126 research outputs found

    Evaluation of distribution models for household water treatment products in Kenya

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    Marketing trials for ceramic filters and other HWTS products were carried out in Kenya over 16 months. Community education trainings and sales models were set up at four different sites with local entrepreneurs, Community Health Workers of the Public Health system, Community-based Organizations and staff of NGOs. Selling filters through the water utility, a community-based enterprise, was the most successful retail model, followed by sales done by Community Health Workers. Evidence showed that community-based organizations need to be equipped with adequate management and marketing skills to successfully sell products. Community education through household visits (independent of the stakeholder carrying out the activity) was an effective marketing strategy. Emotional attributes, social norms, if people think it is important to treat the water and education level had the highest influence on the frequency of household water treatment in households

    A novel variant of the 13C-methacetin liver function breath test that eliminates the confounding effect of individual differences in sytemic CO2 kinetics

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    The principle of dynamic liver function breath tests is founded on the administration of a 13C-labeled drug and subsequent monitoring of 13CO2 in the breath, quantified as time series delta over natural baseline 13CO2 (DOB) liberated from the drug during hepatic CYP-dependent detoxification. One confounding factor limiting the diagnostic value of such tests is that only a fraction of the liberated 13CO2 is immediately exhaled, while another fraction is taken up by body compartments from which it returns with delay to the plasma. The aims of this study were to establish a novel variant of the methacetin-based breath test LiMAx that allows to estimate and to eliminate the confounding effect of systemic 13CO2 distribution on the DOB curve and thus enables a more reliable assessment of the hepatic detoxification capacity compared with the conventional LiMAx test. We designed a new test variant (named "2DOB") consisting of two consecutive phases. Phase 1 is initiated by the intravenous administration of 13C-bicarbonate. Phase 2 starts about 30 min later with the intravenous administration of the 13C-labelled test drug. Using compartment modelling, the resulting 2-phasic DOB curve yields the rate constants for the irreversible elimination and the reversible exchange of plasma 13CO2 with body compartments (phase 1) and for the detoxification and exchange of the drug with body compartments (phase 2). We carried out the 2DOB test with the test drug 13C-methacetin in 16 subjects with chronic liver pathologies and 22 normal subjects, who also underwent the conventional LiMAx test. Individual differences in the systemic CO2 kinetics can lead to deviations up to a factor of 2 in the maximum of DOB curves (coefficient of variation CV ≈ 0.2) which, in particular, may hamper the discrimination between subjects with normal or mildly impaired detoxification capacities. The novel test revealed that a significant portion of the drug is not immediately metabolized, but transiently taken up into a storage compartment. Intriguingly, not only the hepatic detoxification rate but also the storage capacity of the drug, turned out to be indicative for a normal liver function. We thus used both parameters to define a scoring function which yielded an excellent disease classification (AUC = 0.95) and a high correlation with the MELD score (RSpearman = 0.92). The novel test variant 2DOB promises a significant improvement in the assessment of impaired hepatic detoxification capacity. The suitability of the test for the reliable characterization of the natural history of chronic liver diseases (fatty liver-fibrosis-cirrhosis) has to be assessed in further studies

    Identification of Universally Applicable and Species-Specific Marker Peptides for Bacillus anthracis

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    Anthrax is a zoonotic infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis (BA). Specific identification of this pathogen often relies on targeting genes located on two extrachromosomal plasmids, which represent the major pathogenicity factors of BA. However, more recent findings show that these plasmids have also been found in other closely related Bacillus species. In this study, we investigated the possibility of identifying species-specific and universally applicable marker peptides for BA. For this purpose, we applied a high-resolution mass spectrometry-based approach for 42 BA isolates. Along with the genomic sequencing data and by developing a bioinformatics data evaluation pipeline, which uses a database containing most of the publicly available protein sequences worldwide (UniParc), we were able to identify eleven universal marker peptides unique to BA. These markers are located on the chromosome and therefore, might overcome known problems, such as observable loss of plasmids in environmental species, plasmid loss during cultivation in the lab, and the fact that the virulence plasmids are not necessarily a unique feature of BA. The identified chromosomally encoded markers in this study could extend the small panel of already existing chromosomal targets and along with targets for the virulence plasmids, may pave the way to an even more reliable identification of BA using genomics- as well as proteomics-based techniques

    Membrane filtration reduces recontamination risk in chlorinated household water containers

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    The study was conducted in the catchment area of two Gravity Driven Membrane Filtration (GDM) water kiosks in Uganda. It assessed if the cleaning and disinfection of jerrycans with chlorine can reduce risks for regrowth and recontamination of treated water during storage in undisturbed containers, as well as at the household level. In addition, the impact of water handling, household hygiene and safe storage determinants on water quality was evaluated. Results indicate that the cleanliness of the water storage container has a critical impact on water quality changes during storage. Safe drinking water at the point of consumption after 24 hours of storage at the household level can be achieved with a combination of ultrafiltration and subsequent chlorination

    RESET-APP: ein App-basiertes Angebot zur Selbstregulation für Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe I – Akzeptanz und Nutzungsverhalten

