506 research outputs found

    Experiences of people living with HIV and people living close to them of a comprehensive HIV stigma reduction community intervention in an urban and a rural setting

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    HIV stigma remains high globally. Although there is a selection of HIV stigma reduction interventions discussed in the literature, there is a paucity of research about the effectiveness of these interventions. This study aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences of people living with HIV (PLWH) and people living close to them from six designated groups during and after having undergone a comprehensive HIV stigma reduction community intervention in both an urban and a rural setting. Attention was focused on their expressed  experiences of the workshop and projects executed. A qualitative interpretive description approach was used. PLWH as participants were selected through purposive voluntary sampling and through snowball sampling for the people living close to them. Recruitment was from both urban and rural settings in the North West Province, South Africa. Data collection was via in-depth interviews with 23 PLWH and 60 people living close to them from specific designated groups. The data were thematically analysed through manual open coding. The results from the urban and rural settings were pooled, as there were no noteworthy differences in the themes between them. The results indicated that there was an increase in knowledge in all the groups, as well as experiences of enhanced relationships and of being equipped with leadership skills in order to go out into the community and being part of HIV stigma reduction actions. The intervention in its comprehensive nature was found to have been successful and promising for future use in reducing HIV stigma.Keywords: community, comprehensive, HIV, intervention, stigmaLa stigmatisation lie´e au VIH est re´pandue dans le monde. Bien que la documentation sur le sujet aborde un ensemble d’interventions en faveur de sa re´duction, les recherches sur l’efficacite´ de telles interventions restent limite´es. Cette e´tude vise donc a` mieux comprendre l’expe´rience des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) et de leur entourage dans six groupes se´lectionne´s pendant et apre`s une intervention communautaire globale de re´duction de la stigmatisation lie´e au VIH, en milieu urbain et rural. L’on a accorde´ une attention  particulie`re aux expe´riences partage´es sur l’atelier et les projets entrepris. Une approche de description qualitative et interpre´tative a e´te´ adopte´e. Les PVVIH participantes ont e´te´ se´lectionne´es graˆce a` un e´chantillonnage dirige´ et volontaire, et un e´chantillon boule de neige pour l’entourage. Les personnes recrute´es provenaient de milieux urbains et ruraux de la province du Nord-Ouest, Afrique du Sud. La collecte de donne´es s’est faite par des entretiens approfondis avec 23 PVVIH et 60 personnes de leur entourage, toutes issues de groupes spe´cifiques de´signe´s. Les donne´es ont e´te´ analyse´es the´matiquement par codage  ouvert et manuel. Les re´sultats des milieux urbains et ruraux ont ensuite e´te´ regroupe´s car il ne semblait pas y avoir de diffe´rence remarquable entre les the`mes souleve´s dans les deux milieux. Dans tous les  groupes, les re´sultats indiquaient un accroissement des connaissances, de l’ame´lioration des relations, et des compe´tences de leadership pour prendre part a` la vie communautaire et participer aux activite´s de re´duction de la stigmatisation. La re´ussite de la nature globale de l’intervention est prometteuse pour les activite´s  futures de re´duction de la stigmatisation du VIH.Mots-cle´s: communaute´, global(e), VIH, intervention, stigmatisatio

    Finnsheep and their utilization in crosses with the Merino under range conditions of South-Africa

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    Two field trials were performed at two localities in a semiarid region to evaluate the performance of Finn (F) x Merino(M) crossbred females. The trials involved 781 F x M ewes and 657 M ewes. Ile de France, S.A. Mutton Merino, Dohne Merino, M, and F x M rams were used for matings. The F x M ewes were superior to M ewes in lambing-%, especially after mating as lambs, and the fecundities were 187and 107 %, resp. Multiple lambs of F x M ewes had better survival rates than those of M ewes. Lambs born from F x M ewes grew faster, had a larger weaning mass, over 10 % longer stables, ca. 2 mm thicker fibres, 30 % lower clean fleece weights, and a little less crimps/25 mm than those born from M ewes. Thus, F x M seemed to provide a suitable and acceptable composite showing remarkable adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. The results from the F x M wool and its special qualities can be regarded as useful attributes. Establishment of a composite F x M female line appeared well-founded

