1,215 research outputs found

    Investigating 16O with the 15N(p,{\alpha})12C reaction

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    The 16O nucleus was investigated through the 15N(p,{\alpha})12C reaction at excitation energies from Ex = 12 231 to 15 700 keV using proton beams from a 5 MeV Van de Graaff accelerator at beam energies of Ep = 331 to 3800 keV. Alpha decay from resonant states in 16O was strongly observed for ten known excited states in this region. The candidate 4-alpha cluster state at Ex = 15.1 MeV was investigated particularly intensely in order to understand its particle decay channels.Comment: Submitted for Proceedings of Fourth International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP4), held from May 13 - 18, 2018 in Galveston, TX, US

    Unbound states in 12^{12}C populated by γ\gamma-decay of the (Jπ,T)=(2+,1)(J^{\pi},T) = (2^+,1) 16.11 MeV state

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    The reaction 11B+p^{11}\textrm{B}+p has been used to populate the (Jπ,T)=(2+,1)(J^\pi,T) = (2^+,1) state at an excitation energy of 16.11 MeV in 12^{12}C. γ\gamma-decay to unbound states in 12^{12}C are identified from analysis of the decay of the populated daughter states. Due to a new technique, γ\gamma-decay to the 10.8 MeV 1^- state is observed for the first time, and transitions to the 9.64 MeV (3^-) and 12.71 MeV (1+^+) are confirmed. Unresolved transitions to natural parity strength at 10 MeV and 11.5-13 MeV are also observed. For all transitions partial widths are deducedComment: Corrected small typographical errors and added more details on data analysi

    The Genomic Pattern of tDNA Operon Expression in E. coli

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    In fast-growing microorganisms, a tRNA concentration profile enriched in major isoacceptors selects for the biased usage of cognate codons. This optimizes translational rate for the least mass invested in the translational apparatus. Such translational streamlining is thought to be growth-regulated, but its genetic basis is poorly understood. First, we found in reanalysis of the E. coli tRNA profile that the degree to which it is translationally streamlined is nearly invariant with growth rate. Then, using least squares multiple regression, we partitioned tRNA isoacceptor pools to predicted tDNA operons from the E. coli K12 genome. Co-expression of tDNAs in operons explains the tRNA profile significantly better than tDNA gene dosage alone. Also, operon expression increases significantly with proximity to the origin of replication, oriC, at all growth rates. Genome location explains about 15% of expression variation in a form, at a given growth rate, that is consistent with replication-dependent gene concentration effects. Yet the change in the tRNA profile with growth rate is less than would be expected from such effects. We estimated per-copy expression rates for all tDNA operons that were consistent with independent estimates for rDNA operons. We also found that tDNA operon location, and the location dependence of expression, were significantly different in the leading and lagging strands. The operonic organization and genomic location of tDNA operons are significant factors influencing their expression. Nonrandom patterns of location and strandedness shown by tDNA operons in E. coli suggest that their genomic architecture may be under selection to satisfy physiological demand for tRNA expression at high growth rates

    Decay of low-lying 12C resonances within a 3alpha cluster model

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    We compute energy distributions of three α\alpha-particles emerging from the decay of 12^{12}C resonances by means of the hyperspherical adiabatic expansion method combined with complex scaling. The large distance continuum properties of the wave functions are crucial and must be accurately calculated. The substantial changes from small to large distances determine the decay mechanisms. We illustrate by computing the energy distributions from decays of the 1+1^{+} and 33^--resonances in 12^{12}C. These states are dominated by direct and sequential decays into the three-body continuum respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Clusters '07 conference held in Stratford-upon-Avon in September 200

    Measurement of the branching ratio for beta-delayed alpha decay of 16N

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    While the 12C(a,g)16O reaction plays a central role in nuclear astrophysics, the cross section at energies relevant to hydrostatic helium burning is too small to be directly measured in the laboratory. The beta-delayed alpha spectrum of 16N can be used to constrain the extrapolation of the E1 component of the S-factor; however, with this approach the resulting S-factor becomes strongly correlated with the assumed beta-alpha branching ratio. We have remeasured the beta-alpha branching ratio by implanting 16N ions in a segmented Si detector and counting the number of beta-alpha decays relative to the number of implantations. Our result, 1.49(5)e-5, represents a 24% increase compared to the accepted value and implies an increase of 14% in the extrapolated S-factor

    Three-body decays: structure, decay mechanism and fragment properties

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    We discuss the three-body decay mechanisms of many-body resonances. R-matrix sequential description is compared with full Faddeev computation. The role of the angular momentum and boson symmetries is also studied. As an illustration we show the computed α\alpha-particle energy distribution after the decay of 12C(1^+) resonance at 12.7 MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the workshop "Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems" 200

    Consistent alpha-cluster description of the 12C (0^+_2) resonance

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    The near-threshold 12C (0^+_2) resonance provides unique possibility for fast helium burning in stars, as predicted by Hoyle to explain the observed abundance of elements in the Universe. Properties of this resonance are calculated within the framework of the alpha-cluster model whose two-body and three-body effective potentials are tuned to describe the alpha - alpha scattering data, the energies of the 0^+_1 and 0^+_2 states, and the 0^+_1-state root-mean-square radius. The extremely small width of the 0^+_2 state, the 0_2^+ to 0_1^+ monopole transition matrix element, and transition radius are found in remarkable agreement with the experimental data. The 0^+_2-state structure is described as a system of three alpha-particles oscillating between the ground-state-like configuration and the elongated chain configuration whose probability exceeds 0.9

    Channeling of Positrons through Periodically Bent Crystals: on Feasibility of Crystalline Undulator and Gamma-Laser

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    The electromagnetic radiation generated by ultra-relativistic positrons channelling in a crystalline undulator is discussed. The crystalline undulator is a crystal whose planes are bent periodically with the amplitude much larger than the interplanar spacing. Various conditions and criteria to be fulfilled for the crystalline undulator operation are established. Different methods of the crystal bending are described. We present the results of numeric calculations of spectral distributions of the spontaneous radiation emitted in the crystalline undulator and discuss the possibility to create the stimulated emission in such a system in analogy with the free electron laser. A careful literature survey covering the formulation of all essential ideas in this field is given. Our investigation shows that the proposed mechanism provides an efficient source for high energy photons, which is worth to study experimentally.Comment: 52 pages, MikTeX, 14 figure

    Experimental investigation of strong field trident production

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    We show by experiment that an electron impinging on an electric field that is of critical magnitude in its rest frame, may produce an electron-positron pair. Our measurements address higher-order QED, using the strong electric fields obtainable along particular crystallographic directions in single crystals. For the amorphous material our data are in good agreement with theory, whereas a discrepancy with theory on the magnitude of the trident enhancement is found in the precisely aligned case where the strong electric field acts