269 research outputs found

    Građa i optička svojstva tankih polikristaliničnih slojeva CuGaxIn1−xSe2

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    Structural and optical properties of CuGaxIn1−xSe2 (0 ≀ x ≀ 0.75) polycrystalline thin films deposited by vacuum evaporation were studied as a function of composition. The optical absorption spectra of CuGaxIn1−xSe2 thin films (x /=0) show four energy gaps (Eg1 , Eg2 , Eg3 and Eg4 ) which are attributed to the fundamental edge, band splitting by crystal-field and spin-orbit splitting, and to transitions originating from copper 3d levels, respectively. The primary transition energies exhibit bowing behaviour expressed by the relationship Eg1 (x) = 1.011 + 0.448x + 0.186x 2 . The second and third transition energies are higher than the primary transition energies by 0.10–0.11 eV and 0.18–0.185 eV, respectively. The effect of thermal treatment on the values of energy gaps is discussed in terms of the structure of the films. The primary transition energies of annealed CuGaxIn1−xSe2 can be fitted by the parabolic form Eg1 (x) = 1.04 + 0.46x + 0.22x 2 .Proučavali smo strukturna i optička svojstva tankih polikristaliničnih slojeva CuGaxIn1−xSe2, isparenih u vakuumu, u ovisnosti o sastavu (0 ≀ x ≀ 0.75). Optički apsorpcijski spektri tankih slojeva CuGaxIn1−xSe2, (x /=0), pokazuju četiri energijska procijepa (Eg1 , Eg2 , Eg3 i Eg4 ) koji se pridjeljuju osnovnom rubu, cijepanju vrpci kristalnim poljem i cijepanju spin-staza, odnosno prijelazima iz 3d stanja bakra. Prvotni prijelazi pokazuju kvadratnu ovisnost koju izraĆŸavamo relacijom Eg1 (x) = 1.011 + 0.448x + 0.186x 2 . Druga i treća prijelazna energija su (0.10 − 0.11 eV) odnosno (0.18 − 0.185 eV) viĆĄe od primarne prijelazne energije. Pomoću građe slojeva objaĆĄnjavamo učinak toplinske obrade na vrijednosti energijskih procijepa. Prvotne prijelazne energije opuĆĄtenog CuGaxIn1−xSe2 mogu se predstaviti kvadratnim izrazom Eg1 (x) = 1.04 + 0.46x + 0.22x 2

    Non SUSY Unification in Left-Right Models

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    We explore in a model independent way the possibility of achieving the non supersymmetric gauge coupling unification within left-right symmetric models, with the minimal particle content at the left-right mass scale which could be as low as 1 TeV in a variety of models, and with a unification scale M in the range 10510^5 GeV <M<1017.7< M< 10^{17.7} GeV.Comment: 18 pages, Latex file, uses epsf style, four figures. Submitted for publication to Phys. Rev. D on Oct. 13, 199

    Continuous Requirement for the Clr4 Complex But Not RNAi for Centromeric Heterochromatin Assembly in Fission Yeast Harboring a Disrupted RITS Complex

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    Formation of centromeric heterochromatin in fission yeast requires the combined action of chromatin modifying enzymes and small RNAs derived from centromeric transcripts. Positive feedback mechanisms that link the RNAi pathway and the Clr4/Suv39h1 histone H3K9 methyltransferase complex (Clr-C) result in requirements for H3K9 methylation for full siRNA production and for siRNA production to achieve full histone methylation. Nonetheless, it has been proposed that the Argonaute protein, Ago1, is the key initial trigger for heterochromatin assembly via its association with Dicer-independent “priRNAs.” The RITS complex physically links Ago1 and the H3-K9me binding protein Chp1. Here we exploit an assay for heterochromatin assembly in which loss of silencing by deletion of RNAi or Clr-C components can be reversed by re-introduction of the deleted gene. We showed previously that a mutant version of the RITS complex (Tas3WG) that biochemically separates Ago1 from Chp1 and Tas3 proteins permits maintenance of heterochromatin, but prevents its formation when Clr4 is removed and re-introduced. Here we show that the block occurs with mutants in Clr-C, but not mutants in the RNAi pathway. Thus, Clr-C components, but not RNAi factors, play a more critical role in assembly when the integrity of RITS is disrupted. Consistent with previous reports, cells lacking Clr-C components completely lack H3K9me2 on centromeric DNA repeats, whereas RNAi pathway mutants accumulate low levels of H3K9me2. Further supporting the existence of RNAi–independent mechanisms for establishment of centromeric heterochromatin, overexpression of clr4+ in clr4Δago1Δ cells results in some de novo H3K9me2 accumulation at centromeres. These findings and our observation that ago1Δ and dcr1Δ mutants display indistinguishable low levels of H3K9me2 (in contrast to a previous report) challenge the model that priRNAs trigger heterochromatin formation. Instead, our results indicate that RNAi cooperates with RNAi–independent factors in the assembly of heterochromatin

