1,897 research outputs found

    Renormalizability of the massive Yang-Mills theory

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    It is shown that the massive Yang-Mills theory is on mass-shell renormalizable. Thus the Standard Model of electroweak interactions can be modified by removing terms with the scalar field from the Lagrangian in the unitary gauge. The resulting electroweak theory without the Higgs particle is on mass-shell renormalizable and unitary.Comment: 9 page

    Recursive Graphical Construction of Feynman Diagrams in phi^4 Theory: Asymmetric Case and Effective Energy

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    The free energy of a multi-component scalar field theory is considered as a functional W[G,J] of the free correlation function G and an external current J. It obeys non-linear functional differential equations which are turned into recursion relations for the connected Greens functions in a loop expansion. These relations amount to a simple proof that W[G,J] generates only connected graphs and can be used to find all such graphs with their combinatoric weights. A Legendre transformation with respect to the external current converts the functional differential equations for the free energy into those for the effective energy Gamma[G,Phi], which is considered as a functional of the free correlation function G and the field expectation Phi. These equations are turned into recursion relations for the one-particle irreducible Greens functions. These relations amount to a simple proof that Gamma[G,J] generates only one-particle irreducible graphs and can be used to find all such graphs with their combinatoric weights. The techniques used also allow for a systematic investigation into resummations of classes of graphs. Examples are given for resumming one-loop and multi-loop tadpoles, both through all orders of perturbation theory. Since the functional differential equations derived are non-perturbative, they constitute also a convenient starting point for other expansions than those in numbers of loops or powers of coupling constants. We work with general interactions through four powers in the field.Comment: 34 pages; abstract expanded; section IV.E about absorption of tadpoles and one related reference added; eqs. (20) and (23) corrected; further references added; some minor beautifications; to be published by Phys.Rev.

    Boundary Layer Protuberance Simulations in Channel Nozzle Arc-Jet

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    Two protuberance designs were modeled in the channel nozzle of the NASA Johnson Space Center Atmospheric Reentry Materials and Structures Facility with the Data-Parallel Line Relaxation computational fluid dynamics code. The heating on the protuberance was compared to nominal baseline heating at a single fixed arc-jet condition in order to obtain heating augmentation factors for flight traceability in the Boundary Layer Transition Flight Experiment on Space Shuttle Orbiter flights STS-119 and STS-128. The arc-jet simulations were performed in conjunction with the actual ground tests performed on the protuberances. The arc-jet simulations included non-uniform inflow conditions based on the current best practices methodology and used variable enthalpy and constant mass flow rate across the throat. Channel walls were modeled as fully catalytic isothermal surfaces, while the test section (consisting of Reaction Cured Glass tiles) was modeled as a partially catalytic radiative equilibrium wall. The results of the protuberance and baseline simulations were compared to the applicable ground test results, and the effects of the protuberance shock on the opposite channel wall were investigated

    Five-loop renormalization group functions of O(n){O}(n)-symmetric ϕ4\phi^4-theory and \ep-expansions of critical exponents up to \ep^5

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    Motivated by the discovery of errors in six of the 135 diagrams in the published five-loop expansions of the β\beta-function and the anomalous dimensions of the O(n){O}(n)-symmetric ϕ4\phi^4-theory in D=4-\ep dimensions we present the results of a full analytic reevaluation of all diagrams. The divergences are removed by minimal subtraction and \ep-expansions are given for the critical exponents η\eta, ν\nu, and ω\omega up to order ϵ5\epsilon^5.Comment: LaTeX file. For related work see the www address http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleiner_re.html on our www homepage http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleinert.htm

    The proton spin sum rule chiral bag prediction, an update

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    We reevaluate a quark model prediction using the new QCD evolution function calculated to the 3 loop order and conclude that this model compares favorably with the new experimental results.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures available by request, give fax numbe

