47 research outputs found

    A ligand-independent origin of abscisic acid perception

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    Land plants are considered monophyletic, descending from a single successful colonization of land by an aquatic algal ancestor. The ability to survive dehydration to the point of desiccation is a key adaptive trait enabling terrestrialization. In extant land plants, desiccation tolerance depends on the action of the hormone abscisic acid (ABA) that acts through a receptor-signal transduction pathway comprising a PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE 1-like (PYL)–PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2C (PP2C)–SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2 (SnRK2) module. Early-diverging aeroterrestrial algae mount a dehydration response that is similar to that of land plants, but that does not depend on ABA: Although ABA synthesis is widespread among algal species, ABA-dependent responses are not detected, and algae lack an ABA-binding PYL homolog. This raises the key question of how ABA signaling arose in the earliest land plants. Here, we systematically characterized ABA receptor-like proteins from major land plant lineages, including a protein found in the algal sister lineage of land plants. We found that the algal PYL-homolog encoded by Zygnema circumcarinatum has basal, ligand-independent activity of PP2C repression, suggesting this to be an ancestral function. Similarly, a liverwort receptor possesses basal activity, but it is further activated by ABA. We propose that co-option of ABA to control a preexisting PP2C-SnRK2-dependent desiccation-tolerance pathway enabled transition from an all-or-nothing survival strategy to a hormone-modulated, competitive strategy by enabling continued growth of anatomically diversifying vascular plants in dehydrative conditions, enabling them to exploit their new environment more efficiently

    Immunocytochemical determination of the subcellular distribution of ascorbate in plants

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    Ascorbate is an important antioxidant in plants and fulfills many functions related to plant defense, redox signaling and modulation of gene expression. We have analyzed the subcellular distribution of reduced and oxidized ascorbate in leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum by high-resolution immuno electron microscopy. The accuracy and specificity of the applied method is supported by several observations. First, preadsorption of the ascorbate antisera with ascorbic acid or dehydroascorbic acid resulted in the reduction of the labeling to background levels. Second, the overall labeling density was reduced between 50 and 61% in the ascorbate-deficient Arabidopsis mutants vtc1-2 and vtc2-1, which correlated well with biochemical measurements. The highest ascorbate-specific labeling was detected in nuclei and the cytosol whereas the lowest levels were found in vacuoles. Intermediate labeling was observed in chloroplasts, mitochondria and peroxisomes. This method was used to determine the subcellular ascorbate distribution in leaf cells of plants exposed to high light intensity, a stress factor that is well known to cause an increase in cellular ascorbate concentration. High light intensities resulted in a strong increase in overall labeling density. Interestingly, the strongest compartment-specific increase was found in vacuoles (fourfold) and in plastids (twofold). Ascorbate-specific labeling was restricted to the matrix of mitochondria and to the stroma of chloroplasts in control plants but was also detected in the lumen of thylakoids after high light exposure. In summary, this study reveals an improved insight into the subcellular distribution of ascorbate in plants and the method can now be applied to determine compartment-specific changes in ascorbate in response to various stress situations

    Synthesis and import of GDP-L‐fucose into the Golgi affect plant–water relations

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    Land plants evolved multiple adaptations to restrict transpiration. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not sufficiently understood. We used an ozone-sensitivity forward genetics approach to identify Arabidopsis thaliana mutants impaired in gas exchange regulation. High water loss from detached leaves and impaired decrease of leaf conductance in response to multiple stomata-closing stimuli were identified in a mutant of MURUS1 (MUR1), an enzyme required for GDP-l-fucose biosynthesis. High water loss observed in mur1 was independent from stomatal movements and instead could be linked to metabolic defects. Plants defective in import of GDP-l-Fuc into the Golgi apparatus phenocopied the high water loss of mur1 mutants, linking this phenotype to Golgi-localized fucosylation events. However, impaired fucosylation of xyloglucan, N-linked glycans, and arabinogalactan proteins did not explain the aberrant water loss of mur1 mutants. Partial reversion of mur1 water loss phenotype by borate supplementation and high water loss observed in boron uptake mutants link mur1 gas exchange phenotypes to pleiotropic consequences of l-fucose and boron deficiency, which in turn affect mechanical and morphological properties of stomatal complexes and whole-plant physiology. Our work emphasizes the impact of fucose metabolism and boron uptake on plant–water relations

    Natural Variation in Arabidopsis Cvi-0 Accession Reveals an Important Role of MPK12 in Guard Cell CO2 Signaling

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    Plant gas exchange is regulated by guard cells that form stomatal pores. Stomatal adjustments are crucial for plant survival; they regulate uptake of CO2 for photosynthesis, loss of water, and entrance of air pollutants such as ozone. We mapped ozone hypersensitivity, more open stomata, and stomatal CO2-insensitivity phenotypes of the Arabidopsis thaliana accession Cvi-0 to a single amino acid substitution in MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN (MAP) KINASE 12 (MPK12). In parallel, we showed that stomatal CO2-insensitivity phenotypes of a mutant cis (CO2-insensitive) were caused by a deletion of MPK12. Lack of MPK12 impaired bicarbonate-induced activation of S-type anion channels. We demonstrated that MPK12 interacted with the protein kinase HIGH LEAF TEMPERATURE 1 (HT1)-a central node in guard cell CO2 signaling-and that MPK12 functions as an inhibitor of HT1. These data provide a new function for plant MPKs as protein kinase inhibitors and suggest a mechanism through which guard cell CO2 signaling controls plant water management.</p

    Impact of ozone on monoterpene emissions and evidence for an isoprene-like antioxidant action of monoterpenes emitted by Quercus ilex leaves

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    Quercus ilex (L.) leaves emit monoterpenes, particularly α-pinene, ÎČ-pinene and sabinene. Apart from the monoterpene pools that are stored in specialized structures and have a clear defensive or attractive role, the function of monoterpenes in Q. ilex leaves is unknown. We tested whether monoterpenes have an antioxidant role, as has previously been found for isoprene in isoprene-emitting leaves. We exposed Q. ilex leaves to either mild and repeated ozone exposure (Experiment I) or to a single acute ozone exposure (Experiment II) at temperatures ranging between 20 and 32°C. Both ozone treatments rapidly stimulated monoterpene synthesis, but had no effect on photosynthesis and caused no visible damage to leaves maintained at 25, 30 or 32°C. Ozone inhibited both photosynthesis and monoterpene synthesis in leaves maintained at 20°C. To characterize the relationship between monoterpenes and ozone-induced damage, we fed detached leaves fosmidomycin, a selective inhibitor of isoprene synthesis. Fosmidomycin caused rapid and complete inhibition of monoterpene emissions in leaves maintained at 30°C, confirming that monoterpenes are synthesized by the same biochemical pathway as isoprene. However, over the experimental period, fosmidomycin did not affect concentrations of compounds that are formed from chloroplastic isoprenoids and that might have conferred antioxidant protection, either directly (carotenoids) or indirectly (chlorophylls, xanthophylls). In leaves whose monoterpene synthesis had been inhibited by fosmidomycin, ozone rapidly and significantly inhibited photosynthesis and increased the production of hydrogen peroxide and malonyldialdehyde. We conclude that monoterpenes produced by Q. ilex leaves share the same biosynthetic pathway and function as isoprene. Furthermore, all volatile isoprenoids may have similar antioxidant properties and may be stimulated by the same stress-inducing conditions