    Role of glucose and CcpA in capsule expression and virulence of Streptococcus suis

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    Streptococcus suis is one of the most important pathogens in pigs and is also an emerging zoonotic agent. After crossing the epithelial barrier, S. suis causes bacteraemia, resulting in meningitis, endocarditis and bronchopneumonia. Since the host environment seems to be an important regulatory component for virulence, we related expression of virulence determinants of S. suis to glucose availability during growth and to the sugar metabolism regulator catabolite control protein A (CcpA). We found that expression of the virulence-associated genes arcB, representing arcABC operon expression, cps2A, representing capsular locus expression, as well as sly, ofs, sao and epf, differed significantly between exponential and early stationary growth of a highly virulent serotype 2 strain. Deletion of ccpA altered the expression of the surface-associated virulence factors arcB, sao and eno, as well as the two currently proven virulence factors in pigs, ofs and cps2A, in early exponential growth. Global expression analysis using a cDNA expression array revealed 259 differentially expressed genes in early exponential growth, of which 141 were more highly expressed in the CcpA mutant strain 10ÂżccpA and 118 were expressed to a lower extent. Interestingly, among the latter genes, 18 could be related to capsule and cell wall synthesis. Correspondingly, electron microscopy characterization of strain 10ÂżccpA revealed a markedly reduced thickness of the capsule. This phenotype correlated with enhanced binding to porcine plasma proteins and a reduced resistance to killing by porcine neutrophils. Taken together, our data demonstrate that CcpA has a significant effect on the capsule synthesis and virulence properties of S. suis

    Evaluation of waist-to-height ratio to predict 5 year cardiometabolic risk in sub-Saharan African adults

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    Simple, low-cost central obesity measures may help identify individuals with increased cardiometabolic disease risk, although it is unclear which measures perform best in African adults. We aimed to: 1) cross-sectionally compare the accuracy of existing waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and waist circumference (WC) thresholds to identify individuals with hypertension, pre-diabetes, or dyslipidaemia; 2) identify optimal WC and WHtR thresholds to detect CVD risk in this African population; and 3) assess which measure best predicts 5-year CVD riskPeer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Comparison of urine with urethral swabs for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in men attending an STD clinic

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    Urethral swabs and first-catch urine specimens for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis were collected from 370 black men with urethritis who attended a sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic in Pretoria. An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for C. trachomatis was carried out on all urethral swabs and urine specimens. Chlamydial culture and a direct immunofluorescent antibody (DFA) test (Imagen, Dako, UK) were also carried out on urethral swabs; DFA was used for confirmation of urine EIA positives.Based on culture and/or DFA, C. trachomatis was detected in 96 (26%) urethral swab specimens. The sensitivity of urine EIA investigation was 94% and the specificity 99%, compared with those of urethral swab EIA which. were 97% and 99% respectively. The positive and negative predictive values for urine were 96% and 98% compared with 96% and 99% respectively for urethral swabs. Urine examination was therefore sensitive and specific compared with urethral swab examination in these STD patients. In view of this, the advantage of urine as an alternative to urethral swabs for C. trachomatis detection is that sampling is non-invasive and non-traumatic

    Lattice Dynamics and the High Pressure Equation of State of Au

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    Elastic constants and zone-boundary phonon frequencies of gold are calculated by total energy electronic structure methods to twofold compression. A generalized force constant model is used to interpolate throughout the Brillouin zone and evaluate moments of the phonon distribution. The moments are used to calculate the volume dependence of the Gruneisen parameter in the fcc solid. Using these results with ultrasonic and shock data, we formulate the complete free energy for solid Au. This free energy is given as a set of closed form expressions, which are valid to compressions of at least V/V_0 = 0.65 and temperatures up to melting. Beyond this density, the Hugoniot enters the solid-liquid mixed phase region. Effects of shock melting on the Hugoniot are discussed within an approximate model. We compare with proposed standards for the equation of state to pressures of ~200 GPa. Our result for the room temperature isotherm is in very good agreement with an earlier standard of Heinz and Jeanloz.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Lipoprotein signal peptidase of Streptococcus suis serotype 2

