239 research outputs found

    Ultrafiltration of Skim Milk Prior to Cottage Cheese Making

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    Cottage cheese has the largest sales volume potential of all cultured dairy products in the United States today. Moreover, it can be a highly profitable product if proper control is exercised during its manufacturing (46). Commercial production of cottage cheese utilizes a significant portion of the total fluid milk produced in the U. S.A. After the 1955\u27s, yearly per capita consumption of cottage cheese increased from 1. 7 7 kg (3.9 lb) to a high of 2. 45 kg (5.4 lb) in 1972 (67) . Consumer demand for lower fat dairy products gradually increased, which put more pricing emphasis on the· nonfat milk solids. This caused a marked increase in the price of cottage cheese, which depressed the yearly per capita consumption to 1.9 5 kg (4.3 lb) by 1981 (67) . Poor yields are a problem of major concern in the cottage cheese industry today. In the 1950\u27s, yield factors of 1.8 to 1.85 kg of 20% solids curd per kg milk solids were commonplace and at that time skim milk usually contained between 9 and 10% total solids. During the 1960\u27s yields dropped to 1. 7 to 1. 7 5 kg of 20% solids curd per kg milk solids (5, 44) . Any increase in cheese yield and/or decrease in costs of production would improve profit for cheese producers and help maintain lower consumer prices. Most of the studies on cheese making have indicated the decreases in product yields during the past decades (4, 22, 66, 86, 91) were due to: 1) use of larger vats and mechanical agitators has become widespread, resulting in greater yield losses as curd fines; 2) a change in relative price supports of butter and nonfat dry milk (NFDM) increased the price of the latter, so many manufacturers of cottage cheese determined that fortification of skim milk with NFDM was no longer economically sound and the practice was discontinued. Hence, cottage cheese yields failed to reach projected levels, especially during hot, dry summer months when the total solids content of milk tended to be low (15, 66, 91); and 3) composition of the milk supply has changed as production per cow increased Lower solids-not-fat (SNF) in milk directly affects the recovery of milk solids in the cheese curd. Of particular interest to a cottage cheese manufacturer has been the decrease in casein content of milk, for casein comprises nearly 78% of the cottage cheese solids. Milk today (91) is more likely to contain 2.31% casein rather than the 2. 5% listed in earlier references (42, 100) . Currently, the methods of cottage cheese manufacture convert an average of only 74.9% of milk protein into cottage cheese, while the balance of the proteins remain in the whey (66, 86) . The proteins lost in whey are mainly a-lactalbumin and B-lactoglobulin which remain soluble under the conditions of cottage cheese manufacture and thus do.not become part of the curd (SO). They may be an added expense rather than a benefit to the dairy industry, since these proteins as whey solids must either be processed further, disposed of as waste, or both. Processing cottage cheese whey is expensive and difficult because it is both dilute (94% water) and highly acidic (pH 4. 6) (10, 50) . Whey proteins can be concentrated and removed from whey after cheese making (33, 50) or they may be recovered in the cheese by concentration in the milk with ultrafiltration (UF) (34, 43, 44, 47, 60) prior to cheesemaking. Ultrafiltration is a continuous method for separating high molecular weight solutes from fluid streams . Its ability to fractionate and concentrate complex fluids has led to several applications of ultrafiltration in the dairy industry (8, 23, 40, 62). Ultrafiltrating milk will raise the protein content; the· milk can then be used to make ripened types of cheeses. Milk concentrated by ultrafiltration requires less rennet and starter culture for cheese manufacture than does a conventional milk; moreover, processes based on ultrafiltrated milk produce less whey than do traditional processes (19, 20, 44, 47, 63). The use of ultrafiltrated milk in the production of cultured dairy products gives yields as much as 20% greater (44, 47, 56) due to the retention in the cultured products of proteins which normally would be lost in whey in traditional manufacturing processes. The present investigation was designed 1) to study the increase in total solids in starting skim milk after using UF to remove 25% (UF 25%) and 33% (UF 33%) of skim milk volume as permeate; 2) to explore the possibility that concentrating skim milk may increase cottage cheese yield; and 3) to determine if the acceptability of cottage cheeses which were obtained from UF concentrated skim milk were inferior, equal, or superior to those of cottage cheese manufactured without UF treatment of the skim milk

    Analisis Sikap Konsumen terhadap Atribut Sabun Mandi (Studi pada Sabun Mandi Merek Lux dan Giv di Kota Malang)