    Africa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic : A review of the nature of the virus, impacts and implications for preparedness

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    Background: COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc in different countries across the world, claiming thousands of lives, increasing morbidity and disrupting lifestyles. The global scientific community is in urgent need of relevant evidence, to understand the challenges and knowledge gaps, as well as the opportunities to contain the spread of the virus. Considering the unique socio-economic, demographic, political, ecological and climatic contexts in Africa, the responses which may prove to be successful in other regions may not be appropriate on the continent. This paper aims to provide insight for scientists, policy makers and international agencies to contain the virus and to mitigate its impact at all levels. Methods: The Affiliates of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), came together to synthesize the current evidence, identify the challenges and opportunities to enhance the understanding of the disease. We assess the potential impact of this pandemic and the unique challenges of the disease on African nations. We examine the state of Africa’s preparedness and make recommendations for steps needed to win the war against this pandemic and combat potential resurgence. Results: We identified gaps and opportunities among cross-cutting issueswhich must be addressed or harnessed in this pandemic. Factors such as the nature of the virus and the opportunities for drug targeting, point of care diagnostics, health surveillance systems, food security, mental health, xenophobia and gender-based violence, shelter for the homeless, water and sanitation, telecommunications challenges, domestic regional coordination and financing. Conclusion: Based on our synthesis of the current evidence, while there are plans for preparedness in several African countries, there are significant limitations. A multi-sectoral efforts from the science, education, medical, technology, communication, business, and industry sectors, as well as local communities, must work collaboratively to assist countries in order to win this fight

    The role and scope of practice of midwives in humanitarian settings:a systematic review and content analysis

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    Abstract Background Midwives have an essential role to play in preparing for and providing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in humanitarian settings due to their unique knowledge and skills, position as frontline providers and geographic and social proximity to the communities they serve. There are considerable gaps in the international guidance that defines the scope of practice of midwives in crises, particularly for the mitigation and preparedness, and recovery phases. We undertook a systematic review to provide further clarification of this scope of practice and insights to optimise midwifery performance. The review aimed to determine what SRH services midwives are involved in delivering across the emergency management cycle in humanitarian contexts, and how they are working with other professionals to deliver health care. Methods Four electronic databases and the websites of 33 organisations were searched between January and March 2017. Papers were eligible for inclusion if they were published in English between 2007 and 2017 and reported primary research pertaining to the role of midwives in delivering and performing any component of sexual and/or reproductive health in humanitarian settings. Content analysis was used to map the study findings to the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH across the three phases of the disaster management cycle and identify how midwives work with other members of the health care team. Results Fourteen studies from ten countries were included. Twelve studies were undertaken in conflict settings, and two were conducted in the context of the aftermath of natural disasters. We found a paucity of evidence from the research literature that examines the activities and roles undertaken by midwives across the disaster management cycle. This lack of evidence was more apparent during the mitigation and preparedness, and recovery phases than the response phase of the disaster management cycle. Conclusion Research-informed guidelines and strategies are required to better align the scope of practice of midwives with the objectives of multi-agency guidelines and agreements, as well as the activities of the MISP, to ensure that the potential of midwives can be acknowledged and optimised across the disaster management cycle

    Synaptic Maturation at Cortical Projections to the Lateral Amygdala in a Mouse Model of Rett Syndrome

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a neuro-developmental disorder caused by loss of function of Mecp2 - methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 - an epigenetic factor controlling DNA transcription. In mice, removal of Mecp2 in the forebrain recapitulates most of behavioral deficits found in global Mecp2 deficient mice, including amygdala-related hyper-anxiety and lack of social interaction, pointing a role of Mecp2 in emotional learning. Yet very little is known about the establishment and maintenance of synaptic function in the adult amygdala and the role of Mecp2 in these processes. Here, we performed a longitudinal examination of synaptic properties at excitatory projections to principal cells of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) in Mecp2 mutant mice and their wild-type littermates. We first show that during animal life, Cortico-LA projections switch from a tonic to a phasic mode, whereas Thalamo-LA synapses are phasic at all ages. In parallel, we observed a specific elimination of Cortico-LA synapses and a decrease in their ability of generating presynaptic long term potentiation. In absence of Mecp2, both synaptic maturation and synaptic elimination were exaggerated albeit still specific to cortical projections. Surprisingly, associative LTP was unaffected at Mecp2 deficient synapses suggesting that synaptic maintenance rather than activity-dependent synaptic learning may be causal in RTT physiopathology. Finally, because the timing of synaptic evolution was preserved, we propose that some of the developmental effects of Mecp2 may be exerted within an endogenous program and restricted to synapses which maturate during animal life
