1,674 research outputs found

    From Grain to Feed

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    Horse beans are used as an example of grain, which have potentials to substitute fish meal in fish feed. After several grinding and fractionation steps it was possible to obtain a protein-rich horse bean fraction with a yield of 19 %. This fraction contained 55.9 % protein. The high protein content together with the amino acid profile makes the fraction very suitable as a substitute to fish meal in fish feed. The protein-rich fraction was used as a successful additive in extruded fish pellets

    Net blotch severity is best assessed at early grain filling with respect to its effect on grain weight of spring barley

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    Appropriate disease assessment methods and parameters reflecting whole-season disease severity levels in field plots remain important issues in studies related to plant disease epidemiology, disease resistance of crop cultivars, and disease-induced yield losses. Such methods and parameters should be yield-related to ensure relevance. Net blotch severity was determined over time in inoculated and non-inoculated field plots of three spring barley varieties by whole plot assessments and by assessments of individual leaves of single main tillers. Disease severity measures such as the area-under-disease-progress-curve, mean and maximum severity as well as severity levels at specific growth stages (GS) were derived from the data. Their relation to thousand grain weight (TGW) and their inter-correlations were examined by means of general linear model (GLM) and factor analyses (FA), respectively. All parameters of net blotch severity were significantly negatively correlated with TGW. Disease parameters derived from whole-plot assessments gave a slightly better explanation of TGW than parameters derived by assessing single main tillers. Net blotch severity at GS 70 (beginning of grain filling) of whole plot assessments yielded the highest adjusted R-squared (0.43) while the adjusted R-squared values resulting from using the same parameter of assessments of the upper three, four or all leaves of single tillers were between 0.34 and 0.35. Also, the residuals of TGW of GLM’s using disease covariates from whole-plot assessments and variety effects as independent variables exhibited less pattern related to other sources of variation than residuals of the corresponding models that used single-tiller-based disease covariates. FA revealed that all disease parameters were highly inter-correlated and co-varied along the 1 principal component axis. The results indicate that disease assessments at GS 70 are appropriate to reflect whole-season severity levels of net blotch. In this respect, the time consuming single-tiller method is in this respect not superior to the simpler whole-plot method. However, assessing individual leaf layers of single tillers allows to observe the epidemic development and thus to examine the dynamics of epidemics in much greater detail than assessing whole-plots. This showed, for example, how much each leaf layer contributed at any given time to the total disease and revealed that a substantial fraction of the total disease is being removed during the course of an epidemic by senescence of diseased lower leaves. This level of detail in examining the dynamics of epidemics cannot be achieved by the whole-plot method

    Trust in a student-teacher interaction

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    Abstract. The topic of this research is trust in a student-teacher interaction. We can say that trust lays the foundation for learning that alone has an influence on a child’s future. However, when observing trust from a wider spectrum, it is an intrinsic factor in our everyday life — at work, home and free time. It is an invisible factor that we use instinctively when making decisions and therefore it has an influence on our judgments, choices we make, and behavior. The primary purpose of this study is to determine how teachers interpret the concept of trust in a student-teacher interaction, and to study the factors that may have an influence on the trust relationship. Two research questions are posed: 1) How do teachers interpret trust in a student-teacher interaction? 2) What are teachers’ views on the factors impacting the trust in the student-teacher interaction? The data for this research consists of answers of 23 elementary school teachers that took part in the questionnaire, including 5 open ended questions. These answers are analyzed as a part of phenomenographic content analysis. The theoretical framework of this study briefly introduces trust as a part of social capital, focusing on observing it from a sociological point of view. The preliminary focus of the theoretical framework is to define trust in a school context, putting the main emphasis on the student-teacher interaction. The results of this research indicated that teachers value the feeling of safety as the main groundwork for the student-teacher relationship, which consists of factors such as teachers being a safe adult, security and genuine care. Other themes that stood out from the comments of the teachers were openness, consistency and respect. These themes also involve multiple different factors that have an impact on the main concepts in the field of trust in an interaction between students and teachers, which will be introduced closer in this study.Luottamus opettajan ja oppilaan vĂ€lisessĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa. TiivistelmĂ€. Tutkielmassani tutkin peruskoulun luokanopettajien kĂ€sityksiĂ€ luottamuksesta opettajan ja oppilaan vĂ€lisessĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa. Voimme todeta, ettĂ€ luottamus rakentaa vahvan perustan oppimiselle, jolla yksistÀÀn on suuri merkitys lapsen tulevaisuudelle. Kun tarkastellaan luottamusta laajemmasta nĂ€kökulmasta, on se hyvin olennainen osa meidĂ€n jokapĂ€ivĂ€istĂ€ elĂ€mÀÀ: töissĂ€, kotona ja vapaa-aikana. Luottamus on nĂ€kymĂ€tön tekijĂ€, jota kĂ€ytĂ€mme vaistomaisesti pÀÀtöksissĂ€ ja mÀÀrittÀÀkin siksi paljon tekemiĂ€mme valintoja, pÀÀtöksiĂ€ sekĂ€ kĂ€ytöstĂ€mme. Ensisijainen tavoite tĂ€lle pro gradu -tutkielmalle on ymmĂ€rtÀÀ ja avata opettajien kĂ€sityksiĂ€ luottamuksesta vuorovaikutuksessa sekĂ€ syventÀÀ nĂ€itĂ€ teemoja tuomalla esiin asioita, jotka niihin vaikuttavat. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat: 1) Kuinka opettajat ymmĂ€rtĂ€vĂ€t luottamuksen oppilaan ja opettajan vĂ€lisessĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa? 2) MinkĂ€laiset asiat vaikuttavat luottamukseen opettajan ja oppilaan vĂ€lisessĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa? Tutkimusmateriaalini koostuu 23 opettajan antamista vastauksista semistruckturoituun, viiden kohdan kyselylomakkeeseen. NĂ€mĂ€ vastaukset analysoitiin osana fenomenografista sisĂ€llönanalyysia. Teoreettinen viitekehys esittelee lyhyesti luottamuksen osana sosiaalista pÀÀomaa sosiologisesta nĂ€kökulmasta katsottuna. Tutkimuksen teoriaosion ensisijainen tehtĂ€vĂ€ on mÀÀritellĂ€ luottamus koulukontekstissa keskittyen opettajan ja oppilaan vĂ€liseen vuorovaikutukseen. Tutkimukset tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ opettajat antavat huomattavan paljon arvoa turvan tunteelle, joka toimii lĂ€htökohtana opettajan ja oppilaan toimivalle suhteelle ja joka koostuu asioista kuten opettajan roolista turvallisena aikuisena, aidosta vĂ€littĂ€misestĂ€ sekĂ€ turvallisuudesta. Muita teemoja, joita vastauksista nousi esille, on avoimuus, johdonmukaisuus ja arvostus. NĂ€mĂ€ teemat myös sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€t monia tekijöitĂ€, jotka puolestaan vaikuttavat luottamukseen opettajan ja oppilaan vĂ€lisessĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa ja joita tutkimukseni kĂ€sittelee tarkemmin

