6 research outputs found

    Dermocarpella (Cyanoprokaryota Cyanophyceae Cyanobacteria) from the Pacific coast of Mexico

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    An account of the intricate history of the taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Dermocarpella (Cyanobaeteria / Cyanophyceae / Cyanoprokaryota) is provided. Detailed observations at the population level have allowed the detection of different stages of the life cycle of two species of this genus and have helped to solve some of the uncertainties in the validation of this genus. The species described are D. gardneri as a new name for Dermocarpa hemisphaerica Setchell et Gardner and Dermocarpella stellata sp. nov. An identification key and a comparative table of the diagnostic features of the species of the genus are included. (C) 2000 Adac/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS

    Recital de chant Flamenco

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    Comprend : DONDE ESTAN TUS CANTAORES (soleares) / Lopez TEJERA ; Roque MONTOYA JARRITO - AR GORPE DER YUNQUE (zambra) / VILLANUEVA, CARO, ROBLES ; Juanito OSUNA - DOBLES FANDANGAZOS (nuevas creaciones) / Molina MOLES, ALFONSO, TORRES ; Pépé PINTO - SOLEARES / OCHAITA, VALERIO ; El Principe Gitano - FANDANGOS / folklore ; Angel ROMERO - ZAMBRA TANGUILLO / GUERRERO ; Antonio MOLINA - GRANADINAS DE LA VEGA / José FUENTES LEON ; Pépe CORDOBA - POR DIOS QUE ME VUELVO LOCO (fandangos) / R. FARINA ; Rafaël FARINA - PENA TENGO PENA (tientos) / QUINTERO, LEON, QUIROGA ; Enrique MONTOYA - MALAGUENA Y FANDANGOS DE GRANADA / H. MONTES ; Cojo de HUELVABnF-Partenariats, Collection sonore - BelieveContient une table des matière