2,947 research outputs found

    Luminosity Functions of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows

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    Aims: Use the standard fireball model to create virtual populations of gamma-ray burst afterglows and study their luminosity functions. Methods: We randomly vary the parameters of the standard fireball model to create virtual populations of afterglows. We use the luminosity of each burst at an observer's time of 1 day to create a luminosity function and compare our results with available observational data to assess the internal consistency of the standard fireball model. Results: We show that the luminosity functions can be described by a function similar to a log normal distribution with an exponential cutoff. The function parameters are frequency dependent but not very dependent on the model parameter distributions used to create the virtual populations. Comparison with observations shows that while there is good general agreement with the data, it is difficult to explain simultaneously the X-ray and optical data. Possible reasons for this are discussed and the most likely one is that the standard fireball model is incomplete and that decoupling of the X-ray and optical emission mechanism may be needed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    The Radio Afterglow and Host Galaxy of the Dark GRB 020819

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    Of the fourteen gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) localized to better than 2' radius with the SXC on HETE-2, only two lack optical afterglow detections, and the high recovery rate among this sample has been used to argue that the fraction of truly dark bursts is ~10%. While a large fraction of earlier dark bursts can be explained by the failure of ground-based searches to reach appropriate limiting magnitudes, suppression of the optical light of these SXC dark bursts seems likely. Here we report the discovery and observation of the radio afterglow of GRB 020819, an SXC dark burst, which enables us to identify the likely host galaxy (probability of 99.2%) and hence the redshift (z=0.41) of the GRB. The radio light curve is qualitatively similar to that of several other radio afterglows, and may include an early-time contribution from the emission of the reverse shock. The proposed host is a bright R = 19.5 mag barred spiral galaxy, with a faint R ~ 24.0 mag "blob'' of emission, 3" from the galaxy core (16 kpc in projection), that is coincident with the radio afterglow. Optical photometry of the galaxy and blob, beginning 3 hours after the burst and extending over more than 100 days, establishes strong upper limits to the optical brightness of any afterglow or associated supernova. Combining the afterglow radio fluxes and our earliest R-band limit, we find that the most likely afterglow model invokes a spherical expansion into a constant-density (rather than stellar wind-like) external environment; within the context of this model, a modest local extinction of A_V ~ 1 mag is sufficient to suppress the optical flux below our limits.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. ApJ, in press. For more info on dark bursts, see http://www.astro.ku.dk/~pallja/dark.htm

    Ukupni i specifični mortalitet u radnika izloženih azbestu od 1907. do 1985. godine

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    Total and cause-specific mortality data for the 1907 -1985 period were compared between cohorts of male asbestos-cement workers (N = 1908) and referents (N = 726), using Poisson regression modelling. The rate ratio (RR) for total mortality was significantly increased (1.3) among the exposed workers, as was mortality from non-malignant respiratory disease (RR= 2.2). Numerically, but not statistically significantly, raised ratios were found for respiratory (RR= 1.6) and gastrointestinal (RR= 1.3) cancers. The trend in the rate ratio for total mortality with time was better fitted with a curved line, than with a monotonic one, because of a period of increased risk up to the 1950s, and another one starting after 1970.Ukupni i specifični mortalitet za razdoblje od 1907. do 1985. godine uspoređen je u kohortama muških radnika koji su bili izloženi azbestu (N = 1908) s kontrolama (N = 726) pomoću Poissonove regresijske analize. Koeficijent regresije (RR) za ukupni mortalitet, kao i mortalitet od nemalignih respiratornih bolesti bio je statistički značajno viši i iznosio je 1,3, odnosno 2,2. Povećanje ovog koeficijenta nađeno je i za plućni (1,6) i gastrointestinalni karcinom (1,3), ali vrijednosti nisu statistički značajne

    Lens magnification by CL0024+1654 in the U and R band

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    [ABRIDGED] We estimate the total mass distribution of the galaxy cluster CL0024+1654 from the measured source depletion due to lens magnification in the R band. Within a radius of 0.54Mpc/h, a total projected mass of (8.1+/-3.2)*10^14 M_sol/h (EdS) is measured, which corresponds to a mass- to-light ratio of M/L(B)=470+/-180. We compute the luminosity function of CL0024+1654 in order to estimate contamination of the background source counts from cluster galaxies. Three different magnification-based reconstruction methods are employed using both local and non-local techniques. We have modified the standard single power-law slope number count theory to incorporate a break and applied this to our observations. Fitting analytical magnification profiles of different cluster models to the observed number counts, we find that the cluster is best described either by a NFW model with scale radius r_s=334+/-191 kpc/h and normalisation kappa_s=0.23+/-0.08 or a power-law profile with slope xi=0.61+/-0.11, central surface mass density kappa_0=1.52+/-0.20 and assuming a core radius of r_core=35 kpc/h. The NFW model predicts that the cumulative projected mass contained within a radius R scales as M(<R)=2.9*10^14*(R/1')^[1.3-0.5lg (R/1')] M_sol/h. Finally, we have exploited the fact that flux magnification effectively enables us to probe deeper than the physical limiting magnitude of our observations in searching for a change of slope in the U band number counts. We rule out both a total flattening of the counts with a break up to U_AB<=26.6 and a change of slope, reported by some studies, from dlog N/dm=0.4->0.15 up to U_AB<=26.4 with 95% confidence.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, submitted to A&A. New version includes more robust U band break analysis and contamination estimates, plus new plot

