763 research outputs found

    Die Evaluation wirtschaftspolitischer Programme am Beispiel der EU-Strukturfonds-Programme im Land Bremen

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    Derzeit befindet sich das fünfte bremische EU-Ziel 2-Programm seit 1989 in der Genehmigungsphase. Dabei kann Bremen auf Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit zurückgreifen, muss aber andererseits zahlreiche neue Anforderungen seitens der EU beachten. Dies betrifft insbesondere die Programmevaluierung, da hier die europaweit allgemeingültigen Anforderungen auf regionale Besonderheiten treffen. Um diesen unterschiedlichen Anforderungen Rechnung zu tragen, wurden die Evaluationen der EU-Programme zusammen mit den bremischen Programmen bis 1999 durch ein landeseigenes Forschungsinstitut durchgeführt. Mit der neuen Förderphase 2000-2006 werden die Evaluationen von einem externen Gutachter durchgeführt, so dass die Verwaltungsbehörde in die Position eines "echten" Auftraggebers rückt. Zusammen mit den neuen Anforderungen der Kommission zur Evaluierungshäufigkeit, -intensität, Datenerfassung, Dezentralisierung, Finanzkontrolle und Methodik bedingt dies eine nahezu vollständige Neuausrichtung des bremischen EU-Evaluierungssystems. Positiv werden diese Veränderungen auf eine zunehmende Transparenz und Glaubwürdigkeit wirken; eher kritisch ist der gestiegene Aufwand und die erhöhte Distanz zwischen externem Gutachter und verwaltungsinternen Abläufen und Entscheidungsprozessen zu betrachten

    Season Tickets on Sale for 1988-89 UD Art Series

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    News release announces that tickets are now on sale for the 1988-89 University of Dayton Arts Series

    Feasibility of Miniaturized Viscosity Sensors for the Characterization of Suspensions

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    AbstractFor many applications the viscosity of a complex fluid sample is interesting to control the process and reactions. These fluids can for instance be suspensions of different types of microorganisms, e.g., bacteria or fungi. Macroscopic viscosity measurement systems would only be able to measure the global, averaged viscosity. Miniaturized TSM resonators, however, are probing only a very thin fluid film (typically only a few μm thick, depending on frequency and viscosity) on their surface. Earlier investigations with water-in-oil micro-emulsions have shown that the influence of water droplets in oil is dependent of their size. In this paper we focus on a similar effect, i.e. the influence of the surface roughness. It turns out that the sensor behaves differently if the dimension of the inclusions or particles is in the order of the surface roughness

    Cross-calibration of the Siemens mMR:easily acquired accurate PET phantom measurements, long-term stability and reproducibility

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    BACKGROUND: We present a quick and easy method to perform quantitatively accurate PET scans of typical water-filled PET plastic shell phantoms on the Siemens Biograph mMR PET/MR system. We perform regular cross-calibrations (Xcal) of our PET systems, including the PET/MR, using a Siemens mCT water phantom. LONG-TERM STABILITY: The mMR calibration stability was evaluated over a 3-year period where 54 cross-calibrations were acquired, showing that the mMR on average underestimated the concentration by 16 %, consistently due to the use of MR-based μ-maps. The mMR produced the narrowest calibration ratio range with the lowest standard deviation, implying it is the most stable of the six systems in the study over a 3-year period. MMR ACCURACY WITH PREDEFINED μ-MAPS: With the latest mMR software version, VB20P, it is possible to utilize predefined phantom μ-maps. We evaluated both the system-integrated, predefined μ-map of the long mMR water phantom and our own user-defined CT-based μ-map of the mCT water phantom, which is used for cross-calibration. For seven scans, which were reconstructed with correctly segmented μ-maps, the mMR produced cross-calibration ratios of 1.00–1.02, well within the acceptance range [0.95–1.05], showing high accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: The mMR is the most stable PET system in this study, and the mean underestimation is no longer an issue with the easily accessible μ-map, which resulted in correct cross-calibration ratios in all seven tests. We will share the user-defined μ-map of the mCT phantom and the protocol with interested mMR users

    Practical private database queries based on a quantum key distribution protocol

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    Private queries allow a user Alice to learn an element of a database held by a provider Bob without revealing which element she was interested in, while limiting her information about the other elements. We propose to implement private queries based on a quantum key distribution protocol, with changes only in the classical post-processing of the key. This approach makes our scheme both easy to implement and loss-tolerant. While unconditionally secure private queries are known to be impossible, we argue that an interesting degree of security can be achieved, relying on fundamental physical principles instead of unverifiable security assumptions in order to protect both user and database. We think that there is scope for such practical private queries to become another remarkable application of quantum information in the footsteps of quantum key distribution.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, new and improved version, clarified claims, expanded security discussio

    Dielectric anisotropy of nematic liquid crystals loaded with carbon nanotubes in microwave range

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    Liquid crystals are attractive materials for microwave applications as tunable dielectrics owing to low losses and high anisotropy of dielectric properties. The possibility of further enhancing their dielectric anisotropy is studied by loading with highly polarisable and anisotropic rods–carbon nanotubes at various concentrations. The studies are performed using two different methods, one in the range 1–4 GHz and the other at 30 GHz. More than two times increase of microwave dielectric anisotropy in liquid crystals is reported when loaded with 0.01%wt of carbon nanotubes, which is a metastable suspension and 28% increase in an equilibrated suspension. The stability of the LC-CNT composites is discussed

    UD Spirit Flags will Show Game Day Pride in University

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    News release announces that UD spirit flags will be available for purchase to show pride on game days