2,426 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Learning Tools of Applied Microbiology to Students Learning Outcomes and Softskill

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of applied-microbiology learning tools in problem-based learning to college students learning outcomes and softskill. Limited test by using one group pretest-posttest design was implemented on biology students in FMIPA UNIMED (State University of Medan) with total of sample 32 peoples. The data were collected by test, questionnaire, and observation sheet which futher analyzed by descriptive statistics. The effectiveness of the learning tools for the acquisition of learning outcomes can be calculated using the percentage technique. The findings of this study revealed about 81.25% students learning outcomes categorized as very high and 18.75% included into high category. The process of formation of college student softskill were effective in improving communication skills, work in groups, initiative, difficult to give up, and able to complete the task perfectly

    Probing the Nature of Ultra-Steep Spectrum Radio Sources

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    Here we present, first results from e-VLBI observations at 18 cm on a small sample of ultra-steep spectrum sources (spectral index between 74 MHz and 325 MH

    Kompetensi Guru dalam Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Sdn 2 Banda Aceh

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    Kata kunci : Kompetensi guru, perencanaan pembelajaran berbasis kurikulum 2013 Dalam proses pembelajaran merencanakan dan menyusun pembelajaran adalah tugas wajib guru agar pembelajaran yang diharapkan sesuai dengan pembelajaran yang akan terjadi. Penelitian ini berupaya menggambarkan kemampuan guru dalam menyusun perencanaan pembelajaran di SDN 2 Banda Aceh. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompetensi guru dalam perencanaan pembelajaran di SDN 2 Banda Aceh. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dalam jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari narasumber yang telah diwawancarai, sedangkan sumber data adalah guru-guru kelas yang berada di SDN 2 Banda Aceh. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik daftar cek (Check List), wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik wawancara yang dilakukan adalah wawancara semiterstruktur (Semistructure Interview). Dalam melakukan dokumentasi, peneliti mengkaji 10 silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang telah disusun oleh guru kelas di SDN 2 Banda Aceh. Agar data hasil wawancara dapat terpercaya, peneliti menggunakan alat bantu perekam berupa alat tulis dan media elektronik tape recorder.Berdasarkan analisis data, temuan penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Pertama, ketika akan menyusun perencanaan pembelajaran guru akan: (1) menjadikan silabus sebagai pedoman dalam merancang Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), (2) guru harus memiliki 4 kompetensi guru khususnya kompetensi pedagogik yaitu yang salah satu kemampuan dalam mengembangkan dan menyusun perencanaan pembelajaran, dan (3) menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) sesuai dengan kurikulum yang berlaku.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah kompetensi guru di SDN 2 Banda Aceh dalam perencanaan pembelajaran, sudah terlihat dari cara guru merencanakan dan menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 dan dengan memperlihatkan kompetensi sebagai seorang guru yang khususnya memiliki kompetensi pedagogik dalam merencanakan pembelajaran disekolah

    Analisiskebijakanwalikotadalam Program Bantuanpendidikanmasyarakat Kota Surakarta (Bpkms) di Kota Surakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kebijakan walikota dalam program bantuan pendidikan masyarakat kota Surakarta (BPKMS) Di kota Surakarta. Dari hasil penelitian di dapatkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan BPMKS mulaidari proses penetapan penerima dana BPMKS, pengalokasian dana, laporan pertanggungjawaban dana, dan monitoring penggunaan dana BPMKS sudah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai demgan PERWALI Surakarta Nomor 11A Tahun 2012. Dari hasil penelitian di dapatkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan BPMKS mulaidari proses penetapan penerima dana BPMKS, pengalokasian dana, laporan pertanggungjawaban dana, dan monitoring penggunaan dana BPMKS sudah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai demgan PERWALI Surakarta Nomor 11A Tahun 2012. Pelaksanaan BPMKS sudah memberikan hasil yang berdampak positif terhadap obyek kebijakan yaitu masyarakat Kota Surakarta selaku penerima dana BPMKS. Faktor yang mendukung implementasi kebijakan BPMKS antara lain: kondisi sumber daya manusia yang kompeten, saranadan prasarana yang lengkap, teknis pelaksanaan yang baik, dan tingginya motivasi dari lembaga pelaksana BPMKS. Pelaksanaan BPMKS sudah memberikan hasil yang berdampak positif terhadap obyek kebijakan yaitu masyarakat Kota Surakarta selaku penerima dana BPMKS. Faktor yang mendukung implementasi kebijakan BPMKS antara lain: kondisi sumber daya manusia yang kompeten, saranadan prasarana yang lengkap, teknis pelaksanaan yang baik, dan tingginya motivasi dari lembaga pelaksana BPMKS. Factor penghambatnya antara lain: komunikasi antar semua lembaga terkait yang kurang harmonis, kurangnya alokasi waktu dalam pembuatan laporan pertanggungjawaban BPMKS, pencairan dana BPMKS yang terlambat, dan belum adanya Unit khusus yang menangani BPMKS Factor penghambatnya antara lain: komunikasi antar semua lembaga terkait yang kurang harmonis, kurangnya alokasi waktu dalam pembuatan laporan pertanggungjawaban BPMKS, pencairan dana BPMKS yang terlambat, dan belum adanya Unit khusus yang menangani BPMKS Kata Kunci : kebijakan walikota, program BPKMS kota Surakarta Kata Kunci : kebijakan walikota, program BPKMS kota Surakart

