112 research outputs found

    SALS, a WH2-Domain-Containing Protein, Promotes Sarcomeric Actin Filament Elongation from Pointed Ends during Drosophila Muscle Growth

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    SummaryOrganization of actin filaments into a well-organized sarcomere structure is critical for muscle development and function. However, it is not completely understood how sarcomeric actin/thin filaments attain their stereotyped lengths. In an RNAi screen in Drosophila primary muscle cells, we identified a gene, sarcomere length short (sals), which encodes an actin-binding, WH2 domain-containing protein, required for proper sarcomere size. When sals is knocked down by RNAi, primary muscles display thin myofibrils with shortened sarcomeres and increased sarcomere number. Both loss- and gain-of-function analyses indicate that SALS may influence sarcomere lengths by promoting thin-filament lengthening from pointed ends. Furthermore, the complex localization of SALS and other sarcomeric proteins in myofibrils reveals that the full length of thin filaments is achieved in a two-step process, and that SALS is required for the second elongation phase, most likely because it antagonizes the pointed-end capping protein Tropomodulin

    Potential Contaminants at a Dredged Spoil Placement Site, Charles City County, Virginia, as Revealed by Sequential Extraction

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    Backfills of dredged sediments onto a former sand and gravel mine site in Charles City County, VA may have the potential to contaminate local groundwater. To evaluate the mobility of trace elements and to identify the potential contaminants from the dredged sediments, a sequential extraction scheme was used to partition trace elements associated with the sediments from the local aquifer and the dredged sediments into five fractions: exchangeable, acidic, reducible, oxidizable, and residual phases. Sequential extractions indicate that, for most of the trace elements examined, the residual phases account for the largest proportion of the total concentrations, and their total extractable fractions are mainly from reducible and oxidizable phases. Only Cd, Pb, and Zn have an appreciable extractable proportion from the acidic phase in the filled dredged sediments. Our groundwater monitoring data suggest that the dredged sediments are mainly subject to a decrease in pH and a series of oxidation reactions, when exposed to the atmosphere. Because the trace elements released by carbonate dissolution and the oxidation (e.g., organic matter degradation, iron sulfide and, ammonia oxidation) are subsequently immobilized by sorption to iron, manganese, and aluminum oxides, no potential contaminants to local groundwater are expected by addition of the dredged sediments to this site

    Submarine Groundwater Discharge of Rare Earth Elements to a Tidally-Mixed Estuary in Southern Rhode Island

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    Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were analyzed in surface water and submarine groundwater within the Pettaquamscutt Estuary, located on the western edge of Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island. These water samples were collected along the salinity gradient of the estuary. Rare earth element concentrations in the majority of the groundwater samples are substantially higher than their concentrations in the surface waters. In particular, Nd concentrations in groundwater range from 0.43 nmol kg-1 up to 198 nmol kg-1 (mean ± SD = 42.1 ± 87.2 nmol kg-1), whereas Nd concentrations range between 259 pmol kg-1 and 649 pmol kg-1 (mean ± SD = 421 ± 149 pmol kg-1) in surface waters from the estuary, which is, on average, 100 fold lower than Nd in the groundwaters. Groundwater samples all exhibit broadly similar middle REE (MREE) enriched shale-normalized REE patterns, despite the wide variation in pH of these natural waters (4.87 ≤ pH ≤ 8.13). The similarity of the shale-normalized REE patterns across the observed pH range suggests that weathering of accessory minerals, such as apatite, and/or precipitation of LREE enriched secondary phosphate minerals controls groundwater REE concentrations and fractionation patterns. More specifically, geochemical mixing models suggest that the REE fractionation patterns of the surface waters may be controlled by REE phosphate mineral precipitation during the mixing of groundwater and stream water with incoming water from the Rhode Island Sound. The estimated SGD (Submarine Groundwater Discharge) of Nd to the Pettaquamscutt Estuary is 26 ± 11 mmol Nd day-1, which is in reasonable agreement with the Nd flux of the primary surface water source to the estuary, the Gilbert Stuart Stream (i.e., 36 mmol day-1), and of the same order of magnitude for a site in Florida