    Tau neutrino deep inelastic charged current interactions

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    The nu_mu -> nu_tau oscillation hypothesis will be tested through nu_tau production of tau in underground neutrino telescopes as well as long-baseline experiments. We provide the full QCD framework for the evaluation of tau neutrino deep inelastic charged current (CC) cross sections, including next-leading-order (NLO) corrections, charm production, tau threshold, and target mass effects in the collinear approximation. We investigate the violation of the Albright-Jarlskog relations for the structure functions F_4,5 which occur only in heavy lepton (tau) scattering. Integrated CC cross sections are evaluated naively over the full phase space and with the inclusion of DIS kinematic cuts. Uncertainties in our evaluation based on scale dependence, PDF errors and the interplay between kinematic and dynamical power corrections are discussed and/or quantified.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Modeling power corrections to the Bjorken sum rule for the neutrino structure function F_1

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    Direct measurements of the the structure functions F_1^{nu p} and F_1^{nu n} at a neutrino factory would allow for an accurate extraction of alpha_s from the Q^2-dependence of the Bjorken sum rule, complementing that based on the Gross-Llewellyn-Smith sum rule for F_3. We estimate the power (1/Q^2-) corrections to the Bjorken sum rule in the instanton vacuum model. For the reduced matrix element of the flavor-nonsinglet twist-4 operator ubar_g_Gdual_gamma_gamma5_u - (u -> d) we obtain a value of 0.18 GeV^2, in good agreement with the QCD sum rule calculations of Braun and Kolesnichenko. Our result allows to reduce the theoretical error in the determination of alpha_s.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, uses iopart.cls. Proceedings of the 4th NuFact'02 Workshop "Neutrino Factories based on Muon Storage Rings", Imperial College, London, July 1-6, 200

    A multiloop improvement of non-singlet QCD evolution equations

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    An approach is elaborated for calculation of "all loop" contributions to the non-singlet evolution kernels from the diagrams with renormalon chain insertions. Closed expressions are obtained for sums of contributions to kernels P(z)P(z) for the DGLAP equation and V(x,y)V(x,y) for the "nonforward" ER-BL equation from these diagrams that dominate for a large value of b0b_0, the first β\beta-function coefficient. Calculations are performed in the covariant ξ\xi-gauge in a MS-like scheme. It is established that a special choice of the gauge parameter ξ=3\xi=-3 generalizes the standard "naive nonabelianization" approximation. The solutions are obtained to the ER-BL evolution equation (taken at the "all loop" improved kernel), which are in form similar to one-loop solutions. A consequence for QCD descriptions of hard processes and the benefits and incompleteness of the approach are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, revtex, 2 figures are enclosed as eps-file, the text style and figures are corrected following version, accepted for publication to Phys. Rev.

    Enthalpy Distributions of Arc Jet Flow Based on Measured Laser Induced Fluorescence, Heat Flux and Stagnation Pressure Distributions

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    The centerline total enthalpy of arc jet flow is determined using laser induced fluorescence of oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Each component of the energy, kinetic, thermal, and chemical can be determined from LIF measurements. Additionally, enthalpy distributions are inferred from heat flux and pressure probe distribution measurements using an engineering formula. Average enthalpies are determined by integration over the radius of the jet flow, assuming constant mass flux and a mass flux distribution estimated from computational fluid dynamics calculations at similar arc jet conditions. The trends show favorable agreement, but there is an uncertainty that relates to the multiple individual measurements and assumptions inherent in LIF measurements

    Dynamical gluon mass generation from <A^2> in linear covariant gauges

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    We construct the multiplicatively renormalizable effective potential for the mass dimension two local composite operator A^2 in linear covariant gauges. We show that the formation of is energetically favoured and that the gluons acquire a dynamical mass due to this gluon condensate. We also discuss the gauge parameter independence of the resultant vacuum energy.Comment: 21 pages. 14 .eps figures. v2: minor modifications. v3: version accepted for publication in JHE