368 research outputs found

    Differential Impacts of Online Delivery Methods on Student Learning: A Case Study in Biorenewables

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    In 2007, a Virtual Education Center for Biorenewable Resources was initiated that offered three distance education courses, one being Biorenewable Resources and Technology (BRT) 501 – Fundamentals of Biorenewable Resources and Technology, the subject of this study. The primary objective was to determine if course delivery method (video lecture format and the other in menu-driven auto-tutorial presentations (MDAP) deliv¬ered via Flash format), student major (agricultural and non-agricultural), and gender influence online student learning in BRT 501. We found that BRT 501 student performance was not significantly impacted by module delivery method. Students with agricultural majors were outperformed by students with non-agricultural majors, most of whom were engineering students, on the midterm and final exams, and course grade. Gender dif¬ferences seen on the biomass-module first-attempt total quiz score disappeared for the final total quiz score on that module

    How Noisy Does a Noisy Miner Have to Be? Amplitude Adjustments of Alarm Calls in an Avian Urban ‘Adapter’

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    Background: Urban environments generate constant loud noise, which creates a formidable challenge for many animals relying on acoustic communication. Some birds make vocal adjustments that reduce auditory masking by altering, for example, the frequency (kHz) or timing of vocalizations. Another adjustment, well documented for birds under laboratory and natural field conditions, is a noise level-dependent change in sound signal amplitude (the ‘Lombard effect’). To date, however, field research on amplitude adjustments in urban environments has focused exclusively on bird song. Methods: We investigated amplitude regulation of alarm calls using, as our model, a successful urban ‘adapter ’ species, the Noisy miner, Manorina melanocephala. We compared several different alarm calls under contrasting noise conditions. Results: Individuals at noisier locations (arterial roads) alarm called significantly more loudly than those at quieter locations (residential streets). Other mechanisms known to improve sound signal transmission in ‘noise’, namely use of higher perches and in-flight calling, did not differ between site types. Intriguingly, the observed preferential use of different alarm calls by Noisy miners inhabiting arterial roads and residential streets was unlikely to have constituted a vocal modification made in response to sound-masking in the urban environment because the calls involved fell within the main frequency range of background anthropogenic noise. Conclusions: The results of our study suggest that a species, which has the ability to adjust the amplitude of its signals

    Substrate Effect on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of a Pt-modified Aluminide Coating. Part II: Long-term Cyclic-oxidation Tests at 1,050 C

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    This second part of a two-part study is devoted to the effect of the substrate on the long-term, cyclic-oxidation behavior at 1,050 C of RT22 industrial coating deposited on three Ni-base superalloys (CMSX-4, SCB, and IN792). Cyclicoxidation tests at 1,050 C were performed for up to 58 cycles of 300 h (i.e., 17,400 h of heating at 1,050 C). For such test conditions, interdiffusion between the coating and its substrate plays a larger role in the damage process of the system than during isothermal tests at 900, 1,050, and 1,150 C for 100 h and cyclicoxidation tests at 900 C which were reported in part I [N. Vialas and D. Monceau, Oxidation of Metals 66, 155 (2006)]. The results reported in the present paper show that interdiffusion has an important effect on long-term, cyclic-oxidation resistance, so that clear differences can be observed between different superalloys protected with the same aluminide coating. Net-mass-change (NMC) curves show the better cyclic-oxidation behavior of the RT22/IN792 system whereas uncoated CMSX-4 has the best cyclic-oxidation resistance among the three superalloys studied. The importance of the interactions between the superalloy substrate and its coating is then demonstrated. The effect of the substrate on cyclic-oxidation behavior is related to the extent of oxide scale spalling and to the evolution of microstructural features of the coatings tested. SEM examinations of coating surfaces and cross sections show that spalling on RT22/CMSX-4 and RT22/SCB was favored by the presence of deep voids localized at the coating/oxide interface. Some of these voids can act as nucleation sites for scale spallation. The formation of such interfacial voids was always observed when the b to c0 transformation leads to the formation of a two-phase b/c0 layer in contact with the alumina scale. On the contrary, no voids were observed in RT22/IN792, since this b to c0 transformation occurs gradually by an inward transformation of b leading to the formation of a continuous layer of c0 phase, parallel to the metal/scale interface

    Noise Pollution Filters Bird Communities Based on Vocal Frequency

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    BACKGROUND: Human-generated noise pollution now permeates natural habitats worldwide, presenting evolutionarily novel acoustic conditions unprecedented to most landscapes. These acoustics not only harm humans, but threaten wildlife, and especially birds, via changes to species densities, foraging behavior, reproductive success, and predator-prey interactions. Explanations for negative effects of noise on birds include disruption of acoustic communication through energetic masking, potentially forcing species that rely upon acoustic communication to abandon otherwise suitable areas. However, this hypothesis has not been adequately tested because confounding stimuli often co-vary with noise and are difficult to separate from noise exposure. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a natural experiment that controls for confounding stimuli, we evaluate whether species vocal features or urban-tolerance classifications explain their responses to noise measured through habitat use. Two data sets representing nesting and abundance responses reveal that noise filters bird communities nonrandomly. Signal duration and urban tolerance failed to explain species-specific responses, but birds with low-frequency signals that are more susceptible to masking from noise avoided noisy areas and birds with higher frequency vocalizations remained. Signal frequency was also negatively correlated with body mass, suggesting that larger birds may be more sensitive to noise due to the link between body size and vocal frequency. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings suggest that acoustic masking by noise may be a strong selective force shaping the ecology of birds worldwide. Larger birds with lower frequency signals may be excluded from noisy areas, whereas smaller species persist via transmission of higher frequency signals. We discuss our findings as they relate to interspecific relationships among body size, vocal amplitude and frequency and suggest that they are immediately relevant to the global problem of increases in noise by providing critical insight as to which species traits influence tolerance of these novel acoustics

