220 research outputs found

    Patterns of multi-party government: Viability and compatibility of coalitions

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    Coalition theory is central to our understanding of the nexus between party system development, party government composition and the relationship between the executive and legislature. I argue that government formation is crucial for understanding the life cycle of party government. I consider the relations between parties in parliament and parties in government as principal-agent relations, signifying the indirect character of representative governance. The study of (coalition) government should not be a one-shot game and not be conducted without taking into account its contextual variation or the time dimension: the coalition praxis to form a new government is not only a post-electoral 'game' conducted within parliament and government between parties, but also a serious exercise by parties to translate policy preferences into a viable agreement that honours, by and large, the voters' choices. The comparative analysis of 17 established parliamentary democracies after 1990 serves to illustrate these points. © The Author(s) 2011

    The Dutch Parliamentary Elections of 2002: Fortuyn versus the Establishment

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    won 26 seats at the cost of the established parties, most notably the PvdA and the VVD which both hoped to win the elections. After the election, they had fallen to a shared third position. Why could one outsider without a well-developed party organisation arrive at such a smashing electoral victory? We argue that personality, media attention, party campaigns and candidate behaviour are not the main answers. Who wants to understand Fortuynʼs victory must study his victims. We show that the programmatic convergence of the established parties has made them look indistinguishable in the eyes of many voters. This perceived lack of a democratic choice has strengthened the feeling of many voters that the established parties have become part of the state and have lost their capacity to sense the problems of ordinary citizens, let alone to solve them. Fortuyn effectively used this discontent by means of right-wing populism. Although Fortuyn was pictured as a right-wing extremist, we show that this is not the case when his manifestos are compared with other European parties. This paper was first presented at the Flemish-Dutch Politicologenetmaal, May 2002. We wish to thank all participants, in particular Kris Deschouwer, Paul Lucardie and André Krouwel, for their useful comments. 1

    HUBUNGAN ANTARA KARAKTERISTIK MORFOLOGI DAN PERFORMANS REPRODUKSI ITIK TEGAL SEBAGAI DASAR SELEKSI [Relationship Between Morphology Characteristics and Reproduction Performance of "Tegal" Duck as Based Selection]

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data morfologi tubuh atau ukuran bagian-bagian tubuh tertentu dan mengetahui hubungan antara morfologi tubuh dengan performans reproduksi itik Tegal. Materi yang digunakan adalah itik Tegal jantan sebanyak 20 ekor dan itik Tegal betina menjelang bertelur ( umur 20 minggu) sebanyak 100 ekor. Peubah yang diamati meliputi : karakteristik morfologi yaitu bobot badan, lingkar dada, lingkar perut dan lebar pubis; performans reproduksi betina meliputi:produksi telur, bobot telur dan bobot tetas; performans reproduksi jantan meliputi : volume semen, konsentrasi, motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan eksperimental dengan analisa data analisis korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara morfologi terdapat korelasi antara ukuran tubuh itik dengan produksi telur. Lebar pubis memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat ( r = 0,693) dibanding dengan ukuran tubuh lainnya. Pada itik jantan terdapat korelasi negatif yang relatif kecil antara bobot badan dengan volume semen ( r = -0,336). Bobot telur berkorelasi positif dengan bobot tetas dan bobot bobot badan anak itik dengan koefisien korelasi bervariasin dari 0,4688 sampai 0,7829. Kata kunci: Morfologi, korelasi, performans reproduksi, itik Tegal, seleksi ABSTRACT The research was conducted to obtain the morphological data and its correlation with the reproduction performances of "Tegal" duck. The research used 20 male and 100 female "Tegal" duck. Variable collected were morphological characteristics : body weight, chest size, abdomen size and pubis width. The reproduction performance of female was observed on egg production, egg weight and duckling weight. The reproduction performance of male duck was observed on semen volume and concentration, motility and viability of spermatozoa. A correlation analysis was used to test the correlation between morphological characteristics and reproduction performance of both male and female ducks. There was a correlation between morphology and body parameters with the egg production. The pubic width had a highest corerelations ( r = 0.693) than the others. In the male duck there was slight negative correlations between body weight with semen volume ( r = -0.336). The egg weight had positive correlations with weight day old duck and weight duckling, with correlation coefficient varied from 0.4688 to 0.7829. Keywords: Morphology, correlations, reproduction performances, "Tegal" duck, selectio
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