22 research outputs found

    Milk production capacity of priangan prolific sheep: II. The lactation curve

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    A calculation was made for the lactation curve of Priangan sheep using Wood equation to find out how much differences actual milk production of uncorrected ewes compared to those corrected using parity and litter size born. Milk production was measured using weighing of the lambs before and shortly after suckling, with average of daily and total milk production were 519.5 g/head and 43.6 kg head-1 lactation-1, respectively. The average of parameter a, which reflected milk production at the beginning of the lactation period was 6.296 that equivalent to 571.5 g/head and significantly affected (P<0.05) by parity. The b parameter which reflected the rate of milk increment at the beginning of the lactation period was found to be 0.528 and significantly affected (P<0.05) by parity. The c parameter which reflected the rate of milk decline at the end of lactation period was found to be -0.20 and significantly affected (P<0.05) by parity. The average persistency which reflected the duration of maximum milk production was found to be 22.58 days without any significant contribution of parity and the number of lamb born. The average time to reach maximum milk production was found to be at week 3.5 after lambing without any significant contribution of parity and litter size. The average estimation of maximum milk production was 708.4 g/head and significantly affected (P<0.05) by ewe parity.   Key words: Milk production, lactation curve, Priangan shee

    Morphology growth curve of female cross breed duck between Pekin and White Mojosari

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    Morphological growth is a very dynamic process. It is reflected the changes of body structure affected by genetic and environmental responses. Each parameter had different growth curve sigmoid pattern those expressed different characteristics. Phenotypic growth data were collected from female ducks resulted from crossbreed between Pekin male and White Mojosari. The hatchers were twicely collected, the first collection was 69 heads and then they were 89 heads. Equation of non-linier regression is determined by Gompertz model using the Marquardt method. Result showed that fast growth happened from the start to 30 days old. Estimation values of circumstance and depth brest length variables were 30 and 83 mm respectively. In the first derivation, the maximum size of back and brest were observed on 16 weeks old. In the second derivation the maximum sizes of wide hip, wide and depth brestes were reached for longer time, those were 22 to 25 weeks. Meanwhile, the correlation between parameter A (body mature) and k (rate of mature) was negative. Every variable had different oscillation slopes, the slope of two infexion points of the original curve or they were variative.     Key words: Duck, growth curve, morphology, crossbree

    Evaluasi Keragaman Genetik Gen Hormon Pertumbuhan (GH) Pada Sapi Pesisir Sumatera Barat Menggunakan Penciri PCR-RFLP

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    A total of 134 Pesisir cattle were genotyped for growth hormone (GH) gene by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The genotype and allele frequencies of the GH MspI and GH AluI Pesisir cattle were determined. The GH MspI gene frequencies for the C and T allele were 0.209 and 0.791 respectively, while GH AluI gene frequencies for the L and V allele were 0.992 and 0.008 respectively. The chi-square analysis indicated that this population is not in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium status. Expected heterozygosis value (He) for GH MspI and GH AluI were 0.3306±0.0266 and 0.0149±0.0073 respectively. The PCR-RFLP GH MspI marker has higher genetic variability compare to PCR-RFLP AluI marker. This finding showed that GH MspI T allele was favorable as a GH marker for Bos indicus breeds

    Genetics Characterization of Aceh Cattle Utilizing Microsatellite DNA Analyses

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    The aims of this study were to describe the variation of microsatellite alleles of Aceh cattle. The blood samples (160 samples) were collected from Aceh Besar, Pidie, North Aceh district and Banda Aceh city. For the outgroup comparison, the blood samples were collected from 10 Bali cattle, two samples of each collected from Madura, PO and Pesisir cattle. Sixteen markers were used for genotyping microsatellite DNA. The molecular data were analyzed using Minitab 14.13, Mega4 and Arlequin 3.11 and Excel software. The result of microsatellite analyses showed that the averages allele number per locus was 10,25 ± 2,07. The percentage of the heterozygosity of Aceh cattle was higher than those of Bali Cattle, but lower compared to those of Madura, PO and Pesisir cattle. Based on the microsatellite alleles analyses, the Aceh cattle were in the same cluster as PO cattle and were in the same branch of the phylogeny tree as Pesisir and Madura cattle. Keywords: Aceh cattle, Allele, DNA, Microsatellit

    Pertumbuhan persilangan pelung X kampung pada pemeliharaan intensif

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    Pertumbuhan persilangan pelung X kampung pada pemeliharaan intensi

    HUBUNGAN POLIMORFISME GEN HORMON PERTUMBUHAN MspI DENGAN BOBOT BADAN DAN UKURAN TUBUH SAPI PESISIR SUMATERA BARAT [The Relationship of MspI Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism and Body Weight and Body Measurements of West Sumatera Pesisir Cattle]