    The genetic variation of lactase persistence alleles in northeast Africa

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    Lactase persistence (LP) is a well-studied example of a Mendelian trait under selection in some human groups due to gene-culture co-evolution. We investigated the frequencies of genetic variants linked to LP in Sudanese and South Sudanese populations. These populations have diverse subsistence patterns, and some are dependent on milk to various extents, not only from cows, but also from other livestock such as camels and goats. We sequenced a 316bp region involved in regulating the expression of the LCT gene on chromosome 2, which encompasses five polymorphisms that have been associated with LP. Pastoralist populations showed a higher frequency of LP-associated alleles compared to non-pastoralist groups, hinting at positive selection also in northeast African pastoralists. There was no incidence of the East African LP allele (−14010:C) in the Sudanese groups, and only one heterozygote individual for the European LP allele (−13910:T), suggesting limited recent admixture from these geographic regions. Among the LP variants, the −14009:G variant occurs at the highest frequency among the investigated populations, followed by the −13915:G variant, which is likely of Middle Eastern origin, consistent with Middle Eastern gene-flow to the Sudanese populations. The Beja population of the Beni Amer show three different LP-variants at substantial and similar levels, resulting in one of the greatest frequencies of LP-variants among all populations across the world.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.Introduction Results and Discussion - Allele frequencies - Haplotype Structure - Selection Scan Conclusion Materials and Methods - Phasing and imputation to analyze haplotype structure - Locus specific branch length (LSBL

    Circulating brain injury biomarkers increase after endoscopic surgery for pituitary tumors

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    Pituitary tumors and subsequent treatment with endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (ETSS) may cause injury to suprasellar structures, causing long-term fatigue and neurocognitive impairment. A method to quantify brain injury after ETSS is not available. In this prospective, exploratory study of patients undergoing ETSS for pituitary tumors, a novel approach to detect possible neuronal damage is presented. Plasma concentrations of brain injury biomarkers (glial fibrillary acidic protein [GFAP], tau, and neurofilament light [NFL]) were measured the day before surgery, immediately after surgery, at day 1 and 5, and at 6 and 12 months after surgery, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The association between the increase of biomarkers with preoperative tumor extension and postoperative patient-perceived fatigue was evaluated. Suprasellar tumor extension was assessed from MRI scans, and self-perceived fatigue was assessed using the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory before and 6 months after surgery. Thirty-five patients were included in the analysis. Compared to baseline, GFAP showed a maximal increase at day 1 after surgery (p = 0.0005), tau peaked postoperatively on the day of surgery (p = 0.019), and NFL reached its maximum at day 5 after surgery (p < 0.0001). The increase in GFAP correlated with preoperative chiasmal compression (p = 0.020). The increase in tau was correlated with preoperative chiasmal (p = 0.011) and hypothalamus compression (p = 0.016), and fatigue score 6 months after surgery (p = 0.016). In conclusion, the concentrations of brain injury biomarkers in blood increased after ETSS for pituitary tumors. The results indicate that postoperative plasma GFAP and tau might reflect astroglial and neuronal damage after ETSS

