1,006 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Imagery dan tanpa Latihan Imagery terhadap Keterampilan Senam dan Kepercayaan Diri Atlet

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    The background of this research was a lack of attention from coaches and athletes to impact of psychology aspect in increase of achievement. Psychological aspect had less attention in supporting improvement of achievement this thing is caused lack of knowledge of coaches about mental practice.This research had purpose in knowing the influence of imagery practice to the athlete\u27s skill and self confidence, also the different influence between imagery practice and nonimagery practice to skill and self confidence. The research used experimental method with total population. Subject of the research was 60 athletes who consist of 12 PPLP gymnastic athletes (4 boys and 8 girls) and 48 gymnastic club athletes (18 boys and 20 girls). In this research, the sample divided into 2 groups, they are (1) Group A (imagery exercises), (2) Group B (non imagery exercises) as controlling group. However, group A had a treatment of imagery exercises and Group B had no treatment of imagery exercises at all. The research went on 6 weeks with 6 times practices every week.The result of the research showed that there was difference influence of exercises imagery and practice without imagery to gymnastic skill (Sig 0. 72 0.05).Conclusion from this research is imagery exercises better compared to without imagery exercises to gymnastic skill, and there are no difference of influence imagery and without imagery exercises to self confidence

    Perencanaan Pembangunan Di Indonesia Pascaorde Baru: Refleksi Tentang Penguatan Partisipasi Masyarakat

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    The development planning during the New Order period has been criticized becauseit was centralistic, technocratic and lack of public participation. In the reformationera, many important changes have influenced the development planning system inIndonesia. The changes include changing role of the Bappenas (National DevelopmentPlanning Agency), decentralization, direct presidential and local head elections, aswell as the strengthening roles of the parliament. This paper analyses whether ornot these changes open a wider space for public participation in the developmentpolicy-making. The discussion shows that public participation has not yet as expectedby theory. The mechanism for public participation inthe development planning did notchangemuch compared to the situation during the New Order era. Public participationhas only fairly achieved and political elites are dominating the policy-making arena

    Studi Perencanaan Tebal Lapis Tambah Perkerasan (Overlay) pada Jalan Maospati - Sukomoro (STA. 0+000 – 12+000) di Kabupaten Magetan Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    Struktur perkerasan jalan sebagai komponen dari prasarana transportasi yang berfungsi sebagai penerima beban lalulintas yang dilimpahkan melalui roda kendaraan. Oleh karena itu, struktur perkerasan perlu memiliki stabilitas yang tinggi, kokoh selama masa pelayanan jalan dan tahan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan dan atau cuaca. Kelelahan (fatigue resistance), kerusakan perkerasan akibat berkurangnya kekokohan jalan seperti retak (craking), lendutan sepanjang lintasan kendaraan (rutting), bergelombang, dan atau berlubang, tidak dikehendaki terjadi pada perkerasan jalan. Dalam Studi perencanaan ini yang akan direncanakan adalah Perkerasan Lentur (Flexible pavement) pada Peningkatan jalan Maospati Sukomoro dengan panjang total 12KM dengan lebar jalan 6M. Sebagaimana suatu perkerasan lentur akan mengalami penurunan kinerja sehubungan dengan beban lalulintas dan lingkungan. Pada saat perkerasan dibebani, maka beban-beban tersebut akan menyebar ke lapisan-lapisan dibawahnya dalam bentuk tegangan penyebaran. Tegangan tersebut dapat menyebabkan lendutan dan akhirnya terjadi keruntuhan, untuk mengembalikan kekuatan perkerasan, salah satu alternatif yang biasa digunakan adalah melakukan pelapisan ulang (Overlay). Selain karena faktor diatas lapis tambahan juga harus diperkuat untuk memikul beban yang lebih besar dari perhitungan dari perencanaan awal. Studi perencanaan ruas jalan Maospati Sukomoro ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Maospati, Kabupaten Magetan, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Adapun langkah studi dalam pengerjaan skripsi ini adalah sebagai berikut : Perencanaan, Analisa volume lalu lintas rencana, Menghitung lendutan Balik, Menentukan Tebal Lapisan Tambahan (Overlay), Menghitung Volume Tebal Perkerasan Tambahan (Overlay), Membuat Rencana Anggaran Biaya. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Jumlah Lalu lintas Harian Rata-rata (LHR) berdasarkan umur rencana 10 tahun pada jalan Maospati Sukomoro adalah 18.270 SMP. Lendutan Balik (dwakil) sepanjang ruas jalan Maospati Sukomoro sebesar 2,35 mm berdasarkan nilai AE18KSAL yaitu 3,74 x 106 dengan lendutan Balik yang diijinkan sebesar 1,9 mm. Tebal lapis tambahan perkerasan (overlay) yang diperlukan yaitu 4 cm. Biaya Pelaksanaan Pelapisan ulang (Overlay) Pada Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Maospati Sukomoro STA 0+000 - 12+000 adalah sebesar Rp. 4.565.237.600 (Empat milyar lima ratus enam puluh Lima juta dua ratus tiga puluh tujuh ribu enam ratus rupiah)