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    HUBUNGAN POLIMORFISME GEN HORMON PERTUMBUHAN MspI DENGAN BOBOT BADAN DAN UKURAN TUBUH SAPI PESISIR SUMATERA BARAT [The Relationship of MspI Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism and Body Weight and Body Measurements of West Sumatera Pesisir Cattle] Jakaria, D. Duryadi*, R.R. Noor, B. Tappa**, dan H. Martojo Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor *Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor **Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jakarta Received December 1, 2006; Accepted February 28, 2007 ABSTRAK Penentian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan polimorfisme gen hormon pertumbuhan (GH) MspI dengan bobot badan dan ukuran tubuh pada sapi Pesisir Sumatera Barat. Sebanyak 123 individu sapi Pesisir yang berasal dari kabupaten Pesisir Selatan (91 individu) dan kabupaten Padang Pariaman (32 individu) dianalisis. Frekuensi genotipe gen GH MspI didapatkan masing-masing 0.05, 0.30 dan 0.65 untuk genotipe CC, CT dan TT, sedangkan frekuensi alel C dan T masing-masing 0.2 dan 0.8 dengan nilai PIC 0.267. Hasil uji t antara genotipe CC, CT dan TT terhadap peubah yang diamati seperti sifat bobot badan, panjang badan, lingkar dada dan tinggi pundak tidak berbeda nyata. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa polimorfisme gen GH MspI belum dapat digunakan sebagai penciri genetik untuk sifat bobot badan dan ukuran-ukuran tubuh pada sapi Pesisir Sumatera Barat. Kata kunci : sapi Pesisir, gen GH, polimorfisme, bobot badan, ukuran tubuh ABSTRACT This study was aimed to study the relationship of MspI growth hormone (GH) gene and body weight and body measurements of West Sumatera Pesisir cattle. A total of 123 Pesisir cattle, originated from Pesisir Selatan (91 heads) and Padang Pariaman district (32 heads) was analyzed. The results showed that the frequency of CC, CT and TT genotype were 0.05, 0.30 and 0.65 respectively. The allele frequency of C and T were 0.2 and 0.8 respectively and the PIC value was 0.267. The results of t test among genotype showed that the MspI growth hormone polymorphism did not significantly affect the body weight and body measurements. It was concluded that the MspI polymorphism could not yet be used as a marker for body weight and body measurement of Pesisir cattle. Keywords : Pesisir cattle, GH gene, polymorphism, body weight, body measurement

    [The Relationship of MspI Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism and Body Weight and Body Measurements of West Sumatera Pesisir Cattle]

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    This study was aimed to study the relationship of MspI growth hormone (GH) gene and body weight and body measurements of West Sumatera Pesisir cattle. A total of 123 Pesisir cattle, originated from Pesisir Selatan (91 heads) and Padang Pariaman district (32 heads) was analyzed. The results showed that the frequency of CC, CT and TT genotype were 0.05, 0.30 and 0.65 respectively. The allele frequency of C and T were 0.2 and 0.8 respectively and the PIC value was 0.267. The results of t test among genotype showed that the MspI growth hormone polymorphism did not significantly affect the body weight and body measure-ments. It was concluded that the MspI polymorphism could not yet be used as a marker for body weight and body measurement of Pesisir cattle. Keywords : Pesisir cattle, GH gene, polymorphism, body weight, body measurement

    Pertumbuhan persilangan pelung X kampung pada pemeliharaan intensif

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    Pertumbuhan persilangan pelung X kampung pada pemeliharaan intensi

    KERAGAMAN FENOTIPIK SAPI ACEH DI NANGGROE ACEH DARUSSALAM [The Phenotypic Variability of Aceh Cattle in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam]

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    The objectives of this research were to study the variability of body size, body weight, colour, and colour coat pattern, growth of horn form, line of backbone and face which was used as database genetics for conservation programme and to increase the quality of Aceh cattle genetics. This research conducted in four locations which were Aceh Besar, Pidie, North Aceh regencies and Banda Aceh city to obtain the quantitative and qualitative data of Aceh cattle (131 males and 269 females). All those data analyzed using descriptive statistics which Minitab 14.13 program and sheet Excel tabulation. Research result showed that body weight and body size had been decreased compared to concised report in 1926. In the same age, Aceh cattle had smaller body size than those of Madura, Ongole (PO), and Bali cattle. Although, the body size and body weight of Aceh cattle were larger than the average body size and body weight of cattle in coastal west Sumatera. Qualitatively, Aceh cattle had dominant red sand and light brown colour, also variance of colour coat pattern starting from dark to light colour. The shape of horn growth in female cattle was bend slightly toward left or right and then bend to forward direction and the male had the same shape as female but the end of the horn goes upward. Almost all Aceh cattle had the concave face line and some of them had diametrical face line (4,5%). In general, Aceh cattle had along concave backbone (89,25%), partly had long convex backbone (6,25%) and only small part of Aceh cattle had along diametrical backbone (4,5%). Keywords : Aceh cattle, phenotypic, body weight, body siz