18,463 research outputs found

    The Coloniser and the Colonised: Reflections on Translation as Contested Space

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    Tulisan ini mengemukakan pentingnya pemahaman penerjemah mengenai “kata” dari sebuah karya. Kata “coloniser” dan “colonised” yang muncul dalam karya Albert Memmi memiliki relevansi dengan pengertian kolonial yang bersifat metaforis. Oleh karena itu, seorang penerjemah, dalam melihat kedua kata itu, haruslah terfokus pada teks itu sendiri dan merefleksikannya. Secara singkat ada banyak cara untuk melihat karakteristik yang beragam dari hubungan antara penerjemah beserta terjemahannya dan penulisny

    Culture Research in the Recent Work of Itamar Even-Zohar

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    Even-Zohar sangat dihormati di kalangan peneliti Kajian Terjemahan untuk sumbangan teoritisnya dalam wilayah kajian ”Polysystem Theory”. Makalah ini memberikan pengantar ke karya terbaru Even-Zohar dalam wilayah ”penelitian budaya” (yang ia bedakan dari Kajian Budaya). Karya tersebut menempatkan pemikirannya dalam kerangka kerja yang diturunkan dari Formalisme Rusia dan, yang lebih baru, Semiotika Rusia. Fokus utama makalahnya dalam Penelitian Budaya (2004/2005) adalah pada budaya sebagai sistem sosio-semiotika, yang memungkinkan adanya refleksi dan aksi. Sebuah istilah penting dalam membahas sistem-sistem adalah ”repertoar”, yaitu aturan-aturan dan materi-materi yang mengatur pembuatan dan penggunaan objek-objek budaya tertentu. Tulisan Even-Zohar berusaha menempatkan repertoar di dalam kerangka kerja yang lebih luas, dan memungkinkan penemuan serta pemindahan repertoar-repertoar tersebut di antara kelompok-kelompok sosial. Peran para pembuat-ide sangatlah penting dalam pemindahan ini. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan relevansi ”penelitian budaya” terhadap Kajian Terjemahan. Ini menunjukan bahwa ide-ide Zohar hanya dapat digunakan secara terbatas, tetapi mampu menyediakan dasar untuk refleksi lebih jauh tentang peran penerjemah dan penerjemahan, khususnya di banyak negara-bangsa baru

    Marina La Malinche: Writing Across Cultures

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    Tulisan ini membahas karya pengarang perempuan Prancis, Kim Lefévre. Lefévredilahirkan di Vietnam dari ayah Prancis dan ibu Vietnam—ia sendiri kini tinggal di Prancis.Karya-karya autobiografinya berkenaan dengan kompleksitas identitas campurannya. Dalamkarya novelnya Marina la Malinche, ia menyajikan kehidupan seorang wanita penerjemah,Malinche, selama invasi Spanyol di Meksiko. Malinche saat ini dianggap oleh orang Meksikosebagai pengkhianat bangsa. Dalam novel itu Lefévre menggunakan tokoh Malinche sebagaicermin problem identitasnya. Penerjemah hanyalah seorang “pengkhianat” ketika ia menjadikorban kekuatan di luar dirinya

    Ground Effect for Lifting Rotors in Forward Flight

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    A theoretical analysis indicates that, for rotors, ground effect decreases rapidly with increases in either height above the ground or forward speed. The decrease with height above the ground in forward flights is greater than that in hovering. The major part of the decrease in ground effect with forward speed occurs at speeds less than 1.5 times the hovering mean induced velocity. Consequently, the total induced velocity at the rotor center increases rather than decreases when a helicopter gathers speed at low height above the ground

    Mechanisms of multiyear variations of Northern Australia wet-season rainfall

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    Northern Australia wet season (November–April) rainfall exhibits strong variability on multiyear timescales. In order to reveal the underlying mechanisms of this variability, we investigate observational records for the period 1900–2017. At multiyear timescales, the rainfall varies coherently across north-western Australia (NW) and north-eastern Australia (NE), but the variability in these two regions is largely independent. The variability in the NE appears to be primarily controlled by the remote influence of low frequency variations of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In contrast, multiyear variations in the NW appear to be largely driven locally and stem from a combination of rainfall-wind-evaporation feedback, whereby enhanced land-based rainfall is associated with westerly wind anomalies to the west that enhance local evaporation over the ocean to feed the enhanced land based rainfall, and soil moisture-rainfall feedback. Soil-moisture and associated evapotranspiration over northern Australia appear to act as sources of memory for sustaining multiyear wet and dry conditions in the NW. Our results imply that predictability of multiyear rainfall variations over the NW may derive from the initial soil moisture state and its memory, while predictability in the NE will be limited by the predictability of the low frequency variations of ENSO

