487 research outputs found

    Validitas Peraturan Daerah Yang Bernuansa Syariah Dalam Bingkai Otonomi Daerah (Antara Harapan dan Kenyataan) Sebagai Contoh Provinsi Gorontalo dan Provinsi Aceh

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis secara mendalam mengenai esensi dari pengaturan peraturan daerah yang bernuansa syariah dan konsep pembentukan peraturan daerah bernuansa syariah yang sejalan dengan otonomi daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif yang didukung dengan data primer yang berorientasi pada pendekatan perundangan-undangan dan Pendekatan kasus yang dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis hasil penelitian/studi yang mendapatkan data deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Esensi Perda bernuansa syariah mempunyai makna dan memperhatikan materi muatan yang mengandung unsur-unsur atau nilai-nilai adat istiadat dan norma-norma agama. Sehingga dalam yuridis formal, dapat dipahami Perda bernuansa syariah dapat dirumuskan sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945. (2) Konsep Perda yang bernuansa syariah sejalan dengan otonomi daerah, apabila dalam kaidah penyusunan Perda memenuhi unsur atau syarat yang sesuai dengan semangat pembangunan otonomi daerah yang memperhatikan kepentingan umum dan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku

    Characterization of LUSI Mud as Geopolymer Raw Material

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    The mud of mud volcano samples were collected from an eruption site named ‘LUSI’ (Lumpur “mud” –Sidoarjo), East Java, Indonesia for characterization. Analysis showed that, the major constituents of mud are SiO2 and Al2O3 which are higher than those in fly ash. The particle of mud has a flake-shaped particle and the overall particle size is dominated by particles between 2.5μm – 25.0μm. The results of XRD shows that mud of mud volcano have a characteristic of structurally disordered compounds, and a set of peaks corresponding to minor crystalline phases such as quartz, feldspars, and kaolinite. FTIR adsorption bands of the raw material of mud have the chemical bonding between bands 1-5

    Reviews on the Properties of Aggregates made with or without Geopolymerisation Method

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    Aggregates are popular for use in concrete and lightweight concrete applications. Recent research shows that the by-product materials such as fly ash can be used as raw material in producing aggregates and lightweight aggregates. The usage of this material can improve the quality of the aggregates produced compared to conventional in term of structurally strong, physically stable, durable, and environmentally inert. This paper summarized the process and mechanical testing on the fly ash aggregates and lightweight aggregates to be used in concrete

    Mutual coupling reduction and pattern error correction in a 5G beamforming linear array using CSRR

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    A four-element printed antenna array operating at 25 GHz frequency with complementary split ring resonator. (CSRR) has been proposed for beamforming applications. The CSRR elements has been used to suppress the mutual coupling in the proposed array. The existence of the CSRR configuration in antenna array, controls the unnecessary surface current flow between the array elements, thus the mutual coupling between array elements has been significantly reduced up to -55 dB. The effect of mutual coupling on the array radiation patterns has been studied in the presence and absence of CSRRs. The effectiveness of CSRR has been studied by steering the main beam as well as the nulls in different angles. By implementing the CSRR elements in array antenna, the distorted array patterns have been recovered and are presented. The proposed antenna array with the CSRR has the advantage of easy and low-cost fabrication and it offers excellent coupling suppression without changing the antenna profile. The commercially available simulation tools such as Matlab and Ansys HFSS have been used for array weights calculation and antenna design respectively. Finally, the fabricated prototype has been experimentally verified, and it shows that the analytical and computed results agree well with the measured results

    Higher-order mode rectangular dielectric resonator antenna for 5G applications

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    The excitation of the higher-order mode, TEy 1δ3 in rectangular dielectric resonator designed was explored to enhance the antenna gain and detailed elaboration is presented in this paper. The antenna was fed by a 50Ω microstrip line through an aperture cut in the ground plane. Besides avoiding spurious radiation, this feeding technique gives flexibility in controlling the amount of coupling in order to reduce the Q-factor in the higher-order mode RDRA. A design was developed and subsequently simulated using Ansoft HFSS ver 16.0 by utilizing Duroid 5880 dielectric substrate with a thickness (ts) of 0.254 mm, a permittivity (εs) of 2.2 and a loss tangent (δ) of 0.001 at 15 GHz. The higher-order mode, TEy 1δ3 RDRA achieved the measured gain at 9.76 dBi and the measured impedance bandwidth as much 2.5 GHz which is 4.7% more compared to the fundamental mode, TEy 1δ3. The result should be considered suitable for 5G applications