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    This paper reports the complete coding sequence for a proliprotein signal peptidase (SP-ase) of Streptococcus suis, Lsp. This is believed to be the first SP-ase described for S. suis. SP-ase II is involved in the removal of the signal peptide from glyceride-modified prolipoproteins. By using in vitro transcription/translation systems, it was shown that the lsp gene was transcribed in vitro. Functionality of Lsp in Escherichia coli was demonstrated by using an in vitro globomycin resistance assay, to show that expression of Lsp in E. coli increased the globomycin resistance. An isogenic mutant of S. suis serotype 2 unable to produce Lsp was constructed and shown to process lipoproteins incorrectly, including an S. suis homologue of the pneumococcal PsaA lipoprotein. Five piglets were inoculated with a mixture of both strains in an experimental infection, to determine the virulence of the mutant strain relative to that of the wild-type strain in a competitive challenge experiment. The data showed that both strains were equally virulent, indicating that the knockout mutant of lsp is not attenuated in vivo

    Serum IgA Responses against Pertussis Proteins in Infected and Dutch wP or aP Vaccinated Children: An Additional Role in Pertussis Diagnostics

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    BACKGROUND: Whooping cough is a respiratory disease caused by Bordetella pertussis, which induces mucosal IgA antibodies that appear to be relevant in protection. Serum IgA responses are measured after pertussis infection and might provide an additional role in pertussis diagnostics. However, the possible interfering role for pertussis vaccinations in the induction of serum IgA antibodies is largely unknown. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We compared serum IgA responses in healthy vaccinated children between 1 and 10 years of age with those in children who despite vaccinations recently were infected with Bordetella pertussis. All children have been vaccinated at 2, 3, 4 and 11 months of age with either the Dutch whole-cell pertussis (wP) vaccine or an acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine and additionally received an aP booster vaccination at 4 years of age. Serum IgA responses to pertussis toxin (PT), filamentous heamagglutinin (FHA) and pertactin (Prn) were measured with a fluorescent multiplex bead-based immuno-assay. An ELISPOT-assay was used for the detection of IgA-memory B-cells specific to these antigens. Serum IgA levels to all pertussis vaccine antigens were significantly higher in infected children compared with healthy children. High correlations between anti-PT, anti-FHA or anti-Prn IgA and IgG levels were found in infected children and to some degree in wP primed children, but not at all in aP primed children. Highest numbers of IgA-pertussis-specific memory B-cells were observed after infection and generally comparable numbers were found after wP and aP vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new insight in the diagnostic role for serum IgA responses against PT in vaccinated children. Since aP vaccines induce high serum IgG levels that interfere with pertussis diagnostics, serum IgA-PT levels will provide an additional diagnostic role. High levels of serum IgA for PT proved specific for recent pertussis infection with reasonable sensitivity, whereas the role for IgA levels against FHA and Prn in diagnosing pertussis remains controversial

    Electron correlation in C_(4N+2) carbon rings: aromatic vs. dimerized structures

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    The electronic structure of C_(4N+2) carbon rings exhibits competing many-body effects of Huckel aromaticity, second-order Jahn-Teller and Peierls instability at large sizes. This leads to possible ground state structures with aromatic, bond angle or bond length alternated geometry. Highly accurate quantum Monte Carlo results indicate the existence of a crossover between C_10 and C_14 from bond angle to bond length alternation. The aromatic isomer is always a transition state. The driving mechanism is the second-order Jahn-Teller effect which keeps the gap open at all sizes.Comment: Submitted for publication: 4 pages, 3 figures. Corrected figure
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