21 research outputs found

    Thread-level Parallelism in Fault Simulation of Deep Neural Networks on Multi-Processor Systems

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    High-performance fault simulation is one of the essential and preliminary tasks in the process of online and offline testing of machine learning (ML) hardware. Deep neural networks (DNN), as one of the essential parts of ML programs, are widely used in many critical and non-critical applications in Systems-on-Chip and ASIC designs. Through fault simulation for DNNs, by increasing the number of neurons, the fault simulation time increases exponentially. However, the software architecture of neural networks and the lack of dependency between neurons in each inference layer provide significant opportunity for parallelism of the fault simulation time in a multi-processor platform. In this paper, a multi-thread technique for hierarchical fault simulation of neural network is proposed, targeting both permanent and transient faults. During the process of fault simulation the neurons for each inference layer will be distributed among the executing threads. Since in the process of hierarchical fault simulation, the faulty neuron demands proportionally enormous computation comparing to behavioural model of non-faulty neurons, the faulty neuron will be assigned to one thread while the rest of the neurons will be divided among the remaining threads. Experimental results confirm the time efficiency of the proposed fault simulation technique on multi-processor architectures

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Collision Avoidance Systems and Approaches

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    Moving towards autonomy, unmanned vehicles rely heavily on state-of-the-art collision avoidance systems (CAS). A lot of work is being done to make the CAS as safe and reliable as possible, necessitating a comparative study of the recent work in this important area. The paper provides a comprehensive review of collision avoidance strategies used for unmanned vehicles, with the main emphasis on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). It is an in-depth survey of different collision avoidance techniques that are categorically explained along with a comparative analysis of the considered approaches w.r.t. different scenarios and technical aspects. This also includes a discussion on the use of different types of sensors for collision avoidance in the context of UAVs

    Energy-Efficient Formation Morphing for Collision Avoidance in a Swarm of Drones

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    Two important aspects in dealing with autonomous navigation of a swarm of drones are collision avoidance mechanism and formation control strategy; a possible competition between these two modes of operation may have negative implications for success and efficiency of the mission. This issue is exacerbated in the case of distributed formation control in leader-follower based swarms of drones since nodes concurrently decide and act through individual observation of neighbouring nodes' states and actions. To dynamically handle this duality of control, a plan of action for multi-priority control is required. In this paper, we propose a method for formation-collision co-awareness by adapting the thin-plate splines algorithm to minimize deformation of the swarm's formation while avoiding obstacles. Furthermore, we use a non-rigid mapping function to reduce the lag caused by such maneuvers. Simulation results show that the proposed methodology maintains the desired formation very closely in the presence of obstacles, while the response time and overall energy efficiency of the swarm is significantly improved in comparison with the existing methods where collision avoidance and formation control are only loosely coupled. Another important result of using non-rigid mapping is that the slowing down effect of obstacles on the overall speed of the swarm is significantly reduced, making our approach especially suitable for time critical missions

    Thermal-Cycling-aware Dynamic Reliability Management in Many-Core System-on-Chip

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    Dynamic Reliability Management (DRM) is a common approach to mitigate aging and wear-out effects in multi- /many-core systems. State-of-the-art DRM approaches apply finegrained control on resource management to increase/balance the chip reliability while considering other system constraints, e.g., performance, and power budget. Such approaches, acting on various knobs such as workload mapping and scheduling, Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and Per-Core Power Gating (PCPG), demonstrated to work properly with the various aging mechanisms, such as electromigration, and Negative-Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI). However, we claim that they do not suffice for thermal cycling. Thus, we here propose a novel thermal-cycling-aware DRM approach for shared-memory many-core systems running multi-threaded applications. The approach applies a fine-grained control capable at reducing both temperature levels and variations. The experimental evaluations demonstrated that the proposed approach is able to achieve 39% longer lifetime than past approaches


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    Hierarchical Fault Simulation of Deep Neural Networks on Multi-Core Systems

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    In this paper, a hierarchical fault simulation technique for neural networks is proposed, supporting both permanent and temporary faults. In the proposed technique, different levels of hierarchy are used, forming a mixed-level simulation environment. In such an environment, the pre-synthesis behavioral specification of the network and the post-synthesis gate-level model are co-simulated. To accelerate the fault simulation process, faults are injected in the gate-level specification of the selected neurons while the behavioral model in different levels of abstraction is used to simulate the remaining neurons. Further speedup is obtained through event-driven simulation and parallelization. Experimental results confirm the time efficiency of the proposed fault simulation technique

    Energy-Efficient Mobile Robot Control via Run-time Monitoring of Environmental Complexity and Computing Workload

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    We propose an energy-efficient controller to minimize the energy consumption of a mobile robot by dynamically manipulating the mechanical and computational actuators of the robot. The mobile robot performs real-time vision-based applications based on an event-based camera. The actuators of the controller are CPU voltage/frequency for the computation part and motor voltage for the mechanical part. We show that independently considering speed control of the robot and voltage/frequency control of the CPU does not necessarily result in an energy-efficient solution. In fact, to obtain the highest efficiency, the computation and mechanical parts should be controlled together in synergy. We propose a fast hill-climbing optimization algorithm to allow the controller to find the best CPU/motor configuration at run-time and whenever the mobile robot is facing a new environment during its travel. Experimental results on a robot with Brushless DC Motors, Jetson TX2 board as the computing unit, and a DAVIS-346 event-based camera show that the proposed control algorithm can save battery energy by an average of 50.5%, 41%, and 30%, in low-complexity, medium-complexity, and high-complexity environments, over baselines