    Habitat-related birdsong divergence: a multi-level study on the influence of territory density and ambient noise in European blackbirds

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    Song plays an important role in avian communication and acoustic variation is important at both the individual and population level. Habitat-related variation between populations in particular can reflect adaptations to the environment accumulated over generations, but this may not always be the case. In this study, we test whether variation between individuals matches local conditions with respect to noise level and territory density to examine whether short-term flexibility could contribute to song divergence at the population level. We conducted a case study on an urban and forest population of the European blackbird and show divergence at the population level (i.e. across habitats) in blackbird song, anthropogenic noise level and territory density. Unlike in several other species, we found a lack of any correlation at the individual level (i.e. across individuals) between song features and ambient noise. This suggests species-specific causal explanations for noise-dependent song differentiation which are likely associated with variation in song-copying behaviour or feedback constraints related to variable singing styles. On the other hand, we found that at the level of individual territories, temporal features, but not spectral ones, are correlated to territory density and seasonality. This suggests that short-term individual variation can indeed contribute to habitat-dependent divergence at the population level. As this may undermine the potential role for song as a population marker, we conclude that more investigations on individual song flexibility are required for a better understanding of the impact of population-level song divergence on hybridisation and speciation

    Diversity in sound pressure levels and estimated active space of resident killer whale vocalizations

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    Author Posting. © The Author, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 192 (2006): 449-459, doi:10.1007/s00359-005-0085-2.Signal source intensity and detection range, which integrates source intensity with propagation loss, background noise and receiver hearing abilities, are important characteristics of communication signals. Apparent source levels were calculated for 819 pulsed calls and 24 whistles produced by free-ranging resident killer whales by triangulating the angles-of-arrival of sounds on two beamforming arrays towed in series. Levels in the 1-20 kHz band ranged from 131-168 dB re 1μPa @1m, with differences in the means of different sound classes (whistles: 140.2 ± 4.1 dB; variable calls: 146.6 ± 6.6 dB; stereotyped calls: 152.6 ± 5.9 dB), and among stereotyped call types. Repertoire diversity carried through to estimates of active space, with “long-range” stereotyped calls all containing overlapping, independently-modulated high-frequency components (mean estimated active space of 10-16km in sea state zero) and “short-range” sounds (5-9 km) included all stereotyped calls without a high-frequency component, whistles, and variable calls. Short-range sounds are reported to be more common during social and resting behaviors, while long-range stereotyped calls predominate in dispersed travel and foraging behaviors. These results suggest that variability in sound pressure levels may reflect diverse social and ecological functions of the acoustic repertoire of killer whales.Funding was provided by WHOI’s Ocean Ventures Fund and Rinehart Coastal Research Center and a Royal Society fellowship

    A novel mutation Thr162Arg of the melanocortin 4 receptor gene in a Spanish children and adolescent population

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    Objective  The melanocortin 4 receptor gene (MC4R) is involved in body weight regulation. While many studies associated MC4R mutations with childhood obesity, information on MC4R mutations in Spanish children and adolescents is lacking. Our objective was to screen a population of children and adolescents from the north of Spain (Navarra) for MC4R mutations and to study the phenotypes of carriers and their families. In addition, functional assays were performed for a novel MC4R mutation. Methods  The study was composed of 451 Spanish children and adolescents (49% boys), aged 5–18 year. According to the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) criteria, the groups included 160 obese, 132 overweight and 159 normal-weight control subjects. Results  One novel (Thr162Arg) and three known nonsynonymous mutations in the MC4R gene (Ser30Phe, Thr150Ile, Ala244Glu) were detected heterozygously. The MC4R mutations were found in three male (one obese and two overweight) and two female subjects (one obese and one overweight). The novel mutation did not appear to lead to an impaired receptor function. An unequivocal relationship of MC4R mutations with obesity in pedigrees together with an impaired function of the encoded receptor could not be established for any of the mutations. Conclusions  The presence of heterozygous MC4R mutations in obese and overweight subjects indicates that these mutations may be a susceptibility factor for obesity development, but lifestyle factors, such as exercise or sedentary activities, may modify their effect

    Roaring high and low: composition and possible functions of the Iberian stag's vocal repertoire

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    We provide a detailed description of the rutting vocalisations of free-ranging male Iberian deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus, Hilzheimer 1909), a geographically isolated and morphologically differentiated subspecies of red deer Cervus elaphus. We combine spectrographic examinations, spectral analyses and automated classifications to identify different call types, and compare the composition of the vocal repertoire with that of other red deer subspecies. Iberian stags give bouts of roars (and more rarely, short series of barks) that are typically composed of two different types of calls. Long Common Roars are mostly given at the beginning or at the end of the bout, and are characterised by a high fundamental frequency (F0) resulting in poorly defined formant frequencies but a relatively high amplitude. In contrast, Short Common Roars are typically given in the middle or at the end of the bout, and are characterised by a lower F0 resulting in relatively well defined vocal tract resonances, but low amplitude. While we did not identify entirely Harsh Roars (as described in the Scottish red deer subspecies (Cervus elaphus scoticus), a small percentage of Long Common Roars contained segments of deterministic chaos. We suggest that the evolution of two clearly distinct types of Common Roars may reflect divergent selection pressures favouring either vocal efficiency in high pitched roars or the communication of body size in low-pitched, high spectral density roars highlighting vocal tract resonances. The clear divergence of the Iberian red deer vocal repertoire from those of other documented European red deer populations reinforces the status of this geographical variant as a distinct subspecies