    Improving Student Speaking Ability Through the Integrated English Lesson Method: Demonstrative Presentation

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    The purpose of this study is to know that there will be an improvement in students' speaking skill when they are faced with Demonstrative Presentation. This research will use Classroom Action Research design using three research instruments. The results of research will be conducted in two cycles that show this study is not only able to improve students' speaking ability but also increase active participation of students. The expected results of this study are (1) obviously to find out that this method will increase the ablity of studenst in speaking, the most important that we probably will see additional vocabulary of sign posting in students' speaking; (2) Another predicted result in this sudy is the possibility of students' actve participation in the class activity

    Penataan Ruang di Provinsi Riau Tahun 2010-2015

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    Spatial is a system of spatial planning, spatial utilization and control of spaceutilization. With the expiration RTRW Riau Province in 2009 had an impact ondevelopment and has the potential to inhibit the growth of industry and the regionaleconomy. The research problem is How the arrangement of space in Riau Province inthe absence of regulation Spatial Plan (RTRW) and How the implications of spatialplanning without spatial regulation in the province of Riau. This study aims todetermine the arrangement of space in Riau Province in the absence of regulationSpatial Plan (RTRW) and to know the implications of the arrangement of space withoutspatial regulation in the province of Riau.This research method is qualitative method with the type of data used primarydata and secondary data, data sources and documents obtained through a researchinformants. Data were collected through interviews and documentation, and thenanalyzed in a descriptive way to provide an overview of the research results.The results of this research are of Spatial Planning in Riau Province Year 2010-2015 has yet to be separated into a regional regulation by the Provincial Governmentof Riau because the seat has not increased the area proposed Regional Government ofRiau Province to the Ministry of Forestry, thus implies Unable to RTRW Regency / Cityset , exemption of land, and inhibit the development and investment

    Pengaruh Kualitas Dipa dan Akurasi Perencanaan Kas terhadap Kualitas Penyerapan Anggaran pada Satker Wilayah Kppn Malang

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    This research is purposed to analyze the influence of quality of DIPA (Budget Implementation Document) and the accuracy of cash forecasting to budget absorption quality of working unit in the KPPN Malang's working area. This research is a survey research which was conducted by distributing questionnairies and collecting secondary data. The questionnaire was distributed to every financial functionary and staf at working unit in the KPPN Malang's working area. While, secondary data was obtained from the acts and reports of KPPN Malang. Working unit in the KPPN Malang's working area was sampled by simple random sampling method to get high level of generalizability of all the population. Hypotheses testing used multiple regression analysis. The result of research shows that quality of DIPA positively affects to the budget absorption quality either from the level of budget absorption or proporsionality of budget absorption inter period. While, accuracy of cash forecasting does not affect budget absorption quality either from the level of budget absorption or proporsionality of budget absorption inter period

    Penelusuran Potensi Likuifaksi Pantai Padang Berdasarkan Gradasi Butiran Dan Tahanan Penetrasi Standar

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    . Padang 30 September 2009 earthquake had caused liquefaction at several locations in the city of Padang. Generally, liquefied areas were around the rivers or near the beach. In order to get the gradation of the liquefied soil, sieve analysis was conducted on soil samples. Based on those test result and drilling data, the assessment of liquefaction potential for soil layer around the coast of Padang is done. Soil investigation using deep drilling and standard penetration test to the hard layer has been done on the site. Furthermore, the soil gradations at certain depths were analyzed by comparing the gradation curve of the liquefied soil. Liquefaction potential assessment based on the soil gradation shows that the Padang Beach area has the liquefaction potential. The results are then compiled with the analysis of the liquefaction potential based on the standard penetration test. The depth of the soil layer that potentially to liquefy in Padang Beach is on the depth of less than 10m

    Sebaran Posisi Sepeda Motor Di Jalur Jalan Pada Berbagai Kondisi Arus Lalulintas

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    Tingkat kepemilikan sepeda motor di Indonesia tergolong tinggi. Keberadaan sepeda motor dalam jumlah besar tersebut menyebabkan operasi lalulintas yang rumit dan cenderung berbahaya. Untuk memahami potensi bahaya ini, diperlukan analisis sebaran posisi sepeda motor pada jalur jalan pada berbagai situasi lalulintas. Observasi pada penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Jalan Kyai Tapa, Jakarta Barat, pada jam sibuk pagi (7.00-10.00), tengah hari (11.00-13.00), dan sore (14.30-17.30) pada arah tersibuk. Observasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan handycam dari atas jembatan penyeberangan yang melintang di atas jalan yang diobservasi. Pada saat penayangan hasil liputan kamera, monitor televisi diberi tanda pada tiap jalur, untuk memisahkannya menjadi lima sektor tiap lajur. Jumlah sepeda motor yang berada pada tiap sektor didata tiap periode waktu 5 menit. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa nilai rasio volume terhadap kapasitas (rasio V/C) sebagian besar berkisar antara 0,5 hingga 0,8 dengan komposisi kendaraan yang cenderung konstan. Akibatnya sulit dilihat korelasi yang valid antara rasio V/C dan komposisi kendaran dengan sebaran posisi sepeda motor.Kata
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