    Spiser kvĂŠg som en grĂžnthĂžster, eller er de krĂŠsne

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    De fire arter, som studene selekterede positivt, var alle naturarter, nemlig alm. kvik, manna-sÞdgrÊs, alm. hÞnsetarm og flÞjlsgrÊs. Af de arter, som studene selekterede negativt, var der to kulturarter, rÞd svingel og engrapgrÊs, samt to naturarter, mosebunke og knÊbÞjet rÊvehale. Studenes selektion var ikke knyttet til kvalitet for fodervÊrdi i form af fordÞjeligt organisk stof, rÄprotein eller cellevÊgsindhold (NDF)

    challenges to multi-level capacity building

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    Communities facing the effects of climate change are actively trying to boost their resilience. At the same time, governments are mainstreaming climate change into their development frameworks. Close examination of current practice, however, points at a disconnect between government policy and community initiatives. This study explores how strengthening specific capabilities at various levels can ensure synchronization of policy and practice and further community resilience in face of climate change. Choosing an approach that appreciates the interplay of top-­‐down and bottom-­‐up logics towards performance under stress, it illust rates that understanding resilience in terms of capacity opens the door to practical thinking on policies as well as practices. Evidence is taken from case studies in Chile and Vietnam to show how governments can play an enabling role when connecting their efforts to initiatives taken by communities. At the same time, top-­‐down structures, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), can help to break silos between different (inter)national political agendas and underscore the need to link top-­‐down and bottom-­‐up approaches to ensure resilience. This paper contends that improving communities' adaptive capacity demands bridging the disconnect between multiple levels of policy and practice. In doing so, different, and too often conflicting, values, interests, and political agendas need to be aligned. Moreconcretely, we found that resilience, as an emergent property of human systems, can be enhanced when government and local stakeholders work together in a number of specific areas. For instance, combining multi-­‐stakeholder platforms in which diverse actors – ranging from policy-­‐makers to researchers to community representatives – translate lessons learned at the community level intolocal and national policy, with initiatives aimed at strengthening capacitiesand ensuring access to relevant assets at the community level

    Spin-Resolved (e,2e) Coincidences for Heavy Rare-Gas Targets

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    It has been well established that the Coulomb force alone can produce spin-dependent effects for electron-impact excitation of heavy rare-gas atoms if the incident electrons are spin polarized and the final J state of the atom is resolved. This effect has become known as the fine-structure effect. Here we demonstrate that the same type of effect may be expected for electron-impact ionization

    Relationships among Gas Production, End Products of Rumen Fermentation and Microbial N Produced in vitro at Two Incubation Times

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    This experiment compared linear relationships among end-products of rumen fermentation measured at the time (t.) at which a feed produces half of its asymptotic gas production) or at 48 h. Meadow hay and corn grain were incubated for t. (16 and 9 h, respectively) or for 48 h into glass bottles. Each bottle (310 ml) was filled with feed sample (0.5 g) and 75 ml of buffered rumen fluid, and incubated at 39.0°C. Gas production (GP) was measured using the ANKOMRF System, and gas accumulated in headspace of bottles was released at 3.4 kPa. At t. or 48 h, fermentation fluids were analysed for ammonia N (N-NH3), volatile fatty acids (VFA), residual NDF and N bound to residual NDF (N-NDF). Values of GP were also predicted from VFA. Microbial N (MN) was computed as the difference between N present at the beginning and at the end of incubation. At 48 h, the relationship between GP measured and predicted from VFA was weak (R2 = 0.67; equation not shown), whereas the linear relationship was better at t. (R2 = 0.94). At t., the relationship between N-NH3 and measured GP was strong (R2 = 0.84), as well as that between MN and measured GP (R2 = 0.92). Conversely, these variables were not well related at 48 h. At t., the valerate content in rumen fluid was negligible. However, relatively large amounts of valerate were measured after 48 h, probably the result of microbial lysis. Results suggest that relationships among end-products of rumen fermentation can be more accurately evaluated at a substrate-specific incubation time (t.) rather than at 48 h
