4,186 research outputs found

    Limits of the energy-momentum tensor in general relativity

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    A limiting diagram for the Segre classification of the energy-momentum tensor is obtained and discussed in connection with a Penrose specialization diagram for the Segre types. A generalization of the coordinate-free approach to limits of Paiva et al. to include non-vacuum space-times is made. Geroch's work on limits of space-times is also extended. The same argument also justifies part of the procedure for classification of a given spacetime using Cartan scalars.Comment: LaTeX, 21 page

    Charge-density waves in one-dimensional Hubbard superlattices

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    We study the formation of charge density waves (CDW's) in one-dimensional Hubbard superlattices, modeled by a repeated pattern of repulsive (U>0) and free (U=0) sites. By means of Lanczos diagonalizations for the ground state, we calculate the charge structure factor. Our results show that while the superlattice structure affects the modulation of the charge density waves, the periodicity can still be predicted through an effective density. We also show that, for a fixed repulsive layer thickness, the periodicity of the CDW is an oscillatory function of the free layer thickness.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    On the limits of Brans-Dicke spacetimes: a coordinate-free approach

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    We investigate the limit of Brans-Dicke spacetimes as the scalar field coupling constant omega tends to infinity applying a coordinate-free technique. We obtain the limits of some known exact solutions. It is shown that these limits may not correspond to similar solutions in the general relativity theory.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pp, report DF/UFPB/02-9

    Electrical and thermal properties of polyurethane/carbon nanotubes composites

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    The aim of this work was to study the effect of dispersing small amounts of CNT on the thermal diffusivity and electrical resistivity of PU/CNT composites. The PU nanocomposites were prepared with 0.5% and 1% weight of CNT. The composites were prepared by dispersion of the CNT in poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) followed by in situ polymerization, by mixing with 4,4′-Methylene di-p-phenyl diisocyanate (MDI). The PPG was characterized by an average molecular weight of 425 g/mol and a hydroxyl value 250 to 276 mg KOH/g. The MDI was characterized by a isocianate value (%NCO value) of 27.9-29.2. It was observed that the thermal diffusivity slightly increased with the addition of the CNT, but the results obtained were within the typical range for polymers (in the order of 10-8 m2/s). The electrical resistivity measured for the composites showed a large decrease after the addition of 0.5% and 1% of CNT. The electrical resistivity decreased 3 and 7 decades (from 109 .m to 106 and 103 .m) for 0.5 and 1% CNT composites, respectively. Thus, the composite bearing 1% of CNT dispersed in the PU presented semiconductor behaviour

    Tuning in magnetic modes in Tb(Co_{x}Ni_{1-x})_{2}B_{2}C: from longitudinal spin-density waves to simple ferromagnetism

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    Neutron diffraction and thermodynamics techniques were used to probe the evolution of the magnetic properties of Tb(Co_{x}Ni_{1-x})_{2}B_{2}C. A succession of magnetic modes was observed as x is varied: the longitudinal modulated k=(0.55,0,0) state at x=0 is transformed into a collinear k=([nicefrac]\nicefrac{1}{2},0,[nicefrac]\nicefrac{1}{2}) antiferromagnetic state at x= 0.2, 0.4; then into a transverse c-axis modulated k=(0,0,[nicefrac]\nicefrac{1}{3}) mode at x= 0.6, and finally into a simple ferromagnetic structure at x= 0.8 and 1. Concomitantly, the low-temperature orthorhombic distortion of the tetragonal unit cell at x=0 is reduced smoothly such that for x >= 0.4 only a tetragonal unit cell is manifested. Though predicted theoretically earlier, this is the first observation of the k=(0,0,[nicefrac]\nicefrac{1}{3}) mode in borocarbides; our findings of a succession of magnetic modes upon increasing x also find support from a recently proposed theoretical model. The implication of these findings and their interpretation on the magnetic structure of the RM_{2}B_{2}C series are also discussed

    Isolamento de proteínas Cyt de Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis por gradiente de sacarose.

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    Aplicação de Sistemas Baseados em Regras Fuzzy para o Roteamento em Redes Ópticas

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    Em uma rede óptica transparente sem equipamentos para conversão de comprimentos de onda, o atendimento de uma requisição de conexão entre dois nós exige a determinação de uma entre as possíveis rotas que os interligam e a atribuição de um comprimento de onda específico, em que a informação será transmitida do nó origem ao nó destino. O processo de determinação de uma rota é importante, pois a escolha da rota influencia a eficiência na utilização de recursos e, consequentemente, o desempenho da rede. Nesse processo, geralmente é levado em consideração apenas um critério, quase sempre o número de enlaces das rotas. O uso de critérios adicionais, desde que adequadamente combinados, pode levar a uma melhoria no desempenho da rede. Para combinar critérios no processo de decisão de uma rota, é implementado neste trabalho um sistema baseado em regras fuzzy. Os resultados apresentados foram obtidos com um sistema fuzzy, que leva em consideração, além do número de enlaces das rotas, a quantidade de comprimentos de onda contínuos disponíveis em cada rota no momento em que ocorre uma requisição de conexão. É feita uma análise de desempenho de duas redes com topologias distintas: uma rede em malha regular com 16 nós e 32 enlaces e uma rede em malha irregular com 14 nós e 20 enlaces. Os parâmetros adotados nesta análise são a probabilidade de bloqueio de requisições de conexão e a utilização de recursos da rede

    On limits of spacetimes -- a coordinate-free approach

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    A coordinate-free approach to limits of spacetimes is developed. The limits of the Schwarzschild metric as the mass parameter tends to 0 or \infty are studied, extending previous results. Besides the known Petrov type D and 0 limits, three vacuum plane-wave solutions of Petrov type N are found to be limits of the Schwarzschild spacetime.Comment: 19 p