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    Hintergrund Die COVID-19-Pandemie („coronavirus disease 2019“) hat immense Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit. Kinder und Jugendliche gelten hierbei als besonders vulnerabel. Deshalb sind gerade für sie Angebote zur Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention wichtig. Gesundheitsförderung sollte motivierend gestaltet werden, um für diese Altersgruppe attraktiv zu sein. Ziel dieser Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob Jugendliche mithilfe von innovativen digitalen Formaten erreicht werden können. Methodik Es wurde ein App-basiertes Training zur Förderung der Selbstregulation für die Sekundarstufe I konzipiert und Jugendlichen der Sekundarstufe I im Herbst 2020 angeboten. Hier wurde u. a. die Art der Motivation zur Teilnahme am Training abgefragt. Zudem konnten die Schüler*innen die Attraktivität des Trainings abschließend bewerten. Ergebnis Von den registrierten Schüler*innen (n = 91) absolvierten 39,56 % das komplette Training. 40,91 % der Schüler*innen, die das Training vollständig absolviert haben, gaben an, dass das Training „sehr“ hilfreich war, 36,36 % bewerteten es als „ziemlich“ hilfreich. 50 % der Befragten fand das App-basierte Training „modern und motivierend“, die andere Hälfte hätte sich jedoch mehr persönliche Betreuung gewünscht. Schlussfolgerung Die Ergebnisse decken sich mit den Ergebnissen bereits veröffentlichter Studien: Heranwachsende sind zwar prinzipiell offen für digitale Formate, jene werden aber kaum verbindlich und kontinuierlich genutzt

    Severe depletion of mitochondrial DNA in spinal muscular atrophy

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neuromus- cular disorder in childhood leading to a dramatic loss of muscle strength. Functional investigations with high-reso- lution polarography and enzyme measurements of the res- piratory chain revealed lowered activities in muscle tissue of SMA patients. To gain a better understanding of this low energy supply we analyzed the amount of mitochon- drial DNA (mtDNA) in skeletal muscle of 20 unrelated children with genetically proven SMA and 31 controls. Quantitative Southern blot analysis revealed a severe and homogeneous decrease in the content of muscle mtDNA in relation to nuclear DNA in SMA patients (90.3±7.8%), whereas by immunofluorescence no decrease in the num- ber of mitochondria was detected. In addition, a two- to threefold reduction of the nuclear-encoded complex II (succinate dehydrogenase) activity was detected in SMA muscle tissue. Western blot analysis showed a significant reduction of both mitochondrial- and nuclear-encoded cy- tochrome c oxidase subunits. Our results indicate that mtDNA depletion in SMA is a consequence of severe at- rophy, and has to be differentiated by measurement of complex II from an isolated reduction of mtDNA as found in patients with mitochondriocytopathies and the so- called mtDNA depletion syndrome

    Alterations of Central Liver Metabolism of Pediatric Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in children and is associated with overweight and insulin resistance (IR). Almost nothing is known about in vivo alterations of liver metabolism in NAFLD, especially in the early stages of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Here, we used a complex mathematical model of liver metabolism to quantify the central hepatic metabolic functions of 71 children with biopsy-proven NAFLD. For each patient, a personalized model variant was generated based on enzyme abundances determined by mass spectroscopy. Our analysis revealed statistically significant alterations in the hepatic carbohydrate, lipid, and ammonia metabolism, which increased with the degree of obesity and severity of NAFLD. Histologic features of NASH and IR displayed opposing associations with changes in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism but synergistically decreased urea synthesis in favor of the increased release of glutamine, a driver of liver fibrosis. Taken together, our study reveals already significant alterations in the NASH liver of pediatric patients, which, however, are differently modulated by the simultaneous presence of IR

    Evaluating novel gravity-driven membrane (GDM) water kiosks in schools

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    This paper presents results of the field evaluation of three gravity driven membrane (GDM) water kiosks purifying Victoria lake water in schools in Uganda. The study evaluated the technical performance of the systems and the feasibility of the operation and maintenance concepts over two years of operation, as well as the financial viability of the business model and management concept and overall system sustainability. The results show that GDM water kiosks are a simple technology capable of treating turbid surface water and can autonomously supply good quality water to schools and communities. They require little maintenance, are simple to operate and maintain, and with trained local O&M team support, they offer sustainability of operation in remote low-income areas. The business and management model evaluation has not yet been completed and is ongoing

    A new approach for modelling mild and severe wear in wheel-rail contacts

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    This paper presents a new approach for modelling the wear in wheel-rail contacts for a wide range of test and contact conditions (material pairing, load, creep, lubrication etc.) in the mild and severe wear regimes with one set of model coefficients. The approach is based on a detailed analysis of 56 Twin-Disc experiments in combination with existing knowledge from the literature. The model considers the thickness of the damaged layer caused by severe plastic shear deformations in the near-surface layer of wheel or rail and the maximum shear stress in the contact as the main influencing factors responsible for the observed wear behaviour. In this way, a much better prediction quality can be reached for varying test and contact conditions compared to the state of the art energy dissipation or sliding based approaches. The model includes a low number of model coefficients which are independent of test and contact conditions
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