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    The study has as its rationale the fact that there are numerous brands of bath soap in the market. The changes of consumer behavior, which influenced by the economy crisis occurred in the Indonesia, has suppressed the producers to readjust their marketing programs. It is crucial for the firms to recognize the consumer attitudes on their marketing program. Moreover, consumer attitude is dominantly used in predicting the consumer behavior, in estimating the future demand of product, and in developing the appropriate marketing programs. The study aimed at understanding : (1). The consumer attitudes on the bath soaps (i.e, Lux and Giv brands) attributes, (2). The influence of the consumers social environment toward the subjective norm in making the purchasing decisions on the Lux and Giv, (3). The differential of consumers attitudes on the Lux and Giv. Interview and questionnaire were used to collect data, by using the semantic differential scale method. Fishbein model and Wilcoxons signed rank test were applied to the studys results. The result of research indicate that : (1) There was a positive attitude of consumer on both the Lux and Giv. Attribute "Prestige" owning lowest positive score value for the brand of Lux and Giv, (2) Social environment from consumer influence consumer subjective norm of consumer in making the purchasing decisions of the Lux and Giv. Family Members was the dominant variable of both the Lux and Giv, (3) Do not there are difference by significant attitude from consumer to product. Later, then different test to every attribute, do not there are difference by significant consumer attitude to product attribute. Based on the study results and empirical evidences supported by the statistical testing, it is showed that the two bath soap brands have dominated the consumers mind. Nevertheless, in making their purchasing decisions, the consumers have the difference attitudes is assessing those two brands depends on their desires. Thus, it is suggested that the firms need to have variation and to differentiate their products to maintain the consumers loyalties, to develop some promotional strategies involving the sellers, to create the advertisements that strongly conspicuous the prominent attributes of the product, and to choose the ads media that can reach all consumer levels. Keywords : attitude consumer, attribute toilet soa

    Penyebab Terjadinya Perilaku Menyimpang “Ngelem” pada Siswa di SMPN 3 Subah Kabupaten Sambas

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan : Awal terjadinya perilaku menyimpang ngelem pada siswa di SMPN 3 Subah Kabupaten Sambas, Proses terjadinya perilaku menyimpang ngelem pada siswa di SMPN 3 Subah Kabupaten Sambas, dan Dampak perilaku menyimpang ngelem pada siswa di SMPN 3 Subah Kabupaten Sambas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, karena metode deskriftif ini memusatkan perhatian kepada masalah-masalah aktual sebagaimana adanya pada saat penelitian berlangsung. Dengan demikian metode deskriftif ini sesuai dengan masalah yang ingin diteliti penulis yaitu mengenai penyebab perilaku menyimpang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Awalnya siswa terdorong untuk melakukan aktivitas “ngelem” karena merasa pusing, stress, dan kurang perhatian orang tua, ikut-ikutan teman teman, dan bosan. Selain itu informan juga setres dan bosan karena merasa kesepian dan hanya sekedar iseng-iseng ingin coba-coba untuk mencari repotasi sehingga informan terjerumus dalam perilaku “ngelem”. Selain itu informan meyakini bahwa perilaku “ngelem” merupakan gaya trend, ikutan-ikutan orang dewasa, tidak ada kegiatan. Proses ngelem yang dilakukan oleh siswa di tempat yang sepi, di perkebunan sawit dengan cara memasukkan lem fox ke dalam kantong plastik lalu menghisap-hisap aroma baunya sehingga membuat kecanduan. Kata Kunci : Perilaku Menyimpang Ngelem, Siswa SMP Abstrac: Purpose in this study is to find and described: early the deviate behavior inhaling glue to their students of SMPN 3 subah in sambas , the process of the deviate behavior ngelem to their students of SMPN 3 subah in sambas , and the impact deviate behavior ngelem to their students of SMPN 3 subah in sambas .Methods used in this research is descriptive , because method deskriftif this focus on actual just as there are problems in the time of the visit .Thus method deskriftif this is in accordance with the problems want to researched writer is about cause deviate behavior. The result of this research showed that the first time the students shove to do this “inhaling glue” activity was because they felt dizzy,stress and they thought that their parents did not really care about them, they just followed their friends and they were bored. Besides, they also felt stress and bored because they felt lonely and they just did it for fun and for their reputation therefore they fell into inhaling glue behavior. Moreover, they thought that this kind of behaviors were one of the trends, following adult people, and also they did not have any activity to do. They did this in a quite place, in palm oil field, by putting fox glue into plastic bag and then they inhaled its smell so it made them addicted

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses terhadap Self Efficacy Siswa Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Smas Taman Mulya

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    This study generally aims to determine the effect of process skills approach to self efficacy ini accounting subjects in class xi student smas taman mulya kubu raya district. The research method used is the method of associative, while a from of research is a causal telationship. The population used in this study were student of class xi smas taman mulya kubu raya district. Which amounts to 65 people. From the results of study indicate that there are significant between the independent variable (x) on the dependent variable (y) which uses a simple linear equation y = a + bx then shown in the equation y= 27,603+0,676x and test a hypothesis test tcount>ttable or 5.850>1.671. The magnitude of effect of the independent variable (x) on the dependent variable (y) coefficient of determination of test results with spss 16 is equal to 35.2%