    The Factors That Influence the Firm Performance in the Furniture Industry Jepara

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    Furniture industryinJeparais one ofIndonesias main commoditiesto be proud ofandbe maintainedevenif itneeds to be improved. The industryoccupiesa strategicpositionof being ableto contributeto regional revenueby 26% byvalue ofexports ofU.S.130millionormorethanRp1trillionin2010andin2011reachedU.S. 130million ormorethanRp1trillionin 2010andin 2011reachedU.S. 111.65million. However,exportsfromJeparafurnitureislikely to declinedue toa variety of things. This study aimstoanalyze firm performance through, market orientation, learning orientation, and innovationin furnitureindustryinJepara. The samplesin this study were110smallandmedium-sizedenterprises. Sixthhypothesis with SEManalysis resultsof the researchare: (1) learningorientationhave a significant effecton firm performance, (2) learningorientationsignificant effect oninnovation, (3) marketorientation havea significant effect oninnovation, (4) marketorientationsignificantly influence on firms performance, (5) innovationno significant effect on firm performance. Indicatorvariablesthatneed to be consideredinlearningorientationisopen-mindednessandsharingof knowledge, whiletheindicatorvariable of themarket-orientation is competitororientationasa significant effect oninnovationandfirm performance

    Two-Phase Oil-Water Empirical Correlation Models for SCAL and Petrophysical Properties in Intermediate Wet Sandstone Reservoirs

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    A consensus has long been established that the best secondary oil recovery through waterflood is attained in intermediate wet reservoir systems. In the absence of special core analysis (SCAL) data during the initial stages of field evaluation, experimentally-derived correlations are generated in this study for preliminary evaluation purposes. Currently, it is identified that ambiguity exists between petrophysical relationships in intermediate wet reservoirs. Clarifying these relationships provides us with further understanding into maximizing oil recovery in such systems. Hence, the main objective of this study is to analyse and provide further insights into the relationships between petrophysical properties, which are ultimately vital for reservoir simulations. The correlations are generated through linear regression analysis from experimental core measurements. It has been proven that the most reliable correlations are essentially empirical rather than theoretical, especially with the case of relative permeability. The variation of SCAL parameters and correlations generated are studied as a function of wettability, permeability, porosity, initial water saturation and rock type. It is observed that residual oil saturation is moderately correlated to Amott-Harvey wettability in an upward curvilinear relationship while scaled endpoint relative permeability in two-phase oil-water system is strongly and linearly correlated to wettability. When investigating the effects of permeability, one must take into account that having too low or too high value might present anomalies in the correlations. The general trend for intermediate wettability reservoir is that a higher permeability shows a shift towards less water-wet behaviour (shift to oil-wet). Moreover, for initial water saturation and wettability, the trend is towards more water-wet at higher initial water saturation. Meanwhile, porosity is not strongly correlated to any of the parameters except permeability

    Preparation, Characterization and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness Of Ppy-Pva and Ppy-Cmc Conducting Polymer Composite Films

