finally we study the impact of errors on observations.Comment: 31 page

    Diverging land-use projections cause large variability in their impacts on ecosystems and related indicators for ecosystem services

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    Land-use models and integrated assessment models provide scenarios of land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes following pathways or storylines related to different socioeconomic and environmental developments. The large diversity of available scenario projections leads to a recognizable variability in impacts on land ecosystems and the levels of services provided. We evaluated 16 projections of future LULC until 2040 that reflected different assumptions regarding socioeconomic demands and modeling protocols. By using these LULC projections in a state-of-the-art dynamic global vegetation model, we simulated their effect on selected ecosystem service indicators related to ecosystem productivity and carbon sequestration potential, agricultural production and the water cycle. We found that although a common trend for agricultural expansion exists across the scenarios, where and how particular LULC changes are realized differs widely across models and scenarios. They are linked to model-specific considerations of some demands over others and their respective translation into LULC changes and also reflect the simplified or missing representation of processes related to land dynamics or other influencing factors (e.g., trade, climate change). As a result, some scenarios show questionable and possibly unrealistic features in their LULC allocations, including highly regionalized LULC changes with rates of conversion that are contrary to or exceed rates observed in the past. Across the diverging LULC projections, we identified positive global trends of net primary productivity (+10.2 % ± 1.4 %), vegetation carbon (+9.2 % ± 4.1 %), crop production (+31.2 % ± 12.2 %) and water runoff (+9.3 % ± 1.7 %), and a negative trend of soil and litter carbon stocks (−0.5 % ± 0.4 %). The variability in ecosystem service indicators across scenarios was especially high for vegetation carbon stocks and crop production. Regionally, variability was highest in tropical forest regions, especially at current forest boundaries, because of intense and strongly diverging LULC change projections in combination with high vegetation productivity dampening or amplifying the effects of climatic change. Our results emphasize that information on future changes in ecosystem functioning and the related ecosystem service indicators should be seen in light of the variability originating from diverging projections of LULC. This is necessary to allow for adequate policy support towards sustainable transformations

    Data incongruence and the problem of avian louse phylogeny

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    Recent studies based on different types of data (i.e. morphological and molecular) have supported conflicting phylogenies for the genera of avian feather lice (Ischnocera: Phthiraptera). We analyse new and published data from morphology and from mitochondrial (12S rRNA and COI) and nuclear (EF1-) genes to explore the sources of this incongruence and explain these conflicts. Character convergence, multiple substitutions at high divergences, and ancient radiation over a short period of time have contributed to the problem of resolving louse phylogeny with the data currently available. We show that apparent incongruence between the molecular datasets is largely attributable to rate variation and nonstationarity of base composition. In contrast, highly significant character incongruence leads to topological incongruence between the molecular and morphological data. We consider ways in which biases in the sequence data could be misleading, using several maximum likelihood models and LogDet corrections. The hierarchical structure of the data is explored using likelihood mapping and SplitsTree methods. Ultimately, we concede there is strong discordance between the molecular and morphological data and apply the conditional combination approach in this case. We conclude that higher level phylogenetic relationships within avian Ischnocera remain extremely problematic. However, consensus between datasets is beginning to converge on a stable phylogeny for avian lice, at and below the familial rank

    GODAE systems in operation

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    During the last 15 years, operational oceanography systems have been developed in several countries around the world. These developments have been fostered primarily by the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE), which coordinated these activities, encouraged partnerships, and facilitated constructive competition. This multinational coordination has been very beneficial for the development of operational oceanography. Today, several systems provide routine, real-time ocean analysis, forecast, and reanalysis products. These systems are based on (1) state-of-the-art Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) configurations, either global or regional (basin-scale), with resolutions that range from coarse to eddy-resolving, and (2) data assimilation techniques ranging from analysis correction to advanced three- or four-dimensional variational schemes. These systems assimilate altimeter sea level anomalies, sea surface temperature data, and in situ profiles of temperature and salinity, including Argo data. Some systems have implemented downscaling capacities, which consist of embedding higher-resolution local systems in global and basin-scale models (through open boundary exchange of data), especially in coastal regions, where small scale-phenomena are important, and also increasing the spatial resolution for these regional/coastal systems to be able to resolve smaller scales (so-called downscaling). Others have implemented coupling with the atmosphere and/or sea ice. This paper provides a short review of these operational GODAE systems.Published76-914.6. Oceanografia operativa per la valutazione dei rischi in aree marineN/A or not JCRope