    Efektivitas Model Team Assisted Individualization dengan Mengembangkan Nilai Kerjasama pada Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas XI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model Team Assisted Individualization dengan mengembangkan nilai kerjasama pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi kelas XI IPS SMA Taman Mulia Kubu Raya dan meningkatkan nilai kerjasama serta hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasy experiment dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah nonequivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 60 siswa dari jumlah populasi yaitu 97 siswa yang terdiri dari 2 kelas IPS di SMA Taman Mulia Kubu Raya. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh peningkatan keaktifan kerjasama siswa dalam belajar berdasarkan indikator penilaian yaitu 21,72% dan hasil belajar yang diukur dari hasil pre-test dan post-test mengalami peningkatan rata-rata 39,23. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh bahwa model Team Assisted Individualization dengan mengembangkan nilai kerjasama efektif digunakan pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS serta diperoleh hasil bahwa model Team Assisted Individualization lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci : Model Team Assisted Individualization, Nilai Kerjasama, Hasil Belajar Abstrac : This research aimed to determine the effectivness of Team Assited Individualization model by developing the cooperation on Economics subject at XI IPS SMA Taman Mulia Kubu Raya regency and increasing the cooperation value and student's learning outcome. The research method which use is Quasy Experiment by research draft is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sampel was 60 students from the population of the 97 students consisting of 2 classes in Social Study Program at Taman Mulia Kubu Raya. From the result of this study showed the increasing in activity of student's collaboration in study based on assesment indicator namely 21,72% and learning outcomes that were measured from pre-test and post-test showed the reasult increased 39,23. Based on the results obtained by testing the hypothesis that Team Assisted Individualization model by developing the cooperative value effective used on economics subject at XI IPS and the result showed that Team Assisted Individualization model is more effective in increasing student's learning outcome

    Analisis Kerjasama Antar Siswa Kelas XII Iis 2 di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kerjasama spontan, kontrak, dan tradisional antar siswa kelas XII IIS 2 di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerjasama spontan antar siswa telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, namun belum sempurna karena masih ada siswa yang kerjasama spontannya kurang baik. Selain itu kerjasama kontrak antar siswa sudah tercapai dengan baik, hal ini ditandai dengan adanya kerjasama antar siswa saat melaksanakan piket kelas dan adanya kemauan untuk meminjamkan perlengkapan sholat kepada siswa lain. Sedangkan kerjasama tradisional antar siswa juga telah berlangsung dengan baik diantara mereka terlihat saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain seperti halnya jajan dikantin, selalu ada salah satu siswa yang mengajak teman lainnya untuk jajan dikantin bersama, dan ajakan itu mendapat respon yang baik oleh teman lainnya hingga dapat dikatakan bahwa interaksi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi perilaku individu lainnya hingga terciptalah hubungan sosial diantara mereka. Kata Kunci : Analisis kerjasama, Kerjasama antar siswa. Abstrac: This study aimed to describe the spontaneous cooperation, contracts, and traditional inter IIS 2 class XII students at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. The method used is qualitative approach. The results showed that spontaneous cooperation among students have been executed better, but not perfect because there are students who are less well spontaneous cooperation. Besides the cooperation contract between the students has been reached with the good, it is characterized by cooperation between students when carrying picket class and their prayer materials to other students. While the traditional cooperation between students has also been going well between them visible influence each other as well as snacks at canteen, there is always one of the students who invited more friends for snacks at canteen together, and call it received good response by other friends to be said that these interactions may affect the behavior of other individuals by creating social relations among them

    Irregular repetition code hybrid ARQ in wireless system

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    Error control consists of error detection and error correction in the communication system. The purpose of this research work is to reduce error in the wireless communication system by using the advantages of both error correction techniques which are forward error correction (FEC) and automatic repeat request (ARQ). Thus, error can be corrected without retransmission and also via retransmission(s) when needed. Combination of FEC and ARQ is known as Hybrid ARQ. In this paper, Hybrid ARQ system is designed using three components which are the irregular repetition code (IRC) as a simple code, bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) as a simple Turbo processing and ARQ. The HARQ system is enhanced by the extended mapping (EM) adopted in the mapping system. The performance of the systems is evaluated in the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The results show the Hybrid ARQ with extended mapping (Hybrid ARQ-EM) outperforms Hybrid ARQ with standard mapping (Hybrid ARQ-SM). Hybrid ARQ-EM achieves low bit error rate BER (10-5) at low signal-to-noise ratio SNR which only 3.03dB close to the theoretical limit. The proposed system Hybrid ARQ-EM achieves 52 percent gain enhancement of SNR gap from the theoretical limit compared to Hybrid ARQ-SM. Hybrid ARQ-EM gives better performance although in worse channel condition