    Expedition 302 geophysics: integrating past data with new results

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    In preparation for IODP Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), a site survey database comprising geophysical and geological data from the Lomonosov Ridge was compiled. The accumulated database includes data collected from ice islands, icebreakers, and submarines from 1961 to 2001. In addition, seismic reflection profiles were collected during Expedition 302 that complement the existing seismic reflection data and facilitate integration between the acoustic stratigraphy and the Expedition 302 drill cores. An overview of these data is presented in this chapter.It is well recognized that collecting geophysical data in ice-covered seas, in particular the Arctic Ocean, is a challenging endeavor. This is because much of the Arctic Ocean is continuously covered with ice thicknesses that vary from 1 to 6 m. Over the continental shelves, sea ice can be absent during summer months, but it is present year-round in the central basins. This ice cover is the most dominant feature of the Arctic Ocean environment. It circulates in the ocean basin in two main circulation patterns: the Transpolar Drift and the Beaufort Gyre (see the "Expedition 302 summary" chapter; Rudels et al., 1996).Expedition 302 sites are located within the less severe of these two ice circulation systems, the Transpolar Drift, which primarily moves sea ice from the shelves where it is formed (the Laptev and East Siberian Seas) across the basin and exits through the Fram Strait. During late summer, concentrations of Arctic sea ice can be &lt;100% (10/10 ice cover), making it possible for icebreakers to operate. Average ice concentrations in the central Arctic Ocean during summer months can locally vary from partially open water (6/10) to completely ice covered (10/10). This sea-ice cover can move at speeds up to 0.5 kt.Early Arctic Ocean geophysical exploration was performed from ice-drift stations (Weber and Roots, 1990). However, the tracks from these drifting ice stations were controlled "by the whims of nature" (Jackson et al., 1990), preventing detailed, systematic surveys of predetermined target areas. These ice-drift stations were set up on stable icebergs that were trapped in sea ice and moved generally with the large drift patterns, but locally they were erratic, so preselected locations could not be surveyed. In the late 1980s, single icebreakers began to be used for oceanographic survey work in the Arctic Ocean. Between 1991 and 2001, four scientific icebreaker expeditions to the Lomonosov Ridge took place. These cruises all experienced local sea-ice conditions varying between 8/10 and 10/10. During these expeditions, towed geophysical equipment was occasionally damaged or lost, either because of a rapidly closing wake caused by local ice pressure or because ice had cut the air gun array.Conventionally powered icebreakers reached as far as the North Pole for the first time during the 1991 Expedition (Andersen and Carlsonn, 1992; Fütterer, 1992). Geophysical results from this expedition collected two important reflection profiles, AWI-91090 and AWI-91091, that crossed the Lomonosov Ridge between 87° and 88°N. These profiles imaged a ~450 m thick, well-stratified and apparently undisturbed drape of sediments overlying a prominent acoustic unconformity (Jokat et al., 1992) that spawned the idea to conduct a paleoceanographic drilling expedition to this Ridge.The use of US Navy nuclear submarines for geophysical mapping was implemented through the Science Ice Exercise program (SCICEX) (Newton, 2000). The development of the Seafloor Characterization and Mapping Pods (SCAMP), which hold a Chirp subbottom profiler, swath bathymetric profiler, and side scan sonar, was an essential part of the SCICEX program (Chayes et al., 1996). In 1999, the Lomonosov Ridge geophysical database was augmented with acoustic data acquired during the SCICEX program using the SCAMP system mounted on the US nuclear submarine USS Hawkbill (Edwards and Coakley, 2003)

    Robust photometric redshift determinations of gamma-ray burst afterglows at z > 2

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    Theory suggests that about 10% of Swift-detected gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) will originate at redshifts greater than 5 yet a number of high redshift candidates may be left unconfirmed due to the lack of measured redshifts. Here we introduce our code, GRBz, a method of simultaneous multi-parameter fitting of GRB afterglow optical and near infrared, spectral energy distributions. It allows for early determinations of the photometric redshift, spectral index and host extinction to be made. We assume that GRB afterglow spectra are well represented by a power-law decay and model the effects of absorption due to the Lyman forest and host extinction. We use a genetic algorithm-based routine to simultaneously fit the parameters of interest, and a Monte Carlo error analysis. We use GRBs of previously determined spectroscopic redshifts to prove our method, while also introducing new near infrared data of GRB 990510 which further constrains the value of the host extinction. Our method is effective in estimating the photometric redshift of GRBs, relatively unbiased by assumptions of the afterglow spectral index or the host galaxy extinction. Monte Carlo error analysis is required as the method of error estimate based on the optimum population of the genetic algorithm underestimates errors significantly.Comment: Accepted to A&A: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Half-lives of PFOS, PFHxS and PFOA after end of exposure to contaminated drinking water.

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    BACKGROUND: Municipal drinking water contaminated with perfluorinated alkyl acids had been distributed to one-third of households in Ronneby, Sweden. The source was firefighting foam used in a nearby airfield since the mid-1980s. Clean water was provided from 16 December 2013. OBJECTIVE: To determine the rates of decline in serum perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), and their corresponding half-lives. METHODS: Up to seven blood samples were collected between June 2014 and September 2016 from 106 participants (age 4-84 years, 53% female). RESULTS: Median initial serum concentrations were PFHxS, 277 ng/mL (range 12-1660); PFOS, 345 ng/mL (range 24-1500); and PFOA, 18 ng/mL (range 2.4-92). The covariate-adjusted average rates of decrease in serum were PFHxS, 13% per year (95% CI 12% to 15%); PFOS, 20% per year (95% CI 19% to 22%); and PFOA, 26% per year (95% CI 24% to 28%). The observed data are consistent with a first-order elimination model. The mean estimated half-life was 5.3 years (95% CI 4.6 to 6.0) for PFHxS, 3.4 years (95% CI 3.1 to 3.7) for PFOS and 2.7 years (95% CI 2.5 to 2.9) for PFOA. The interindividual variation of half-life was around threefold when comparing the 5th and 95th percentiles. There was a marked sex difference with more rapid elimination in women for PFHxS and PFOS, but only marginally for PFOA. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated half-life for PFHxS was considerably longer than for PFOS and PFOA. For PFHxS and PFOS, the average half-life is shorter than the previously published estimates. For PFOA the half-life is in line with the range of published estimates