    Quasiparticles and Energy Scaling in Bi2_2Sr2_2Can−1_{n-1}Cun_nO2n+4_{2n+4} (n\it{n}=1-3): Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has been performed on the single- to triple-layered Bi-family high-{\it Tc_c} superconductors (Bi2_2Sr2_2Can−1_{n-1}Cun_nO2n+4_{2n+4}, n\it{n}=1-3). We found a sharp quasiparticle peak as well as a pseudogap at the Fermi level in the triple-layered compound. Comparison among three compounds has revealed a universal rule that the characteristic energies of superconducting and pseudogap behaviors are scaled with the maximum {\it Tc_c}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Steering Operational Synergies in Terrestrial Observation Networks: Opportunity for Advancing Earth System Dynamics Modelling

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    Advancing our understanding of Earth system dynamics (ESD) depends on the development of models and other analytical tools that apply physical, biological, and chemical data. This ambition to increase understanding and develop models of ESD based on site observations was the stimulus for creating the networks of Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs), and others. We organized a survey, the results of which identified pressing gaps in data availability from these networks, in particular for the future development and evaluation of models that represent ESD processes, and provide insights for improvement in both data collection and model integration. From this survey overview of data applications in the context of LTER and CZO research, we identified three challenges: (1) widen application of terrestrial observation network data in Earth system modelling, (2) develop integrated Earth system models that incorporate process representation and data of multiple disciplines, and (3) identify complementarity in measured variables and spatial extent, and promoting synergies in the existing observational networks. These challenges lead to perspectives and recommendations for an improved dialogue between the observation networks and the ESD modelling community, including co-location of sites in the existing networks and further formalizing these recommendations among these communities. Developing these synergies will enable cross-site and cross-network comparison and synthesis studies, which will help produce insights around organizing principles, classifications, and general rules of coupling processes with environmental conditions

    Geochemistry of soil gas in the seismic fault zone produced by the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake, southwestern China

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    The spatio-temporal variations of soil gas in the seismic fault zone produced by the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake were investigated based on the field measurements of soil gas concentrations after the main shock. Concentrations of He, H2, CO2, CH4, O2, N2, Rn, and Hg in soil gas were measured in the field at eight short profiles across the seismic rupture zone in June and December 2008 and July 2009. Soil-gas concentrations of more than 800 sampling sites were obtained. The data showed that the magnitudes of the He and H2 anomalies of three surveys declined significantly with decreasing strength of the aftershocks with time. The maximum concentrations of He and H2 (40 and 279.4 ppm, respectively) were found in three replicates at the south part of the rupture zone close to the epicenter. The spatio-temporal variations of CO2, Rn, and Hg concentrations differed obviously between the north and south parts of the fault zone. The maximum He and H2 concentrations in Jun 2008 occurred near the parts of the rupture zone where vertical displacements were larger. The anomalies of He, H2, CO2, Rn, and Hg concentrations could be related to the variation in the regional stress field and the aftershock activity

    Sarcomere Formation Occurs by the Assembly of Multiple Latent Protein Complexes

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    The stereotyped striation of myofibrils is a conserved feature of muscle organization that is critical to its function. Although most components that constitute the basic myofibrils are well-characterized biochemically and are conserved across the animal kingdom, the mechanisms leading to the precise assembly of sarcomeres, the basic units of myofibrils, are poorly understood. To gain insights into this process, we investigated the functional relationships of sarcomeric protein complexes. Specifically, we systematically analyzed, using either RNAi in primary muscle cells or available genetic mutations, the organization of myofibrils in Drosophila muscles that lack one or more sarcomeric proteins. Our study reveals that the thin and thick filaments are mutually dependent on each other for striation. Further, the tension sensor complex comprised of zipper/Zasp/α-actinin is involved in stabilizing the sarcomere but not in its initial formation. Finally, integrins appear essential for the interdigitation of thin and thick filaments that occurs prior to striation. Thus, sarcomere formation occurs by the coordinated assembly of multiple latent protein complexes, as opposed to sequential assembly
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