    A review of wideband reflectarray antennas for 5G communication systems

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    The advancement in the current communication technology makes it incumbent to analyze the conventional features of reflectarray antenna for future adaptability. This work thoroughly reviews the design and experimental features of reflectarray antenna for its bandwidth improvement in microwave and millimeter wave frequency ranges. The paper surveys the fundamental and advanced topologies of reflectarray design implementations which are needed particularly for its broadband features. The realization of its design approaches has been studied at unit cell and full reflectarray levels for its bandwidth enhancement. Various design configurations have also been critically analyzed for the compatibility with the high frequency 5G systems

    Complementary split ring resonator for isolation enhancement in 5G communication antenna array

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    A square-shaped complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) filtering structure for isolation improvement is presented in this paper. The proposed research work investigates the design and development of a simple and compact CSRR structure. In order to verify the performance of the proposed filtering element and improve the isolation among the closely placed antenna elements, arrays of configured CSRR structures are implemented between two antenna elements. An array of configured CSRR elements has been integrated with the printed antenna on the top and bottom layers. The proposed filtering elements offer an enhancement in isolation by 25 dB as compared to the simple array. The entire configuration has been simulated using the Ansoft HFSS simulator. Finally, the proposed design is fabricated and experimentally validated. In the experiment, coupling suppression of -51 dB at the operating frequency is successfully achieved, resulting in a recovery of the array pattern. The proposed antenna is highly efficient, which is suitable to be utilized for 5G communication

    A comparative study of proximate composition of Artemia urmiana enriched with different sources and levels of HUFA

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    The nutritional quality of commercially available Artemia strains is relatively poor in Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Arachidonic acid (ARA) and especially Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Hence, it is essential and common practice to enrich this live prey with emulsions of special oils. One commercial ICES30/4 (Belgium), Linseed oil as a vegetable oil, Cod liver oil and Sturgeon ovary oil as two animal oils with EPA amounts in these oils were 6.29, 0.03, 11.39, 7.55 and the DHA amounts were 20.90, 0.00, 7.64, 2.76 respectively with three concentrations (100, 200 and 300ppm) during two enrichment periods (12 and 24h) were tested in order to improve the HUFA content, the DHA/EPA ratio and ARA content of Artemia urmiana nauplii. The results showed that Artemia enriched with different levels of vegetable oil and enrichment periods was poor in relation to either HUFA content or DHA/EPA ratio but the fish oils and emulsion resulted in HUFA incorporation. Sturgeon ovary oil caused the poorest DHA/EPA ratio enrichment (0.40 in 300ppm-24h) but the commercial emulsion (ICES30/4) was found as the best for DHA/EPA ratio enrichment (1.20 in 300 ppm- 24h). Cod liver oil (0.53 in 100ppm-24h) can be a good internal source substitute for improving the DHA/EPA ratio enrichment compared to ICES30/4 due to price and availability. As a result, HUFA content was increased with enrichment level 200ppm during 24h. Also, all oil sources improved lipid and protein percentages in A. urmiana nauplii

    Mutual Coupling Reduction between Asymmetric Reflectarray Resonant Elements

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    A physically asymmetric reflectarray element has been proposed for wide band operations. The dual resonant response has been introduced by tilting one side of the square path element. The numerical results have been analyzed in the frequency band between 24GHz to 28GHz where a reflection phase range of more than 600° has been achieved. The proposed asymmetric element can produce mutual coupling with adjacent elements on a reflectarray. This effect has been monitored by placing the elements in a mirror configuration on the surface of reflectarray. The single unit cell element results have been compared with conventional 4 element unit cell and proposed mirroring element configuration. The proposed mirroring element technique can be used to design a broadband reflectarray for high gain applications