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    Polypyrrole-poly(viny1 alcohol) (PPy-PVA) and polypyrrole-carboxymethyl cellulose (PPy-CMC) conducting polymer composite films were electrochemically prepared on Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) glass electrode from an aqueous solution containing pyrrole monomer, p-toluene sulfonate dopant and poly(viny1 alcohol)/carboxymethyl cellulose insulating polymer. The PPy-PVA and PPy- CMC composite films prepared from different process conditions were characterized by Fourier Transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, optical microscopy, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and conductivity measurement. The highest conductivity of 64 Slcm measured at room temperature was shown by PPy-PVA composite film prepared fiom 0.2 M pyrrole, 0.1 M p-toluene sulfonate and 12 x lo4 M PVA at 1.2 volt (vsSCE) among all the PPY-PVA composite films produced. The PPy-CMC composite film prepared from 0.3 M pyrrole, 0.1 M p-toluene sulfonate and 0.03 M CMC at 1.2 volt (vs SCE) showed the highest conductivity of 38 Slcm among all the PPy-CMC composite films produced. The FT-IR study of PPy-PVA and PPy- CMC composite films shows the evidence of the incorporation of PVA and CMC in PPy structure forming PPy-PVA and PPy-CMC composite films, respectively. The conductivity data of PPy-PVA shows that with the increase in PVA concentration in the pyrrole solution, the conductivity of the prepared PPy-PVA film is increasing up to certain level due to the increase in conjugation length and later it is decreasing with further increase in PVA concentration, which is again linked with the conjugation length decrease. This is supported by the FT-IR band intensity of Ic=c/Ic-N. The FT-IR study of PPy-CMC composite films shows that with the increase in CMC concentration from 0.005 M to 0.01 M, the conductivity first decreased and later with further increase in CMC concentration the conductivity showed an increasing trend and finally at 0.04 M CMC, the conductivity dropped. The DMA results of PPy-PVA and PPy-CMC composite films show the enhanced mechanical properties of both the composite films over PPy films without PVA or CMC. The storage moduli of both the composite films were found much higher than the PPy film prepared without PVA or CMC indicating that PPy-PVA and PPy-CMC composite films are much stiffer than PPy films. The gradual decrease of storage moduli of both the composite films with the increase in temperature ranging from 25 "C to 250 "C suggests that the composite films have got flexibility in their chains and thus the chains are soft. On the other hand, the storage modulus of PPy film only without PVA or CMC shows no decreasing tendency with the increase in temperature ranging from 25 "C to 250 "C indicating that the PPy film is very hard and have got no flexibility in its backbone chain. The XRD results of both PPy-CMC and PPy-PVA composite films show that the films are amorphous and have got very little order. The optical micrographs of PPy-CMC and PPy-PVA show the globular surface morphology. The changes in globular surface morphology with the change in process condition of the film preparation indicates that the process parameters used to prepare the composite films have got a good influence over the surface morphology. The intense polymerization reaction has been evidenced from the surface morphology of the films. The results of electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness in the microwave range of 8-12 GHz show that the highest shielding effectiveness of 45.67 dB measured in the microwave range of 8-12 GHz corresponds to the total attenuation of 99.4 % of microwave energy has been exhibited by the Pe-PVA composite film prepared from 0.2 M pyrrole, 0.1 M p-toluene sulfonate and 12 x 10" M PVA at 1.2 volt (vs SCE) among all the PPy-PVA composite films prepared. The highest shielding effectiveness of 35.7 dB measured in the microwave range corresponds to the total attenuation of 98.32 % of microwave energy has been exhibited by the PPy-CMC composite film prepared fiom 0.3 M pyrrole, 0.1 M p-toluene sulfonate and 0.03 M CMC at 1.2 volt (vs SCE) among all the PPy-CMC composite films prepared. Thus, the promise of finding any electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding applications in the microwave frequency range lies in PPy-PVA and PPy-CMC conducting polymer composite films

    University Jordanian Learners of English: Difficulties and Solutions

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    Referencing related literature and drawing upon our experience, observation and talks with specialists, we have realized that the problem of difficulty encountered by Arab learners of English in general and by Jordanian university English students in particular is sporadically addressed by researchers. They mention it along with their focus on errors committed by those EFL learners. At the university, English majors study English language, linguistics, and literature courses over a period of four years. While enrolling in the English program, they encounter difficulties or problems like teaching methods, cultural and language problems and teaching settings which negatively affect their language proficiency and, thus, graduate committing gross errors in various language skills, pointing to their weakness, low proficiency and unsatisfactory achievement which do not meet teachers’ and society’s expectations. The present paper is meant to diagnose the problems that confront university Jordanian English majors and to propose some solutions including strict requirements on transfer students, a TOEFL score of 500, and a small class size intended to play a role in reforming the present status quo of English departments, thus upgrading their outputs, and helping students improve their level linguistically and extra linguistically