    The Tully-Fisher and mass-size relations from halo abundance matching

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    The Tully-Fisher relation (TFR) expresses the connection between rotating galaxies and the dark matter haloes they inhabit, and therefore contains a wealth of information about galaxy formation. We construct a general framework to investigate whether models based on halo abundance matching are able to reproduce the observed stellar mass TFR and mass-size relation (MSR), and use the data to constrain galaxy formation parameters. Our model tests a range of plausible scenarios, differing in the response of haloes to disc formation, the relative angular momentum of baryons and dark matter, the impact of selection effects, and the abundance matching parameters. We show that agreement with the observed TFR puts an upper limit on the scatter between galaxy and halo properties, requires weak or reversed halo contraction, and favours selection effects that preferentially eliminate fast-rotating galaxies. The MSR constrains the ratio of the disc to halo specific angular momentum to be approximately in the range 0.6-1.2. We identify and quantify two problems that models of this nature face. (1) They predict too large an intrinsic scatter for the MSR, and (2) they predict too strong an anticorrelation between the TFR and MSR residuals. We argue that resolving these problems requires introducing a correlation between stellar surface density and enclosed dark matter mass. Finally, we explore the expected difference between the TFRs of central and satellite galaxies, finding that in the favoured models this difference should be detectable in a sample of ~700 galaxies.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; revised to match published MNRAS versio

    Ligand Substitution Processes

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    From the preface: The subject of the mechanistic study of ligand substitution reactions is currently undergoing an exciting growth. New fast-reaction techniques have removed the upper limit on rates that can be measured, and extension to less familiar central metal atoms has begun in earnest. This might seem the wrong moment for review of the field. As yet, definitive treatment is possible only for those complexes involving monodentate ligands with cobalt(III) and platinurn(II). But, because information is so extensive for these systems, it is clear that they are functioning as models from which concepts and experiments are generated for application over the fast-growing range of the subject. We believe that this is an important moment to reopen debate on fundamentals so that concepts will be most felicitously formulated to aid growth of understanding. This monograph is centrally concerned with three aspects of those fundamentals. We have attempted to develop an approach to classification of ligand substitution reactions that is adapted to what seem to have emerged as the characteristic features of these reactions and is susceptible to operational tests. (We do recognize that any such scheme of ideas is necessarily obsolescent once it is formulated since new experiments will certainly follow immediately.) We have tried to evaluate the basis for making generalizations about ligand substitution processes and to formulate tests to show whether new reactions fall within familiar patterns. Finally, we have sought to base the models of ligand substitution processes in the language of molecular-orbital theory. We believe that MO theory is most useful, because it may be used to correlate rate data on complexes with the extensive information available from spectral and magnetic studies, yet differs from crystal-field theory in providing a natural place for consideration of the bonding electrons, which must be a principal determinant of reaction processes. To keep this essay within bounds, we assume familiarity with the elements of experimental kinetics, transition-state theory, and the simple molecular-orbital theory of complexes. Introductory physical chemistry, some familiarity with the study of reaction mechanisms, and mastery of one of the qualitative treatments of MO theory as applied to transition-metal complexes should provide sufficient background. Thus, we hope that this book will be useful to students, relatively early in their careers, who wish to explore this field. Our debts to very many workers will be obvious throughout. We want to record here our special personal debt to Professors Ralph G. Pearson and Fred Basolo and to Dr. Martin Tobe. We particularly thank Professor George S. Hammond for his interest and enthusiasm in this project. Professor Hammond carefully read and criticized the entire manuscript in the final drafts. We received many other valuable criticisms at various stages of this project from Professors R. D. Archer, F. Basolo, J. O. Edwards, J. Finholt, P. Haake, J. Halpern, A. Kropf, R. G. Pearson, S. I. Shupack, M. S. Silver, and C. Walling, and Dr. U. Belluco and Dr. L. Cattalini. We very much appreciate their help and probably should have followed their suggestions more closely. We warmly acknowledge expert assistance from Mrs. Madeline deFriesse, Miss Jan Denby, and Mrs. Diane Celeste in preparation of the manuscript. COOPER H. LANGFORD HARRY B. GRAY Amherst, Massachusetts New York, New York October 196

    Ligand Substitution Dynamics

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    Substitution of a ligand in an inner sphere complex by an outside group is the most fundamental reaction in metal ion chemistr
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